
Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Nadene Goldfoot
Franklin Delano Roosevelt-Democrat 32nd President for 4 terms
from New York
b: January 30, 1882-d: April 12, 1945
President from 1933 to 1945
1st president seen on TV in 1939. 
It used to be that almost all Jewish families were Democrats.  From Obama's time in office, we see that the tide has turned against us, though many Jews were still blind to the fact that the Democrat Party  had changed many of their policies they had had from our fathers' days.  

One thing they took off their platform was caring about Israel.  What happened in 2008 when Obama ran for his 1st term, was that language about G-d and Israel was left in the platform as they were in competition with the Republican Party, but the Democrats on a Tuesday approved their 2012 platform which only referred to the nation's unshakable commitment to Israel's security.  That was quite a change.  They had had the history that Roosevelt's shoes were filled by Harry S. Truman when Roosevelt had died in his 4th term of office.  
Harry S. Truman-Democrat, 33rd President from Missouri
b: May 8, 1884 d: December 26, 1972
President from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953

It was Truman who recognized Israel first in the world as a nation in good standing through the United Nations.  Roosevelt and of course, Truman were Democrats.  So Democrats had been in power since March 4, 1933 til January 20, 1953 ending with Truman, almost a 20 year run. 

So, in North Carolina where the Democratic Convention was held, "Needled by Mitt Romney and other Republicans, Democrats hurriedly rewrote their convention platform Wednesday to add a mention of God and declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel after President Barack Obama intervened to order the changes.

During his 2008 campaign, Obama referred to Jerusalem as Israel's capital in a speech to AIPAC. But as official policy, his administration has repeatedly maintained that Jerusalem's status is an issue that Israelis and Palestinians should decide in peace talks. Actually, this was negating our long established history shown in the Bible that Israel had been created almost 4,000 years ago by Moses with the help of Joshua, had created Judea and Samaria and that had been accepted by the UN already and previously by the League of Nations.  Evidently they had accepted their legality and rights of ownership in order to re-estabish themselves again.  
Bernie Sanders is one Jew who ran in 2012 who was a self-hating Jew.  In other words, he was against Israel.  We've had a few like Noam Chomsky and Michael Finklestein, his pal.  They crop up once in a time with their own unrequited reasons.  Sanders comes to us from Vermont, which has only 5,985 Jews in the whole state, and that's 1.0% of Vermont's population, less than the average 2.0% of the USA population.  He's Jewish by birth.  "His father, Eli Sender, was from Poland and came over in 1921.  "Eli Sanders, U.S. senator Bernie Sanders' father, left his family in Slopnice, a rural village in the South of Poland, and immigrated to the United States. During the Nazi occupation of Poland, Slopnice’s wide-open fields were used for airdrops before the businesses and goods of the town’s local Jews were closed and confiscated. Most of Eli’s family was sent to concentration camps where they were killed."

"He had recently abstained in a vote on Senate Resolution 498, which expressed support for Israel defending itself against “unprovoked rocket attacks” from Hamas. Sanders was one of the 21 members who didn’t sign the unanimously passed resolution."
While his eventual response didn’t satisfy Israel’s most ardent supporters in the room that day, neither did it please the ardent Israel detractors, and the audience contained more of the latter group."  It seems that this is his voting audience and who he is attracting.  Since then he defends anyone finding fault with Israel saying it's "honest criticism" when it stinks of anti-Semitism.  Of  course he defends the 4 young Socialist Congresswomen and their nasty comments about Israel.  Ocasio Cortez had been working for his Presidential run, so he's not going to stifle her at all.  
"After the 2016 United States Presidential election, a Zack Exley along with other members of the 2016 presidential campaign of Bernie SandersCenk Uygur of The Young Turks and Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk created the Justice Democrats in 2017 in attempt to reform the Democratic Party and take on President Donald Trump.  Justice Democrats is an American progressive political action committee founded on January 23, 2017, by Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, and former leadership from the 2016 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.  " Being they plan on knocking out Trump, Ocacio Cortez must be their weapon of choice.  She's been actively doing this in just about everything she says.  Somehow-these men seem to be behind  much of what she says.  
 Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacks Israel, calls them the occupiers of Palestine.  The Justice Democrats had groomed her for her role.  

When pressed on what she meant she struggled to give an answer and then admitted she does not know what she is talking about.

She comes to Washington from New York's 14th Congressional District.  
This district has been part of :

"The 14th Congressional District is 2nd in New York out of 27 other congressional districts in Foreign born residents.  

14th Congressional District is 6th in New York out of 27 other congressional districts in Income below poverty line

Rep. Omar has been excoriated by Republicans and fellow Democrats 
for her second anti-Semitic, anti-Israel remarks, remarks that have prompted a bipartisan call for her to step down from the Foreign Affairs Committed she sits on.
In 2016, " the New York Post's editorial board wrote:  "
It’s beyond depressing to see liberal Democrats breaking ranks with the rest of America — and pressing to destroy a seven-decade bipartisan pro-Israel consensus.."  
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would not be in Congress without the Justice Democrats political action committee, an organization which aims to elect progressives with revolutionary potential.

"Following the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, who was able to defeat Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, supporters of independent U.S. Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders formed a new political action committee, a progressive wing of the Democratic Party, the Justice Democrats. "

"Zack Exley (born December 5, 1969) is a political and technology consultant.  He is also the co-founder and former president of the New Organizing Institute, a progressive political technology training organization.   Politico reported in August 2015 that Exley had joined the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign as a senior advisor responsible for digital communications. He is currently part of the Justice Democrats."  Now he seems to coach Ocasio Cortez who has been backing  Bernie Sanders and is now a Congresswoman from New York.  Bernie is running honestly this time as a Socialist.  Ocasio is also a Socialist.  

Kyle Kulinski "is an American political activist, progressive talk radio host, social democratic political commentator and the co-founder of Justice Democrats.His was one of the only news outlets who reported on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's primary challenge against Joe Crowleybefore her victory was announced

Corbin Trent "Corbin Trent is a co-founder of Brand New Congress and a co-director of Justice Democrats, two grassroots organizations working to elect progressive Democrats to Congress — leaders who’ll work for (real people ) and not big money interests. Trent was the National Campaign Coordinator for the Bernie Sanders Campaign, and recently served as the Communications Director for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."

it's quite possible that President Trump is aware of the Justice Democrats;  "" the radical wing of the Democratic Party, the one whose members stayed seated when President Trump said in his SOTU address that the U.S. will never become a socialist country.
They have a name, too: Justice Democrats. It’s the latest euphemism for the radical left. The American public may have finally caught on to the previous euphemism, “progressive.”
Justice Democrats aren’t fooling around, and they’re not bothered by many of the considerations that dog their more moderate colleagues.  Justice Democrats must feel that the time is right to lay at least a few of their cards on the table and to oppose those party members they call “radical conservatives.”

Update  7/30/19 Mark Levin writes... Resource:;_ylt=AwrUiZ0qCohcbEYA2W4PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByc3RzMXFjBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- about Bernie Sanders

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