
Friday, January 17, 2020

Briefs from Debka File About Israel and Iran

Nadene Goldfoot
Debka File                                  

Nasrallah: US strikes on US Iraq bases – grave warning to Israel“If Netanyahu still dreams of sending Israel's air force against Iran’s nuclear and other facilities, he had better take the leader Khamenei’s warnings very seriously,” said Hizballah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah in a speech in Beirut on Sunday. “Israel should take notice of Iran’s missile strikes on US bases in Iraq,” he said, warning that Tehran had even more accurate missiles than those.
Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah

Iran, Hizballah gird up for guerilla, rocket attacks on US forces in Iraq, rockets against Israel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
As soon as the fallout from the Ukrainian jet disaster blows over, Tehran will revert to its strikes on the US military in the region, starting in Iraq, DEBKAfile reports. On Sunday, Jan. 12, Revolutionary Guards commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami said: “Our operations against the United States are not over.” and Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah threatened: “The response to Soleimani’s killing is not a single operation but rather a long course for the ouster of American forces from the region.”
He also warned Israel to take note of the Iranian attack on the US  military in Iraq as a serious warning of what to expect. Far from closing the account for the Soleimani death with America, the IRGC is pumping large quantities of weaponry to the Iraqi Shiite militias. The pause in attacks was merely time out to replenish their arms stocks ready for escalation, including guerrilla warfare. One new item: IED roadside bombs like the ones used to harass US troops in Iraq 14 years ago.

North Korea's intercontinenal ballistic missile machine

The U.S. government believes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has up to 60 nuclear weapons, though some independent experts say the total is smaller. If North Korea does indeed have around 60, that puts the cost of each warhead at between around $18 million and $53 million.

Israel intel: Iran will have fissile material for a nuke this year, a nuclear-capable missile in two years
DEBKAfile Special Report
The Israeli intelligence 2020 assessment published on Tuesday, Jan 14, estimates that if Iran continues its nuclear program at the present pace, it will have 25 kgs of highly enriched uranium by winter 2020 and a missile capable of carrying a nuclear bomb in two years. This estimate matches the forecast Israel made five years ago, DEBKAfile’s sources note, when six world powers signed a nuclear accord with Iran for curtailing its development of a nuclear bomb. What happened was that the $150bn reward received by Iran was invested in advanced weapons systems and establishing paramilitary groups under its control for planting around Israel’s borders.
The assessment released today is hardly compatible with another estimate in the 2020 intelligence paper that rates as low the prospects of war by Israel’s enemies. DEBKAfile asks: Does that mean that those enemies, Iran and Hizballah, will hold off until they accumulate a stock of nuclear warheads? The most pressing question is: What is Israel doing about the advancing nuclear threat?

Boris Johnson of England, Emmanuel Macron of France and Angela Merkel of Germany are attempting to convince Iran to stick to the nuclear deal | Pool photo by Steve Parsons/Getty Images

Europeans activate nuclear accord mechanism to warn IranFrance, Germany and the UK, signatories of the 2015 nuclear accord with Iran, have activated its dispute mechanism over repeated Iranian breaches of the deal, triggering the process for its end. Tehran maintained it was acting in response to a new set of US sanctions, an argument rejected by the three European powers.
President Donald Trump declared last week: “We will never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.” On Tuesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Twitter: “We know exactly what's happening with the Iranian nuclear program. Iran thinks it can achieve nuclear weapons. I reiterate: Israel won't allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons. I also call on all Western countries to impose snapback sanctions at the UN now.”


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