
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

France's Anti-Semitism Coming From Crusades of 1099

Nadene Goldfoot
In 300s was an important meeting in Constantinople held by the former Roman Empire leaders now being interested in the new religion they were turning to, Christianity.  They discussed replacing the Jews with their own religion and power. The 1st council  convened in Constantinople in AD 381 by the Roman Emperor Theodosius I (347-395).This second ecumenical council, an effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom, except for the Western Church, confirmed the Nicene Creed, expanding the doctrine thereof to produce the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, and dealt with sundry other matters. It met from May to July 381 in the Church of Hagia Irene and was affirmed as ecumenical in 451 at the Council of Chalcedon.
Clovis (Latin: Chlodovechus; reconstructed Frankish: *Hlōdowig; 466 -November 511) was the first king of the Franks to unite all of the Frankish tribes under one ruler, changing the form of leadership from a group of royal chieftains to rule by a single king and ensuring that the kingship was passed down to his heirs.  The Franks became known as the French.  Catholicism became the state religion of France at Clovis's conversion.  This caused France to be called THE ELDEST DAUGHTER OF THE CHURCH.  

  In 1040 CE Our wonderful  RASHI, Jewish biblical commentator, was born in Troyes, France but had a school in the Rhineland. Through DNA, my family is  related to him.  He was a direct descendant of King David of Israel.  
In 1099 the Jewish community in Jerusalem was massacred by the Crusaders there.  

In 1160, Notre Dame was started to be built in Paris.  It was a medieval Catholic Cathedral. 

Louis IX, commonly known as Saint Louis, was King of France, the ninth from the House of Capet, and is a canonized Catholic and Anglican saint.

The king of France, Louis IX (1226 -1270) son of Louis VIII of France, grandson of Philip Augustus and king of France, was a king of the Middle Ages, a knight, religious, ascetic and hostile to the Jews.  He opposed the only work open to Jews as everything else had been barred to them, and that was the lending of money.  So he decreed laws against the Jews and finally ordered their expulsion as well.You might know of him today as St. Louis, and is who our American city is named for.  He was very anxious to convert the Jews and encouraged talks between the synagogue and the Church for this reason.  They of course turned into theological disputes where it was hoped that there would be Jews ready to convert or at least shamed by their belief.  What it resulted seemed to be  convincing unresolved Christians of the truth of Christianity and the baseness of Judaism.  

By 1236 several French provinces;  Anjou, Poitou, Mancois, Touraine, Berry, persecuted the Jews living there.  The attackers were crusaders.  King Louis took no action to stop them.  He could have even instigated the attack with his attitude and comments.  

In  1239, Pope Gregory IX asked the kings of France and Portugal to order the seizure of Jewish books for examination.  In those days it was a rare person that could read, period.  How could they do that?  Could they read Hebrew?  King Louis was the quickest and most zealous to obey.  24 loads of Jewish books were burned in 1242 and you can bet that none were read by any non-Jew.  Some people of Christian belief still carry this feeling of stigma against our Talmud, not understanding at all what it says or why it is of utmost importance, regardless of your choice of religious persuasion. A pre-conceived hostile attitude continues to carry on.  This is true documentation of what was said about our own Torah and all the Tanakh by all the commentators in all the schools of biblical learning.  What they did then to our holy material is what today's historians are just catching onto and keeping digitally.  
A Talmud covers so much it comes in a set from the publishers

This putting our Talmud on trial is called THE TALMUD'S BURNING, PARIS DISPUTE, or TALMUD CONTROVERSY.  In Hebrew it's called Vikouah Pariz and is a major event in the history of the Jews and their relationship to Christianity.  We remember the 24 cartloads of manuscripts of the Talmud that  were burned in the fire at Notre-Dame, an event that all but destroyed Torah study in France and which is immortalized in the Kinot for Tisha B'Av.  So much distrust, hatred and misunderstanding by a people not even curious enough to study them to find out what they wanted to burn.  
Debate between Rabbi Yehiel of Paris with Friar Nicholas Dunin
and Rabbi Shmuel of Falaise and Maharam Rottenberg
There was no way the Jews would be allowed to win against the Christians.  The debate was held at the instigation of Nicolas Donin, an apostate Jew converted to Christianity.  He and his clerics debated 4 rabbis, led by Rabbi Yehiel of Paris in the presence of King Louis IX of France.  

Book burning, something Nazis also did.

Today, you won't find even many rabbis who know about it being the way history is going about the whole world, the same is happening to Jews and our Jewish history.  I ask, "Is this why King St. Louis is called a saint?"   What makes a man a saint when his deeds have been so dastardly to others of a different religion?  Is it okay to treat one type of people like cursed dogs and praise your own?  According to their own story, Jesus was a Jew, yet they hated Jews so very much.  A man should not commit suicide as he is made in G-ds image, we Jews say.  Knowing this, is it a holy act enough to be a saint that by taking one's like he is also taking his own people's lives for all time?  For this is what has happened to the Jewish people  Since he died, Jews have been hunted and cursed and it hasn't let up in France by any means.  

