
Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Nadene Goldfoot
All of Palestine was to be the Jewish National Home as voted by world leaders in 1920 at the League of Nations.  Prince Abdullah from Saudi Arabia was able to fenagle the land west of the Jordan River from the British who held a 30 year mandate on Palestine.  The smell of oil was in the air.  
To answer people like Linda Sarsour, The "West Bank" Judea and Samaria,  was originally the home of ancient Israel.  Its size is even described in the Bible.  Our first 3 kings; Saul, David and his son Solomon shaped it from about 1030 BCE to 920 BCE.  

After losing Jerusalem in 70 CE to the attacking Romans after their occupation of over 100 years, Jews again regained their capital in 132 with their Aluf (General) Bar Kokhba, who held it for 3 years, dying in battle with the largest Roman army in his efforts to keep it.  Israel, which was northern Israel, having been attacked by the Assyrians and then Judah, which was the southern part of Israel, having been attacked by the Babylonians, had remained until 70 CE.  
We all know from accounts in the Bible that Israel's beginnings as an official state was from King Saul  of about 1030 BCE, so had their history for over a thousand years before the Romans came along.  Our people shed their  blood and their bones are buried there.  Remnants of their civilization are still there, being unearthed.                                    
Muslims recognize Moses as a prophet,
but seem to lack the knowledge that he led 600,000 Israelites
out of Egypt to where their ancestor Jacob was resettled; -to Canaan,
which today is part of Israel.  He married Rachel in Haran.  

It is no wonder that our people have wanted to go back, pay their respects by living in their DNA homeland.  This is where G-d had sent Moses to have those Israelites live in 1271 BCE.  Since then we have been those stubborn people who have believed in one G-d only, different from all the other people on the earth, following the rules Moses received from G-d for the Israelites to follow.  In remembrance to our history, Israel was the name of our new Israel of 1948, renewing  the values we were given.  
Hertzl (1860-1904)Father of Zionism
Hungarian journalist from Budapest, studied in Vienna.
In Paris became interested in "The Jewish Problem,"
first advocating assimilation like himself, then facing reality,
recognized the need for the Jewish Homeland. 

In contrast, beautiful Tel Aviv was founded only recently in 1909 as a garden city of Jaffa, and found their name in the title of the Hebrew translation of Theodor Herzl's novel, Altneuland.  It was about his zionist ideas as embodied in a utopean Jewish state in what was then called "Palestine."  He foresaw the reappearance of Israel.  See Ezekiel 3:15(exiles were living in Tel Abib near the River Chebar-probably in Babylonia) . Tel is a Dig and Aviv means Spring.  Herzl was then known as the journalist who realized that Jews then, at that time in history, needed their own state to live in and considered many places but saw from their own culture and religion that it had to be back in that barren insect infested no-man's land of Palestine, a place even ignored by the Ottomans. 
Arabs came to Palestine from all over the Middle East but mostly from Syria to help those on aliyah to build such places as Tel Aviv.  There were a few landowners but were able to happily sell their land to the crazy Jews who accepted their high prices for the wasteland that they no longer made a profit from as the Turkish taxes were too high for them.  They made a bee-line for such places as Damascus and Paris and Lebanon.  Everyone who lived in Palestine were called "Palestinians", even the Jews.  
Abdülhamid II, (born September 21, 1842, Constantinople [now Istanbul, Turkey]—died February 10, 1918, Constantinople), Ottoman sultan from 1876 to 1909, was an autocratic ruler. 

Hertzl was the Jew who went to Turkey, seat of the Ottoman Empire,  who would later be in WWI and lose their Empire to the Westerners as they sided with the Germans who lost, and in Turkey spoke with their great powers about the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine.  He even met the German kaiser William II in Constantinople and once again on his visit to Palestine in 1898 and was received by the sultan Abdul Hamid.  

