
Friday, October 4, 2019

All About Ukraine, Trump, and Joe Biden: The Liking of a Ping Pong Game

Nadene Goldfoot                                     
Always an anti-Semitic Center, Kiev was home to many Jews
It was part of the Pale of Settlement where Catherine II had
forced Jews out of Russia to live in this piece of land instead.

In the 1920s "
 Ukraine was conquered by the Russian Red Army. In 1990s immediately upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union, of which both Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine had been formally founding constituent republics, bilateral relations were revived.

Prior to Euromaidan (2013–2014), under President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych (in office from February 2010 until he was removed from power on 22 February 2014), relations were cooperative, with various trade agreements in place.

Ukraine's Jewish population was 484,129 in 1989.  

I'm amazed there are Jews here after WWII and the behavior of

the Ukrainians towards the Jews.  

Home of Chmielnicki and Haidamak uprisings including severe massacres in 17th and 18th centuries. 

The Soviets in the 1920s promoted Jewish settlement in Ukraine. 

It was the scene of pogroms in 1905, 1918-1920.  

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., 76 years old,  is an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017 under Obama.

President Obama named Biden the administration’s point man on Ukraine in February 2014, after a popular revolution ousted Russia-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych and as Moscow sent military forces into Ukraine’s Crimea territory.

What was President Trump talking about  to Ukraine's president on the phone that has enraged the Democrats of the USA and why with all this talk of impeachment?

1. Democrats saw a political win giving them the impeachment goods that Special Counsel Robert Mueller couldn't deliver in probing Trump's time as president by using a piece of gossip as legitimate proof of wrongdoing by the president that hasn't been substantiated as yet.

2. Gave the Democrats a way to cover up, confuse the "ongoing investigation led by Attorney General William Barr into how the Obama White House unleashed the country's most powerful government agencies against the Trump presidential campaign in 2016." 

3. To numb the American public when the verdicts of Barr's inquiries that are presently happening by many authorities at the Justice Department, are revealed to the public.  

A lot of hanky-panky has been going on with the Democrats ever since Trump was elected president.  They thought for sure that this couldn't have happened, and have tried to blame Russia's meddling for getting him elected. Of course,  because Trump likes or loves everyone he must deal with until they get nasty with him first.  Russia would probably rather deal with Trump than Hillary any day, and there was the fact that Trump was a hotel builder who might want to do business in Russia by building a hotel there as well.                                                                                                             
Robert Mueller
Rod Rosenstein

Rod Rosenstein, United States Deputy Attorney General from April 26, 2017 to May 11, 2019,  had  emails back in 2017 with Robert Mueller,  lawyer and government official who served as the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 2001 to 2013. staying, "The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions" and "off the record" emails with major media outlets around the date of Mueller's appointment.  In other words, Trump wasn't aware of the tightness between these two men.  Evidently this included more plotting against Trump, certainly not support.  

"On May 8, 2017, Rosenstein wrote a memo to President Trump recommending that FBI Director James Comey be fired. The next day, President Trump fired Comey. Just three days later, on May 12, Rosenstein sent an email assuring Robert Mueller that “The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions.”

"President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 25, 2017. In May 2017, he authored a memo that President Trump cited as the basis for his decision to dismiss FBI Director James Comey."

Rosenstein then was in a position to appoint his friend, Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.  All this happened during 2016 when the election was about to begin and related matters.  

Earlier, Rosenstein assumed authority over the FBI probe.  On November 7, 2018, Trump transferred command of this oversight to acting US General Matthew Whitaker. 

Andrew McCabe, FBI Director

"Also, during the same time period, between May 8 and May 17, 2017, Rosenstein met with then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and other senior Justice Department FBI officials to discuss wearing a wire and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump."  I believe wearing a wire is not kosher when in the company of the president.  It was "on September 11, Judicial Watch released 14 pages of records from the Department of Justice showing officials’ efforts in responding to media inquiries about DOJ/FBI talks allegedly invoking the 25th Amendment to “remove” President Donald Trump from office and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein offering to wear a “wire” to record his conversations with the president."  " McCabe writes that Rosenstein said he thought it was possible because “he was not searched when he entered the White House.”

In April 2018, Rosenstein reportedly personally approved the FBI raid on President Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, in which the FBI seized emails, tax documents and records, some of them related to Cohen's payment to adult-film star Stormy Daniels.

Then, of course, there is the scandal that in trying to take down Trump, a piece of damning evidence was created used for reason of impeachment, and this has since been found out to have been manufactured by the Democrats.  This was called the Steele Dossier.  It connects so many in the scheme to take down the president.  This was the "text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the FBI lawyer with whom he was having an extramarital affair, we have learned of a meeting convened in the office of FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe (then and now the FBI’s No. 2 official) in mid-August 2016 — i.e., right around the time the manufactured  Page FISA warrant was obtained. At the meeting, top national-security personnel discussed the prospect that Donald Trump could be elected president, which they regarded as frightening but highly unlikely. In the text, Strzok told Page, “I’m afraid we can’t take that risk” (of a Trump presidency).