1240 saw a trial held against Judaism's TALMUD in Paris in the unfinished Notre Dame Cathedral.  They actually tried our most respected of literature and comments on our laws from  G-d through Moses for blasphemy against their new church!  Two of the rabbis defending the Talmud were Rabbi Shmuel of Falaise and the Maharam Rottenberg, who debated their best and are well known to us today through the prayers they composed and the elegies about the burning of the holy books which are still part of our liturgy on the 9th of Av's fast.  That's our bad luck day.  It was the day both our 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed.  
To the French it didn't matter that Judaism came WAY BEFORE Christianity.   Moses was born in 1391 BCE and died in 1771 BCE at 120 years and that Jesus died in 37 CE about 1200 years ago at the time of the trial while Moses died 3011 years ago.  As for the Talmud which are comments on the Five Books of Moses, records of discussions about them by rabbis who studied them all their life,  there are 2 of them; one written in Palestine and the other written in Babylonia by the religious men taken there by Nebuchadnezzar in a kidnapping-assaulting.  They were completed  in about 200-400 CE. The Babylonian seems to be the most popular of the two.  

The trial ended with the decree ordering all copies of the Talmud to be seized which amounted to tens of wagonloads, at least 10,000 handwritten volumes of holy texts.  Then they were all burned on nearby Place de Greve in 1242.  The printing press was yet to be invented.  St. Louis thought that Christians had a chief and that it was the Bishop.  He realized that the Jews had no one, so he decided to be the bishop of the Jews and he would punish them when they behaved badly.  He then decided he would also protect them when they were unjustly attacked.  I wonder what that would take.  

King St. Louis was the instigator of the last crusades and massacre of Jews in the Holy Land.  

 By 1260 Notre Dame was finished.  Its name in English is Our Lady of Paris, named for the Virgin Mary.  There are two statues at the main entrance of the Paris Cathedral, known as Ecclesia and Sinagoga.  Most tourists look at them, gasp a little and then continue inside the cathedral.  These statues stand for the Christian theological doctrine of Verus Israel.  It's today's Christian replacement theory, adopted by the Presbyterians and possibly also by the Methodists.  The statues are showing the triumph of the Church over the disgraced Jewish people.  

The Catholic theory now 759 years old was that they thought the Jews were fallen people and had been replaced by THE NEW ISRAEL.  The New ISRAEL IN THEIR MINDS WERE THE CATHOLICS.  On these statues the CATHOLICS were represented by a woman who stands with her head crowned facing the other woman represented who has her head bowed, blindfolded by a snake and holding in her hands the 2 tablets of laws-Moses's 10 Commandments-IN THEIR MINDS-THE JEWISH PEOPLE'S TORAH.  So now, Catholics, you have been replaced by the Presbyterians.  All this Jewish Goldfoot lady can say is to heed the Golden rule:  DON'T DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WOULD NOT WANT DONE TO YOU.  You[re getting your just desserts.  

By 1306 Jews who lived in France were expulsed because they were not Christians.  They were hated for being Jewish.  

It took the French a little more than 100 years by 1420, to annihilate the Jews in Toulouse, France.
While undergoing renovation and restoration, the roof of Notre-Dame caught on fire on the evening of 15 April 2019. The picture above is just before the fire.  Burning for around 15 hours, the cathedral sustained serious damage, including the destruction of the spire and most of the lead-covered wooden roof above the stone vaulted ceiling."  Every TV station caught the pictures of it burning and the world held their breath.  Notre Dame is already promised to be reborn in 5 years.  You won't know it had ever been threatened.                                                                                             


That the very same moment that Notre Dame was on fire, the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was also on fire.  

A dissertation, Verus Israel,  was written by a Professor at the University of Strasbourg, France, Marcel Simon (1907-1986), a Jewish Frenchman. I figure he was Jewish as Simon is certainly a Jewish surname.   It's the classic study that examines Jewish-Christian relations in the Roman Empire from the 2nd Jewish War led by Aluf Bar Kokhba from 132 to 135 CE to the end of the Jewish Patriarchate in 425 CE.  It was published in French first in 1948.  The book is said to overturn the then commonly held view that the Jewish and Christian communities gradually stopped interacting and that the Jews gave up proselytizing among the gentiles.  Simon takes a contrary position and says that Judaism continued to make the influence felt on the world at large and to be influenced by it in turn.  He analyses both the antagonisms and the attractions between the 2 faiths and he concludes with a discussion of the final disappearance of Judaism as a missionary religion.  The rival community triumphed with the help of a Christian imperial authority and a doctrine well adapted to the Graeco-Roman mentality.  

 He also wrote in 1967, Jewish sects at the time of Jesus.  Yes the Romans had been in power as they had occupied Israel for over 100 years before they burnt it all down in 70 CE.  In fact, it was they who put up thousands of crosses and nailed thousands of Jews to them for any slight infraction of the THEIR LAW.  

Remember Kristallnacht on November 9th and 10th in 1938?  Jews had 1,000 synagogues that were destroyed in flames by the Nazi Germany, the beginning of the annihilation of the Jews of Europe.  
A Jewish family from Paris makes Aliyah
French Jews in Israel are immigrants and descendants of the immigrants of the French Jewish communities, who now reside within the state of Israel. They number over 200,000 as of 2012. 
In 2015 was figured that 10,000 Jews from France would make aliyah.

Update: 5/3/19 The Jewish Press, 4/26/19 -about Notre-Dame Fire.
Abraham Chicheportiche, Notre Dame 
 References:  https://jewishame and the Jews, found in Arutz Sheva 7, 4/16/19 

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