
Monday, April 20, 2020

Never to Forget 2020: The Year the World Stayed Home

Nadene Goldfoot                                             
The Corona Virus has landed on our doorsteps.
It first infects the cells lining your throat, airways and lungs and turns them into "coronavirus factories" that spew out huge numbers of new viruses that go on to infect yet more cells.
It's happening to all of us on planet Earth.  We're forced to stay indoors in our homes because of the pandemic of the Corona Virus.  For us, it started in December.  

We've known about such a virus since 1965 which was like a cold, but how did SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, come into being? MERS and SARS are other bad ones.  Here’s what we know about the virus that was first detected in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and has set off a global pandemic.                                                    
New Yorkers are in their homes; only the essential go to work and keep
at a distance; from 6 feet to 10 feet

Even Israel, where so many scientific medical discoveries come from was taken by surprise and was hit hard as so many in this tiny 8,000 to 10,000 square mile state live in high-rise apartment buildings.  Especially hit hard was Mea Sharim, a very orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem.  

"As of April 3rd,  7,030 Israelis have so far tested positive for the coronavirus; Thirty-eight people have died, 115 are in serious condition and 95 are on life support. One Israeli tourist died in Italy. So far, 357 have recovered.
Police have set up cordons around roads leading in and out of Bnei Brak

The number of coronavirus cases in the ultra-Orthodox town of Bnei Brak, de facto a neighborhood of Tel Aviv, has jumped to over 1,000 on Friday. The rate of the increase has slowed down, however: as compared to the previous days’ 25 percent hikes, the number of cases grew by a mere 14 percent on Friday.  "An ultra-Orthodox Jewish town with one of the highest rates of coronavirus cases in Israel has been placed under effective lockdown.

The overall number of patients grew to 1,030 from 900 the previous day. Meanwhile, the number of cases has also grown significantly in Kokhav HaShahar (to a total of 11), Tiberias (84), Safed, Kochav Yaakov (31) and Modiin elite (97). (Aaron Rabinowitz)."  Is has been reported to be slowing down overall.  

"Mea Shearim (Hebrewמאה שערים, lit. "hundred gates"; contextually "a hundred fold") is one of the oldest Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem. It is populated by Haredi Jews, and was built by members of the Old Yishuv. The oldest Sephardic Haredi dynasty, Levi Kahana of Spain, has a religious cultural center in the neighborhood."
Ambulance in Mea Shearim to pick up someone
who has the Corona Virus
This is one of several ultra orthodox communities in Israel.
People who have depended on their religion to keep them healthy
and safe, now have to depend on the scientists as well,
and follow a world-wide adaption of isolation; meaning
to stay home and not to contaminate anyone.
The problem is that healthy people may be carriers and can
give the virus to others with more delicate immune systems.
The world's economics are being destroyed; hopefully-
only temporarily.  
Chasing down the carrier of the Corona Virus
This carrier left home against orders. 

"Modesty" posters in Hebrew and English are hung at every entrance to Mea Shearim. When visiting the neighborhood, women and girls are urged to wear what is deemed to be modest dress (knee-length skirts or longer, no plunging necklines or midriff tops, no sleeveless blouses or bare shoulders), men and boys are urged to avoid wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts, tourists are requested not to arrive in large, conspicuous groups and in some of the older signs even non-jews are requested to wear Kippahs. During Shabbat (from Friday night at sundown to Saturday night at sundown), visitors are asked to refrain from smoking, photography, driving or using mobile phones. When entering synagogues, men are asked to cover their heads.

Update for Israel who has 173 deaths from the Corona Virus with 13,654 who have the virus and 3,872 who have recovered.  



United States




United Kingdom



Strict laws of keeping someone who has the virus and must be isolated have to be obeyed everywhere.  It's very hard on this neighborhood.  It's hard on all of us everywhere but oh so necessary.  What I find hard is to talk to anyone and keep even 3 feet part.  We don't do this normally.  My walking cane is about 3 feet long.  Imagine a 6 foot distance that is now deemed too close, so we need 10 feet apart.  Thus:  isolation.  

Some people are demonstrating to toss out the rule now, when we haven't even all reached the peak nor have had all people tested.  The total population out of bed might just all be carriers to each other!!  Because we've been living with THE FLU which we get inoculated against each year, and have been living with that, they think we should take our chances; after all, it's just the flu.
Ramallah, empty streets 
The state of Palestine, and I don't know who this is, whether it's Judea and Samaria (West Bank) or Gaza, report today that they have 449 with the virus, 3 deaths and 71 have recovered.  
Corona Virus victims in hospital with ventilators 

This is not just any old flu.  This is the worst and destroys the internal body after one has had it as best it can.  It is the most highly infectious.  It is indeed one of the worst calamities that could befall this world population.  To top it off, all three religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam feel we are living at a time of the end of times when things are really about to happen-like a big-time-war.  Add nuclear capabilities to the mix and it's so probable.  Well, now we have this to add to our fears.  Science can defend us and science can destroy us.  We are living in a totally scientific world of cell phones, computers, and getting everything we want immediately.  We don't like to wait for anything;  thus the NOW generation demonstrating to get back to work or the politics of needing people to work for the economy.  

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