
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

ZADOK High: Priest of Judah and Descendant of Aaron, Brother of Moses

Nadene Goldfoot                            
Priests of the Temple, the Cohens from Aaron
Do you see how the back row holds their hands?
That is the sign one sees in a cemetery that the deceased is a Cohen.  

Moses was born c1391 BCE and died 120 years later in c1271 BCE.  His brother, Aaron, was older than he, and lived until the age of 124.  About 50% of Jewish men today bear the Y haplogroup or branch on the genealogy tree that belongs to the Jewish men who were descended from Aaron and were the Cohens, a position of serving in the Temple.  Moses had used the tribe of Levi that they were part of and had Aaron as the 1st Cohen to serve.  It was a inherited position with all the men of Aaron's descendants to serve in the Temple and were Cohens.  Today we see that we all bear tags in our DNA that can be read, and as it turns out, both many Jews and many Arabs are Cohens.  The ancestor of Moses and Aaron was Abraham, and he of course had sons by Hagar, an Egyptian and Sarah, his niece.  He created this fact, so that one of my Arab friends deeply into DNA turned out to be a J1c3d, which is also a tag for many Jews.  It's the J1 and J2 who are found to be Cohens.

One exciting fact is that my 1st cousin, son of my father's brother, had a mother who said her family was a family of Cohens.  Up until today, this knowledge has had to be passed down orally from father to son, and her line was said to be a line of Cohens.  I met up with her 2nd cousin by her same surname of Hochfeld- not Cohen, and there just happens to be more surnames of Cohen running through the Jewish family than any other surname.  He was not a Cohen by name but served today in the synagogue as a Cohen because of the oral history.  He tested with a minimal of testing, the 12 alleles, and was found to be a J1.  The tag read as a J-M267.  Indeed, science proved the oral history to be correct.  He was a descendant of Aaron.  

Cohen is a common  spelling for this surname but they have also used Cahan, Cohan, Kagan, Kahn, Kogen, Kohn, Kohen, Katz.  Jews didn't use surnames until a government forced them to do so.  They had to buy names.  They had been calling  themselves names like David, son of Moses.  The Scandinavians do this to this day.  Certain names might have been posted in their town to buy.  
A new fact has just been discovered in that DNA testing reveals a group who bear J2a1 and this is a direct line to ZADOK who was a major priest in the Temple and descendant of Aaron.  J2a1i is a subset of this and is just a more recent form with newer descendants.  It's also from Zadok.  

A group of people descending from Pinchas Ben El Azar are J2a1, and this Pinchas is found to be an important connection.    It was " 3,300 years ago, the precisely time of birth of Pinchas Ben El' Azar, the grandson of Aaron HaKohen" that has been found to be the origins of people with J2a1. 
High Priest: Zadok

"And HaShem spoke to Moses saying, "Pinchas, son of El a zar (Elazar), son of Aharon (Aaron) the priest, has turned back my wrath from the children of Israel because he was ardent with my ardent in their midst....Numbers 25:10-29:40. "
"Phinehas son of Elazar son of Aaron the Kohen saw, and he stood up from amid the assembly and took a spear in his hand."He followed the Israelite man into the tent and pierced them both, the Israelite man and the woman into her stomach---and the plague was halted from upon the Children of Israel."  Those who died in the plague were twenty-four thousand. "  

The scientists discovered not one but two Cohen Modal  Haplotypes.  They were J1 and J2.  ""Pinchas, the zealot mentioned in the Bible, may be the origin of J2" he suggested. 
J2 Cohanim serves as the deep background of the priestly Jewish caste. “The finding of J2 among contemporary Cohanim can lend credence that today’s Cohanim (J1,J2) may be descendants of two different founding dynasties – including coalescence to Pinchas as the founder of J2 Cohanim” concluded Dr. Karl Skorecki. "                                                                                         
Aaron, brother of Moses, 1st high priest-Cohen ha gadol. 

Zadok the high priest's first duty was probably officiating at the altar in Gibeon but after King Saul's death, went to David at Hebron and together with another priest, ABIATHAR, was David's chief priest.  David later became King David, of course, Israel's 2nd king, ruling from 1010 BCE to 970 BCE. 