What Hertzl needed then was financial backing.  Later in 1902 the sultan offered him a place for Jewish settlement in Turkey outside of Palestine.  That wouldn't do, so he began negotiations with Britain.  Hertzl died two years later.  He had had a weak heart and died in Austria.  The strain of yearning for a homeland was too much for his body.  
Baron Edmond  James de Rothchild
(August 19, 1845-November 2, 1934)
From the German Banking Dynasty of the House of Rothchild

Born into the banking business, he did little in this but devoted his time to the Arts and philanthropic interests.  He helped  to found scientific research institutions such as the Institut Henri Poincaré, the Institut de Biologie physico-chimique, the pre-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Casa Velázquez in Madrid, and the French Institute in London. In 1907, as a cofounder member, he also provided funds and support for the foundation of the Friends of the French National Museum of Natural History Society. He served as a member of the French Académie des Beaux-Arts and through it sponsored the archaeological digs of Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau in Egypt, Eustache de Lorey in Syria, and Raymond Weill in Palestine.

The first Jews to return to their ancient homeland now in Palestine in 1880 from Russia and elsewhere  were called people on the 1st Aliyah.   The Baron  and wife Adele were Jewish traditionalists with  Germany at Frankfort-on-Main's European origins but were born in France.   They helped this first Aliyah and supported their colonization as well as protect all the new settlements.  These people helped to educate the new agricultural population of Palestine.  Rothchild visited their sites in 1887, 1893, 1899, 1914 when WWI started, and 1925 when it had been over since 1918.  Altogether, he had bought 125,000 acres in Palestine and helped the settlers of Galilee and Samaria.  In his last years he worked with Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow, Zionist leader and Hebrew journalist from Poland.  In 1929 Chaim was honorary President of the Jewish Agency.  

Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv is named after him, as well as various localities throughout Israel which he assisted in founding. Rishon LeZion, the city which he helped to found named one of the central streets Rothschild Street, and in 1996 Rothschild Mall was built. Also named after him is the Parc Edmond de Rothschild (Edmond de Rothschild Park) in Boulogne-Billancourt, France.

   How about Israel's first President, Chaim Weizmann?  Born in 1874 and dying in 1952, was the 1st President of Israel in 1948.  He's pictured here on the left in 1919 in Paris with Emir Feisal/Feisal Ibn Hussein, born 1885 and died in 1933, king of  Iraq and Syria.  They attended the League of Nations meetings together.  They had reached a mutual agreement on mutual aid, conditional on the implementation of the British promises to the Arabs.  Later he was expulsed from Syria by the French in 1920 and the Palestinian Arab leaders changed his attitude about Zionism.  He appeared to then become hostile.  

He was a chemist who studied in German and Swiss universities and in 1904 became a lecturer in biological chemistry in Manchester, England.  By 1916 in the middle of WWI he became director of the British Admiralty Chemical Laboratories.  He was a Jew deeply influenced by Haskalah and early on associated with Herzl's movement of returning to our roots.  As a scientist he had an international reputation for his discoveries in organic chemistry relating to the fermentation of acetetone-butyl and the production of synthetic rubber. His chemistry helped to create better ammunition for the Brits.  Otherwise they may have lost the war.  Under his leadership, the Zionists gave their support to the Brits during WWII.  

  Weizmann had succeeded in obtaining the BALFOUR DECLARATION, a letter written by Lord Balfour on November 2, 1917, the British Foreign Secretary, declaring that the British Government favors the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.   Nothing would be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.  

At that,  Arabs kept Arabs at bay in Palestine, convincing them to stay in camps.  They were their worst enemy.  Jews have continued to face anti-Semitism, that which had driven them to need to return to a newly opened Jewish Homeland.  That anti-Semitism is again growing today, getting closer and closer to the level it had found itself in 1939 at the start of WWII.  Israel is the one and only Jewish state in the world.  It contains about 6 million Jews.  20% of their population is made up of Arabs.  They are full citizens.  

Arabs in Gaza continue to attack Israel with mortars, rockets and missiles as well as fires.  
Now Linda Sarsour, shown above with Ilhan Omar, both in Democrat Politics,  is using a WWII (Nazi) tactics to dehumanize Israelis. She is urging  her followers not to fall into the trap of “humanizing” Israelis. Dehumanization was a classic Nazi tactic used against Jews during World War II.  This is plain anti-Semitism, and the sad thing is that she is a most vocal person in our government.  

EDITED 2/20/2020-9:38pm  Title change
Resource: The New Standard Jewish Encylopedia

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