
Monday, January 6, 2020

Tampering With History: Is It Okay To Do In Movies?

Nadene Goldfoot
USA in Syria
The issue at hand is the movie, Messiah.  "Messiah is the Netflix series I'm  referring to. The project hails from series creator Michael Petroni (The Book Thief) who is a screen writer, written

 in 2005 and by also by producing power couple Mark Burnett and wife Roma Downey (The BibleAD: The Bible Continues) which is another drama on NBC."  Mark is "a British television producer who is the current Chairman of MGM Worldwide Television Group

It takes place after 2019.  The scenes of destruction supposedly in Damascus has not really happened.  What we see are cities north of Damascus; its suburbs,  from ISIS and USA/Syria bombing.  "Syria’s capital was held by the government throughout the war and suffered much less damage than opposition-held areas – evidence of the huge gulf in fire power between the two sides." 

The impression could be of Israel causing all the destruction which is not true at all.  The fact is that rockets from Syria are aimed at Israel!  "The Israeli military said that the incoming fire was intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system and that it appeared no rockets had fallen on the Israeli-controlled side of the line."(Nov. 19, 2019).  

 Christians may wonder if this is THE MESSIAH (2nd coming of Jesus) or Antichrist.  Muslims await the al-Masih who will be with their Mehdi.   Jews also await the Mashiah.  All 3 religions believe it's about that timeThis messiah tells people to forget their history.  It no longer matters.  The scene is set in Damascus, Syria. This Messiah is pushing to put an end to nationalism.  He's going globalist. 

"In the opening episode, Al-Masih leads a group of Syrian refugees through the desert to the Israel/Palestine border. Of course, this is viewed as an act of provocation and Israel sends Avrim to track down the group's leader, who gets taken into custody."

In the movie right at the beginning, the Israelis are pictured as the bad guys.  It's the old Palestinian line  that's speaking;  the line that the land is theirs and that Israelis have no right to it; including such rot as  not giving peacefully gathered Palestinians food when needed, rough treatment, even an Israeli leader drinking Jack Daniels when he's really angry, and he's angry all the time.  

The fact is that out of all the people of the world, Jews drink far less, and have the least amount of alcoholics.  Wine is drunk on the Sabbath, part of the ritual of not working on the Sabbath.  Seen as a religious object, it's not sought after by the majority of Jews.  This officer would be a rare individual, indeed in Israel, nearing a breakdown or not.  So this part of the movie was another disappointment to me.  
When in reality, it's the Palestinians (Hamas) who constantly attack Israel with rockets, mortars and missiles; with kites on fire, tunnels,  and lies about their history.  Palestinians have been sold a basket of lies by their leaders to keep them angry and volatile towards Israelis.
Palestinians have dug tunnels to transport ammunition,
kidnap Israelis, etc.  an innovative people,
but their ideas are all for destructive purposes to use
against Israelis.  

The military said that the incoming fire was intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system and that it appeared no rockets had fallen on the Israeli-controlled side of the line.

Any Arab that is injured can come to Israel's fence where Israeli doctors and nurses are there to take care of them.  They have always been taken to Israeli hospitals.  

The movie's line of story calls for Israelis to be the bad guys and I've already finished 6 episodes out of 10 where they remain; getting worse all the time.  Anyone watching this much will come out of it feeling Israelis are truly bad.  Isn't it bad enough that Palestinians tell this lie to anyone listening and now Netflix has to show it as well in a movie they made that is getting a lot of attention.  Is it okay to mess around with history just to make a buck?  I think not with the uninvolved audience we have today who does not study the events of this history and won't be able to see this distorted history.

I love nationalism.  It's a part of our soul.  It's good to know where our ancestors came from and what makes us who we are.  That's the beauty of genealogy and DNA studies.  We should all feel pride in who we are and be aware of our ancestors trials and tribulations; it makes us feel the awe and respect of how came came to be.  We are individuals, not ants.  There's nothing wrong with loving national costumes, dances, music, art, food, etc.   This is our culture.  We are a part of it.   How boring it would be to travel if people were all the very same.  Why travel then?  We go places to see different things, to have different experiences, to learn new methods.  

Who else do I know of who is against nationalism?  George Soros.  He said, "Globalism will triumph over nationalism".  " Nationalist-populist like Donald Trump are temporary aberrations and that globalism would soon vanquish nationalism."  Ah ha!  So the messiah in the story thinks like Soros.

The book titled AFTER IDENTITY, POLITICS:  THE RETURN OF UNIVERSALISM by Eric Lott sounds like he believes it is coming.   In October 2011 wrote Samir Amin, -"Universal suffrage is a recent conquest, beginning with workers’ struggles in a few European countries (England, France, Holland, and Belgium) and then progressively extending throughout the world." 