Zadok remained loyal during Absalom's rebellion.  Absalom was King David's 3rd son.  He had killed his half-brother, Amnon to avenge the rape of his sister, Tamar.  Those that think the Tanakh (OLD TESTAMENT) is boring should read it.  It reads better than any soap on TV with situations one could not dream up.  It's a thriller, and true at that!  
Abiathar, another high priest, son of Ahimelech, chief priest at Nob,
was able to escape the masssacre of his family by King Saul
and took refuge with David who later appointed him HIGH PRIEST.
He also remained loyal during Absalom's rebellion.  He was not
for Solomon but for his brother, Adonijah's claim to be king.
Solomon then transferred his priestly rights to Zadok and banished Abiathar from Jerusalem.  

On David's command, Zadok annointed David's son, SOLOMON, as king.  He ruled from 961 BCE to 920 BCE.  Solomon in turn appointed Zadok's son a high priest in the Temple and from that time the high priesthood remained in the Zadokite family until the period of the Hasmonean rising.  " Between c. 140 and c. 116 BCE the dynasty ruled Judea semi-autonomously from the Seleucids. From 110 BCE, with the Seleucid Empire disintegrating, the dynasty became fully independent, expanded into the neighbouring regions of SamariaGalileeItureaPerea, and Idumea, and took the title "basileus". Some modern scholars refer to this period as an independent kingdom of Israel. 

 I think of it as the time of the Chanukah history when Judaism was almost wiped out by the Roman invaders from Syria, then the Syrian Greeks , led by Antiochus Epiphanes, who took control of the Temple and placed their idol in there.  One Jewish family with many sons took control of the situation and formed a fighting force against them.  

We remember Judah the Maccabee.  Judah was the son of Mattathias, military leader of the revolt against Syria in 168 BCE.  In Sunday School, children learn to call Judah THE HAMMERER.  He invented or used the warfare of a different nature, guerrilla warfare.  

"Even after their deposition from their high office, many aristocratic priestly families claimed kingship with this family.  It is not known whether the sons of Zadok mentioned in the DEAD SEA SCROLLS have any connection with this family or not. 

 The Jewish population was either too afraid to defend themselves from the pagan Greeks or to used to their ways and were themselves changing into Greeks, but Mattathias broke the pattern and fought for their rights to their own religion.  A growing fear is that this delusional event is creeping up and taking over many populations today.  The Hasmonean family ruled until  the time of John Hyrcanus or Alexander Yannai in c 31 BCE.  Hyrcanus II was the oldest son of Alexander Yannai and his mother was Salome Alexandra.  When the Parthians invaded Judah in 40, Hyrcanus II was taken prisoner and maimed so as to disualify him fo the priesthood and was sent to Parthia where he was honored by the Babylonian Jewish communities.  Parthia was an empire of Iranic people.  It ruled over the vast mass of the Jewish population in Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Media.  They had restored Antigonus Mattathias to the throne of Judah in 40 BCE.  Under their rulings, the famous rabbinic schools in Mesopotamia began to flourish.  

Zadok was also the name of one of the Pharisees who with JUDAH THE GALILEAN founded the SECT OF ZEALOTS in 6CE.  

Zadok, son of Ahitub, Kohen under David
  II Sam  8:17, 15:29
    I Kin    1:8,  34-40, 2:35,4:4,
    1 Chr    18:16
Zadok son of Ahitub and Ahimelech son of Ebiathar were Kohanim:  They were Cohens, direct descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses.  (from Samuel) this was in the time of King David.  (Melech is a Hebrew word meaning "King.")  There is a song I learned in Israel: (David, melech Israel, chai, chai, ....).  I learned this in 1980. Chai is "life" or "living."  He lives on in our hearts.  
The Cairo Genizah, alternatively spelled Geniza, is a collection of some 300,000 Jewish manuscript fragments that were found in the genizah or storeroom of the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fustat or Old Cairo, Egypt. From this,
the fragments below were found. 
In 1952 fragments or scraps of some sort of material were found in a cave near Khirbet Kumran.  They are now called the ZADOKITE FRAGMENTS or the DAMASCUS DOCUMENT and the CAIRO DAMASCUS COVENANT.  From this, it is certain that the Zadokite fragments form part of the literature to which the DEAD SEA SCROLLS belong.  It is unknown how they came to be copied in about 1,000 CE.  The Zadokite Fragments preserve parts of 2 works.  One is a sermon on the history of mankind and of the sect that created them.  The other is a collection of sectarian laws and rules.  The sermon alludes to an emigration of the sect to the LAND OF DAMASCUS. "

