
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The A Team of Terrorists: Hezbollah, the Proxy of Iran

Nadene Goldfoot

Hezbollah is the terrorist army" used by Iran, and play a prominent role in Iran's response to any attack on its nuclear weapons facilities. "  
There is much evidence showing that Israel is already being targeted by Hezbollah for their try to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program by sabotaging it and using assassinations as well.  They have been warned by Iran what their intention has been.  
Former president Ahmadinejad sending his rockets
maintained by Hezbollah (president from 2005-2013) 
In July 2006, Hossein Safiadeen, a Hezbollah representative in Tehran, Iran announced that this group intended to murder Israelis and Jews wherever it could find them.  He stated, "There will be no place they are safe."  "We are going to make Israel not safe for Israelis. There will be no place they are safe,” Hossein Safiadeen told a conference." 

In January 2012, Azerbaijan authorities hit a Hezbollah terror cell that had supposedly targeted Azerbaijan's Israeli ambassador and a rabbi from the local Jewish school..  

In February, Diplomats in Georgia and India from Israel came under attack at the same time.  The very next day a bomb exploded in a Bangkok apartment, exposing a Hezbollah backed Iranian cell that were preparing to slaughter Israeli diplomats in the Thai capital.  This shows that any Israeli outside of Israel is exposed to being hit.
The Shahab 3 of Iran
         Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called Israel a "cancerous tumor" that must be removed, and he must have loved Hossein Safiadeen's comment.   The Ayatollah is a man who has been seeking the opportunity to do just that with the push of a button.  

Is there a Lebanese Canadian Bank in your neighborhood yet?  It is in one, according to U.S. officials, on St. Moritz, Switzerland, where 2 Winter Olympics has been held,  that Hezbollah launders at least a portion of the money it earns through their global criminal fund-raising operations.  A U.S. federal agent spoke to the New York Times in December 2011 about Hezbollah saying they were like "the Gambinos on steroids,"  

"Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the government of Iran has been accused by several countries of training, financing, and providing weapons and safe havens for non-state militant actors, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, This group is designated a terrorist group by a number of countries and international bodies; however, Iran considers such a group to be "national liberation movements" with a right to self-defense in the face of Israeli military occupation.
The United States State Department has also accused Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias of terrorism against US troops, and Iran of cyberterrorism, primarily through its Quds Force."
Many analysts have zeroed in on Iran’s ability to retaliate in the Middle East. But Iran’s area of influence is not limited to its region. Over the past decade, it has launched operations, either through Hezbollah or its own agents, around the world—including in Latin America, Eastern Europe, East and South Asia, Western and Central Africa, and within the United States itself.
In July 2019 Argentina became the first Latin American country to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization—a move timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the AMIA bombing. The Argentine government ordered the group’s financial assets frozen. In August 2019, Paraguay—where much of Hezbollah’s fundraising in the area was carried out—followed suit and designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Hezbollah and Iran have raised funds throughout Latin America by appealing to the well-established Lebanese and Shiite diaspora in the region. Much of the funding flows through one man, Assad Barakat, and his family. Barakat was a prominent member of the Lebanese community in Paraguay. After all, Hezbollah was first established by Iran and placed in Lebanon by Iranian Revolutionary Guards.   Their ideology is of a Shia Islamic fundamentalist terrorisim  group and the Lebanese political party that needed them.  Their goal is to establish an Islamic state across the Arab world which takes in Israel by eliminating the state and to fight "Western imperialism." 

In the aftermath of the 1979-2020 Iranian Major General and commander of the Quds Force Soleimani strike okayed by Trump, the most concerning element of Hezbollah’s international operations for the U.S. government may be the group’s activity within the United States itself. Unlike in the rest of the world, Iran itself has not been conclusively linked to activities in the U.S.; rather, it has likely outsourced these operations to Hezbollah.  However, we realize that Hezbollah is Iran!  This is 2020, and war is different.  One can get proxys to do your dirty work.  

Resource: THE FALLEN ANGEL, by Daniel Silva, the facts in the back of his historical fiction story that he lists under Author's Note.

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