
Friday, January 24, 2020

On George Soros

Nadene Goldfoot                                 
Schwartz, György;AKA George Soros, born August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary,  Son of Tivadar (lawyer) and Elisabeth Szucs; immigrated to United States, 1956; naturalized citizen;

Survived Nazi Germany-occupied Hungary in the Spring of 1944
 and emigrated to the United Kingdom in 1947. at age 17

His father, Tivadar, a Jewish attorney, had already survived one deportation as a prisoner in Russia during the Russian Revolution. To avoid the Nazis as they gathered up Jews and deported them to concentration camps, Tividar bought false identity papers for his family members, who then separated and went into hiding.
Soros, then fourteen years old, helped his father formulate thousands of fake documents for many of their fleeing countrymen. Soros remembered that his father would provide free documents for people he knew or who were in immediate danger, would request money only to cover his expenses from people whom he felt a moral obligation to help, and would ask for as much money as the wealthy could afford. Soros reflected on his father's honesty during the Holocaust, but he also remembered the number of laws his father had to break in order to provide safety for his family and countrymen. Soros learned the art of survival from his father, and he came out of the experience resolved to be undaunted by challenges.  He denies being at any concentration camp.  There has been the rumor that he was assigned the job of taking out bodies that had been gassed as 14 year old, evidently based on another Gyorgy as told in a book by a Hungarian author.  

Hon FBA is a Hungarian-American Jewish investor and philanthropist. As of February 2018, he had a net worth of $8 billion, having donated more than $32 billion to his philanthropic agency, the Open Society Foundations

Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds sterling, which made him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.
It is said that he helped finance J STREET,  a group in competition with AIPAC,
but J Street does not support Israel's views, only their own on many
important occasions.  Knowing that his support has previously gone to progressive and liberal political causes makes this very plain.
Because of his views, charges have been made calling him anti-Semitic.   

George Soros Views on antisemitism and Israel

"When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny the Jews to a right to a national existence – but I don't want anything to do with it." According to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challenging Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questioning Israel's reputation as a democracy. He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies including groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel."
In my estimation, Israel is even more Democratic in many ways than the USA!  They've taken on the impossible situation of amounting to some 600,000 Jews, tired, beaten down, survivors of the Holocaust, some just off the boats, to help build a planned and beautiful and fair state for Jews and Arabs who only faced attacks from all the surrounding Arab states 5 minutes after pronouncement of their state which was accepted by the League of Nations and the new United Nations. They were left by the British without arms for protection as well!  
 Then again, like many others like me, we've studied the history and the day to day events showing their democratic state in action.  Not Soros.  He was in London studying at the London School of Economics where he received his BA and a Masters in philosophy.  Too bad he didn't study the Torah at some point.   
This alone makes Israelis and Jews in the US to raise their eyebrows.  The BDS movement is one of the worst pieces of ammunition against Israel, and here it is being funded by a Jewish man who was in the Holocaust when a young teenager.                                           
George Soros and PhD son Alexander Soros who favors Democrats
"Soros' son Alexander said in an interview that his father cares about Israel, and that he "would like to see Israel in Yitzhak Rabin's image. His views are more or less the common views in Meretz and in the Labor Party." According to Alexander, Soros supports a two-state solution. The younger Soros recounts that after his bar mitzvah in 1998, his father told him: "If you're serious about being Jewish, you might want to consider immigrating to Israel."  Of course, Netanyahu is from the opposing party; Likud. " Today, there are three major parties: center-left Labor, center-right Likud, and centrist Kadima." 
 "Speaking before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributing to a new European antisemitism. Soros, citing accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holding Jews responsible for antisemitism. Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be." Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ing] up on the tribalness."
Tribalness?  What on earth does that mean?  Give up on our history of coming from Jacob and his 12 sons?  Give up on the Bible?  We've waited patiently for 2000 years until we found good reason to need our own state again as a matter of life or death for the Jewish people, and the best minds on earth went into the process of the creation of Israel in 1948.  The Holocaust that he found himself in at age 13 slaughtered 6 million Jews.  I think Soros needs to study our history and how we got to this point in time.  
"In a subsequent article for The New York Review of Books, Soros emphasized that:
"I do not subscribe to the myths propagated by enemies of Israel and I am not blaming Jews for anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism predates the birth of Israel. Neither Israel's policies nor the critics of those policies should be held responsible for anti-Semitism. At the same time, I do believe that attitudes toward Israel are influenced by Israel's policies, and attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressing divergent views."
"During an award ceremony for Imre Kertész, Soros said that the victims of violence and abuse were becoming "perpetrators of violence", suggesting that this model explained Israel's behavior towards the Palestinians, which led to walkouts and Soros being booed."
Here again, Soros shows no knowledge of the cause or affect of the 
attacks on Israel causing them to defend themselves.  