" Wouldn't this be saying something about an emigration to what is now Syria?  
Damascus is a name that is very ancient and is the capital of Syria.  Perhaps this was the sect's name for an entirely different place and was a NEW COVENANT there.                          

What had happened was that 2 GENIZAH MANUSCRIPTS,  1st published in 1910 by S.Schechter had been found.  What had been found in the cave were fragment of other copies that the manuscripts.  ZADOK had been mentioned.   

Going through the Bible; beginnings of creating Aaron's family tree.

Descendants of son of Amram Aaron
son of Amram Aaron b: in Egypt c1395 BCE d: in Mt. Hor, (Hor Hahar) border of Edom
.. +Elisheba
. Nadab
. Abihu
. Eleazar ben Kohen
..... +Daughter of Putiel
..... Jehoiarib
..... Harim
..... Malchijah
..... Hakkoz
..... Jeshua
..... Eliashib
..... Huppah
..... Bilgah
..... Hezir
..... Hapizzez
..... Pethahiah
..... Jehezkel
..... Jachin
..... Gamul
..... Delaiah
..... Maaziah
.....   3  Phineas
. Ithamar Issamar ben Kohen
..... Jedaiah
..... Seorim
..... Mijamin
..... Abijah
..... Shecaniah
..... Jakim
..... Jeshabeab
..... Immer

Resource:  The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
Tanakh, Stone Edition, also used for the genealogy...
Book: Finding Our Fathers by Dan Rottenberg


  1. There is a problem. If Phinhas the son of Elazar was really the grandson of Aharon, and was really the ancestor of Zadok, then why wouldn't Zadok have a J1c3d* haplotype on his Y chromosome, like all of the rest of Aharon's descendants (over 50% of them today)? Why would Zadok be a J2a4???...

    The answer to that could be found on Wiki:

    "The Jebusite hypothesis:

    "Some scholars have speculated that as Zadok (also Zadoq) does not appear in the text of Samuel until after the conquest of Jerusalem, he was actually a Jebusite priest co-opted into the Israelite state religion. Frank Moore Cross, professor at the Harvard Divinity School, refers to this theory as the "Jebusite Hypothesis," criticizes it extensively, but terms it the dominant view among contemporary scholars,[35] in Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel.[36]

    Elsewhere in the Bible,[37] the Jebusites are described in a manner that suggests that they worshipped the same God (El Elyon—Ēl ‘Elyōn) as the Israelites (see, e.g., Melchizedek). Further support for this theory comes from the fact that other Jebusites resident in pre-Israelite Jerusalem bore names invoking the principle or god Zedek (Tzedek) (see, e.g., Melchizedek and Adonizedek). Under this theory the Aaronic lineage ascribed to Zadok is a later, anachronistic interpolation.[38]"

    Now you see: If Zadok wasn't really a "descendant of Phinhas the son of Elazar", but rather a Jebusite priest - a descendant of "Melchizedek, the priest of Ēl ‘Elyōn" - who was brought in to office in the times of Solomon, instead of Abiathar from Shiloh; then it is understood why the Zadokite priests are J2a4, and not J1c3d* like the priest of Shiloh, who were originally Kenites (Family of Hobab, Moses' brother-in-law!) who came from the desert...


    "J1c3d* Accounts for the majority of J1 in Yemen, Cohen Jews. as well as Quraysh including Seyyed"

  2. Off topic but how does one get one of these tests?

  3. I don't see the question here that asked, how do you get one of these tests, and I presume you mean the DNA test that refers to J1...It's a DNA test for your Y haplogroup, the male line, and you should try the company I use, Family Tree DNA. (FTDNA) It's great!