  Anarchist Federation members:Anarchist Federation members in 2009 were involved in a range of ways, being present on street demonstrations and involved in a number of occupations. As anarchists, they are opposed to war, militarism and imperialism, and see a powerful movement against these forces as a vital part of internationalism in action and the process of building the confidence necessary for a social movement against the state and capitalism. 
Weizmann (1st President of Israel, a chemist)  and Feisal (King of Syria-then Iraq 1921), son of Hussein- sherif of Mecca, Jew and Arab in 1918
At League of Nations 

The problem today is that our histories are in direct conflict.  Jews lived in Israel, an established Empire, set up by King Saul in the 11th Century BCE, followed by King David (1010-920 BCE) and then his son, King Solomon (961-920 BCE) and then the breakup of Israel into Israel and Judah with kings in both until the time of the Roman conquest in 70 CE.   Jews have been homeless after belonging to an empire for 2,000 years of patiently waiting until the time was right to return to their land and it happened at the end of WWI when Turkey lost their Ottoman Empire to Europe's Allies.  That's when the LEAGUE OF NATIONS officially accepted Jews back to their ancient land and when they had created the Jewish Homeland and made the whole deal official.  It was a legal deal.  

Look what they have done with the land!  It land had been lying there, just waiting for their return to blossom again.  Look what the Jews have done; use their minds to create medicines and such that they have given to the whole world.  It was a good deal for all.  
                                                         Except the Palestinian leaders lost their footing somehow and wanted things as they were, with Jews held in the position of Dhimmi laws (2nd class citizens) kow- towing to Arabs.  They've spent their entire time trying to force Israelis into the sea as they swore they would do, especially after 1967.  The only thing they can do about  Israeli history is to deny it; so that they do all the time.  Regardless of all the proof, the digs, they remain in denial and gullible people swallow it.  For some, it is the only dogma they know.  
   President Aref of Iraq on June 1, 1967 on Radio Bagdad:  "We are resolved, determined and united to achieve our clear aim of wiping Israel off the map....This is the day to wash away the stain.  God willing, we shall meet in Tel Aviv and Haifa."  

Here is today's example of denial:  
" In fact, the notorious British colonial document, known as ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 1917, recognisably confirmed the establishment of a “homeland for the Jews” in Palestine without even uttering a word about the future fate of its Arab citizens." 
Arabs in Palestine remained the majority till their great expulsion from their homeland in 1948 in what was known as ‘Nakba’ (Catastrophe)."  I have to chuckle.  The headline was ARABS ARE NOW OFFICIALLY SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS.  This is from Gulf News, an Arab report.  

It was Theodore Herzel who wrote Der Judenstaat, the Jewish State in 1895.  He had founded Zionism.

Most of the founders of Zionism knew that Palestine (the Land of Israel) had an Arab population (though some spoke naively of "a land without a people for a people without a land"). Still, only few regarded the Arab presence as a real obstacle to the fulfillment of Zionism.  At that time in the late 19th century, Arab nationalism did not yet exist in any form, and the Arab population of Palestine was sparse and apolitical. Many Zionist leaders believed that since the local community was relatively small, friction between it and the returning Jews could be avoided; they were also convinced that the subsequent development of the country would benefit both peoples, thus earning Arab endorsement and cooperation. However, these hopes were not fulfilled.  Of course Arabs were in the plan.  Feisal looked out for them and had hoped that they would learn skills from the Jews.  They've been more cantankerous and vindictive than he had figured.  
He wrote another in 1902.  "In Altneuland, the old new land,  Herzl did not foresee any conflict between Jews and Arabs. One of the main characters in Altneuland is a Haifa engineer, Reshid Bey, who is one of the leaders of the "New Society". He is very grateful to his Jewish neighbors for improving the economic condition of Israel and sees no cause for conflict. All non-Jews have equal rights, and an attempt by a fanatical rabbi to disenfranchise the non-Jewish citizens of their rights fails in the election which is the center of the main political plot of the novel."  

Population of Israel
1948- 650,000 Jews 
1948-1950 (Within 3 years had) 1,300,000 Jews

Moses into Canaan
1271 BCE-601,730 Jews

"The State of Israel has a population of approximately 9,108,500 inhabitants as of October 2019. Some 74.24% are Jews of all backgrounds (about 6,697,000 individuals), 20.95% are Arab of any religion other than Jewish (about 1,890,000 individuals), while the remaining 4.81% (about 434,000 individuals) are defined as "others", including persons of Jewish ancestry deemed non-Jewish by religious law and persons of non-Jewish ancestry who are family members of Jewish immigrants (neither of which are registered at the Ministry of Interior as Jews), Christian non-Arabs, Muslim non-Arabs and all other residents who have neither an ethnic nor religious classification."

It is a Jewish state, the only one in the world.  It is unique and special for this reason, an answered prayer 3,000 years old.  
Islam has at least 48  Muslim -majority states or more, like Saudi Arabia which is 100% Islam to Burkina at 50%.   

A good book to read that I have in my library is THE SETTLERS by Meyer Levin.  In this historic novel which actually follows history, you can read about the time from 1880 during the 1st Aliyah of Jews moving to Israel from Romania and Russia until modern days.  Truth is always better than fiction.  


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