                                     Hungary, 35,919 mi in area
                                        almost 10 million people

 Hungary, where Soros was born, had had enough of Soros and went into creating anti-Semitic-style posters about him when they were supposedly against anti-Semitism itself.  "Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a "clarification", denouncing Soros, stating that he "continuously undermines Israel's democratically elected governments by funding organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself".
I always wonder what makes people think like they do.  I've wondered a lot about Soros.  After November 1918 when WWI ended, Jewish soldiers, sailors and airmen had filled the Rolls of Honour on the Austro- Hungarian army's side.  After 1918, Jews found themselves under new flags and new national allegiances.  In the new Hungarian kingdom lived 473,000 Jews.  Security of new borders depended upon alliances, treaties and the new League of Nations which outlawed war between states and guaranteed the rights of minorities.  

"In 1920, 46.3% of the medical doctors, 41.2% of the veterinarians, 21.4% of the pharmacists of Hungary were Jewish, as well as 34.3% of the journalists, 24.5% of performers of music, 22.7% of the theater actors, 16.8% of the painters and sculptors. Among the owners of land of more than 1000 hold, i.e. 570 hectares, 19.6% were Jewish. Among the 2739 factories in Hungary, 40.5% had a Jewish owner."
Berzence, Hungary Jewish grocery store in 1930
Jewish lady in Hungary 1930
Starting in 1938 when Soros was 8 years old, Hungary under Miklós Horthy passed a series of anti-Jewish measures in emulation of Germany's Nürnberg Laws. Following the German occupation of Hungary on 19 March 1944, Jews from the provinces were deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp; between May and July that year, 437,000 Jews were sent there from Hungary, most of them gassed on arrival.
  1. The "First Jewish Law" (May 29, 1938) restricted the number of Jews in each commercial enterprise, in the press, among physicians, engineers and lawyers to twenty percent.
  2. The "Second Jewish Law" (May 5, 1939), for the first time, defined Jews racially: individuals with two, three or four Jewish-born grandparents were declared Jewish.
  3. The "Third Jewish Law" (August 8, 1941) prohibited intermarriage and penalized sexual intercourse between Jews and non-Jews.

Between August 27 and August 29, 1941 when Soros was 11, 11,000 Jews were marched out of Kamenets Podolsk, to a series of bomb craters 10 miles outside the town.  There, they were ordered to undress, and machine-gunned.  Many were buried alive.  Many men had been forced to dig what they believed to anti-tank ditches at Kamenets Podolsk.  The deportation of Jews from Budapest to the east ended with Jews forced out of the trucks and told, "Go eastward.  Don't come back.  Don't even look back."  Some needed to relieve themselves and moved to the side of the road where they were shot right on the spot.  The only way to survive that wholesale shooting was to have been taken away for a special task.  

In 1942 when Soros was 12 during World War II, when Hungary became allied with Germany, the Hungarian Defense Ministry was tasked with "race validation." Its officials complained that no Hungarian or German names were "safe," as Jews might have any name. They deemed Slavic names to be "safer", but the decree listed 58 Slavic-sounding names regularly held by Jews.

Deportations to Auschwitz began in May 1944 when Soros was 14; ,SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, whose duties included supervising the extermination of Jews, set up his staff in the Majestic Hotel and proceeded rapidly in rounding up Jews from the Hungarian provinces outside Budapest and its suburbs. The Yellow Star and Ghettoization laws, and deportation, were accomplished in less than 8 weeks, with the enthusiastic help of the Hungarian authorities, particularly the gendarmerie (csendőrség). The plan was to use 45 cattle cars per train, 4 trains a day, to deport 12,000 Jews to Auschwitz every day from the countryside, starting in mid-May; this was to be followed by the deportation of Jews of Budapest from about July 15.

Soros lived through the whole nightmare from beginning till today at 89.  8 year olds in the 3rd grade are very impressive.  His life has been stamped in a way ours in the USA hasn't been.  He was never in a concentration camp.  The family split up and used false papers to avoid being sent to concentration camps.  

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