Hunter Biden, lawyer and lobbyist who is the second son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is a partner at Rosemont Seneca Partners, an international consulting firm.
Melissa Cohen and Hunter Biden, married on May 16th.
She's from South Africa  They married 10 days after meeting,
Hunter doesn't even speak Ukrainian.  

Hunter Biden did hold a directorship with a natural gas company called Burisma Holdings, beginning in the spring of 2014.

Now we find that one of the many running against Trump for the next 4 year term is the former Vice President who served under Obama, the Democrat's favorite and who HiIlary was Sec of State, the man who beat her out in the former election.  It turns out that Joseph Biden also has a 2nd son, Hunter Biden,  who was found on an energy company board in the Ukraine when his father was vice president. Experts agree that Hunter Biden's acceptance of the position created a conflict of interest for his father. 
Ukraine Gas Co Execs with Joe and Hunter Biden out golfing in the Hamptons with Devon Archer, who served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings with Hunter.

Not only that, but Joe Biden was a key figure in the U.S. policy on Ukraine.   It was Vice President Joe Biden who did urge Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor, with the threat of withholding U.S. aid. But that was the position of the wider U.S. government, as well as other international institutions.    A Ukrainian prosecutor was fired when investigating Hunter's position and salary there. "In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency  if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

Hunter Biden "would help the company with "transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion," and other issues. The company also retained the law firm where Biden had been working, Boies Schiller Flexner.

 Burisma was owned by Mykola Zlochevsky, a minister under Russia-friendly President Viktor F. Yanukovych who subsequently went into exile after a popular revolution. After Yanukovych was ousted, Zlochevsky faced a variety of corruption-related investigations involving his business.

 The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

Steven Pifer, career foreign service officer who was ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton and deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs under President George W. Bush. said, ""It was a mistake for Hunter Biden to join the Burisma board, particularly given that the vice president was the senior U.S. official engaging Ukraine," Pifer said. "Hunter Biden should have been more mindful of his father's position."

"Trump has said it would be "appropriate" for him to ask Attorney General William Barr to launch an investigation into what the president said could be "a very big situation." Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has urged the public to demand a congressional inquiry."  The "former Ukrainian prosecutor, who was removed after Joe Biden pressured the Ukrainian government, told The Washington Post that the appointment of Hunter Biden to the Burisma board was "rather questionable" because he lacked relevant experience."

To top it off, "Trump’s 2016 campaign chair,  Paul Manafort,  was convicted of tax and bank fraud for laundering millions in income he earned working for Ukrainian politicians.  
Paul John Manafort Jr. is an American lobbyist, political consultant, former lawyer, and convicted felon.

He joined Donald Trump's presidential campaign team in March 2016 and was campaign chairman from June to August 2016. He was convicted of tax and bank fraud in 2018 and forfeited his license to practice law in January 2019.

Manafort often lobbied on behalf of foreign leaders such as former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

On October 27, 2017, Manafort and his business associate Rick Gates were indicted in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on multiple charges arising from his consulting work for the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine before Yanukovych's overthrow in 2014. The indictment came at the request of Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation.  In June 2018, additional charges were filed against Manafort for obstruction of justice and witness tampering that are alleged to have occurred while he was under house arrest, and he was ordered to jail.


With all these connections and interests in Ukraine, ", Giuliani, Trump's lawyer and former mayor of New York,  has been pushing a conspiracy theory that it was Ukraine, and not Russia, that interfered in the election.

In answer to recent article,

Yes, president Zelensky has Jewish parents. He was born in Kryvvy, Rih in southern Ukraine. His family had moved to Erdenet, Mongolia when he was young, and then returned. He's from the Dnipropetrovisk region.

Mueller and the U.S. intelligence community concluded Russia plotted to influence the election to help Trump win. The fact remains that nothing of the sort has been identified as interference in the election by an outside force. All these investigations have come up with no evidence.

If anyone was doing anything, it was the Clinton force, not under scrutiny, who thought they had it in the bag and were not worried. Wonder why?

Resource:, Julie Kelly.
Mike Huckabee emails.
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia-Ukraine

1 comment:

  1. I wrote to President Trump directly about the Kurds and Israel, an article I had written in March 2018, and got this nice message already.  I hope he reads it, of course as I mentioned how important it was, but if he doesn't, maybe a secretary will read it and be moved.  It was this article that I sent: 
    I have  5 more articles I have written  involving the Kurds   parts 1-6.  I didn't send them, but could if asked. 

    Important one from 2014:  and includes Kurds  
