
Thursday, March 21, 2019


Nadene Goldfoot                                       
Queen Esther who stopped the Holocaust
caused by Haman in the Persian Empire in c.400 BCE
He wanted all Jews killed.
Today is our day to really enjoy and revel.  

Purim is today, our most happy occasion to remember and celebrate with hamentaschen, carnival, music, remembering that in about 400BCE we escaped a real Holocaust caused by Haman in Persia throughout the whole empire.  It  causes me to remember our real Holocaust in Europe from 1939 to 1945 when 6 million of us were slaughtered.  Now we have but 14 million left; 6 million in Israel, almost 6 million in the USA, and 2 million elsewhere in the world.  

So lets take a look at the neighborhood that Persia once held:
6 New Hezbollah terror tunnels found crossing under homes in Lebanon
into Israel.  Terrorists have 150,000 rockets and missiles, looking towards
launching over 1,000 rockets per day into Israel.  

LEBANON  It's being backed by the Persian-Iranian terrorists, HEZBOLLAH who are there acting for Iran with more than 150,000 rockets, many capable of striking any location in Israel.
Rockets from Gaza going into Israel
Israeli fields burning from Gazan fire-kites
All the while, the enemy's  children can be harmed-that helps parents to hate Jews more-we've seen them put their children in harm's way-- and so
Israeli medical crews are at the border assisting the injured.
Who does such things?  Israelis do.  Do you still think we're so bad?
Would you like to go through what an Israeli goes through during a day?

GAZA, Hamas terrorists in there ruling the people who voted them in on their own accord-or maybe with a Hamas gun pointed at them,  who actively rebuild their terror infrastructure and stockpiling the area with more advanced rockets and constructing new terror tunnels into Israel.  In 48 hours, Hamas fired over 500 rockets and mortars at Israel.  Over 200,000 Israelis spent days and nights in bomb shelters.  Thousands of fire kite and balloon bombs have also been floated across the border to harm Israel.  
EGYPT with the Sinai Peninsula remaining lawless with militant Islamists growing in power, waging an insurgency against the Egyptian government and threatening attacks on Israel.  So it isn't Egypt but their terrorists that are being instigated against both countries.  

JUDEA-SAMARIA, now called West Bank by Jordan who got it right away in 1948 during the war and didn't let it go until 1967 when Israel won a war of which all bets were on Jordan winning.This is one of the miracles I share with you.  That Israel won is a story full of miracles as to how enemy airplanes collided in the sky.  oh all sorts of amazing things happened.  One can easily believe that G-d had a hand in helping us.  Again the Palestinian leaders are inciting tensions and spurring a rise in their terrorist attacks on Israel, especially along the border.  
Jordan rules over the Temple Mount-and they usually have their problems
from this area-Jews can't been seen moving their mouth in prayer,
but Christians are allowed.-Jordan law...nasty

JORDAN, Jordan's comments have been very nasty lately.  Though they have a pro-Western monarchy they face many challenges from their Islamic extremists and have lots of economic strains from the flood of Syrian refugees.  I wonder how much the UN helps feed them all.  It's quite a burden on Jordan, and so they get nasty with Israel, in keeping step with the UN.  

SYRIA,  Their constant Syrian Civil War is entering a new phase.  Iran and its terrorist proxies are attempting to establish a new military front where they can use it to launch attacks against Israel.  Hezbollah test ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.  They call for Israel's annihilation and America's downfall.  They've entrenched themselves in Syria now.  

OLD PERSIA-OLD AND NEW IRAN-This larger country continues to foment chaos throughout the Middle East.  They incite civil strife and destruction in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Bahrain.  All the while they have been threatening and continue to threat Israel with its terrorist proxies who are as close as a homeless stranger who wandered into your back yard;  maybe even a camp site full like one sees in Seattle and Portland.  Only these just want to kill, not take drugs and sleep it off.  They want to kill and take the land.
Shabab fighters from Iran

IRAQ,  Here also are Iranian backed militias wielding enormous power and permit Iranian arms to freely transit into Syria.  
Persia-Iran's Real Leadership-
Former Iranian President hating Israel

We've come around to the PERSIAN EMPIRE once again only with different actors playing the roles.  Can't you see they are trying to take over the whole Middle East once again?  

Resource:  AIPAC American Israel Public Affairs Committee

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