
Saturday, March 30, 2019

One Way Israel Attempted to Help Palestinians After Deplorable 1967 War

Nadene Goldfoot
1949 armistice lines from attack at birth-May 14, 1948
The shock to Israel and the Palestinian Arabs was that Israel won the war started by all the Arabs on June 5, 1967 and lasted 6 days, ending June 11th. 
In those days, Jordanian Arabs were ruled by King Hussein.  After what the war had cost Israel in lives, started by the Arabs' greed and hatred, Hussein created 242 in the UN asking that Israel go back to the lines before 1967.  In other words, Israel was expected to retreat to where they were before this unwanted, unwarranted war in exchange for peace.  

What the Arabs had done to Jerusalem after 1948 when they took the eastern part was terrible.  "Upon its capture by the Arab Legion, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City was destroyed and its residents expelled. Fifty-eight synagogues--some hundreds of years old--were destroyed, their contents looted and desecrated. Some Jewish religious sites were turned into chicken coops or animal stalls. The Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where Jews had been burying their dead for over 2500 years, was ransacked; graves were desecrated; thousands of tombstones were smashed and used as building material, paving stones or for latrines in Arab Legion army camps. The Intercontinental Hotel was built on top of the cemetery and graves were demolished to make way for a highway to the hotel. The Western Wall became a slum area".It was wonderful to finally be able to see the Western Wall again, the Kotel.                                         

 Their planned mass attack, like THE WALKING DEAD aiming at Israel  with ammunition and tanks, had turned against themselves.  Both sides were stuck with Israel's surprise win.  Israel had to win; they had no place to run to.  The Arabs sulked all the way back to their own states in defeat.  The aftermath of this short war was monumental, earth changing, and the Middle East would not get over it.  
This was the biggest defensive effort Israel had to put into these 6 days.  When it was over, they found they were to administer territories they had won.  The land they received had been held by Jordan, illegally, but they had held it.  
It had started in May, actually, in 5 stages.  Syria, Egypt and the Soviet Union spread rumors-gossip-false news that Israeli forces were on the Syrian frontier.  In those days the UN was telling the truth that Israel wasn't there, and nobody listened.  It was Egypt's pretext for putting their own army in Sinai-90,000 men and 900 tanks.  Then Egypt demanded that the UN Emergency Force leave the scene.  They had been sitting out there between Egypt and Israel.  Good-bye-UN Forces. "In 1950, Jordan annexed the territories it had captured in the 1948 war–-eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank. The April 24th resolution declared “its support for complete unity between the two sides of the Jordan and their union into one State, which is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, at whose head reigns King Abdullah Ibn al Husain...”

 Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to ships wanting to dock in Israel, and they CALLED FOR WAR.  Egypt led the way, and the Arab States formed a war pact against Israel.  jordan's army followed.  Israel watched for 3 weeks a buildup of men, weapons and their tanks.  The Great Powers and the UN did nothing, so on 5th June, war started.  Syria and Lebanon joined them.  Behind them as backup were the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation.                                       

This meant that there were about 250,000 troops of Arab forces against Israel.  Nearly half of them were in Sinai.  Nasser had moved 100,000 men an 1,000 tanks into Sinai.  The Arabs had more than 2,000 tanks and 700 aircraft which were ringing around Israel, on the ready for attack.  These other Arab states quickly made preparations for a unified attack on Israel, complete with agreements between Nasser and King Hussein of Jordan.  The Arab world was seized with war hysteria.  
1967 At the Wall, finally, deprived of praying here since 1948.
Israel had been in stand-by mode for over 2 weeks now.  They did a pre-emptive strike.  At the end of the 6 days, Israel had conquered enough territory to more than triple the size of the area it controlled, from 8,000 square miles of teeny Israel to have 26,000 square miles.  Israel had won the Sinai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and  Judea and Samaria (West Bank).  The surprise victory enabled Israel to unify Jerusalem which had had a barricade dividing east from west though it.  
Young IDF seeing Wall for first time.
The high cost for Israel for this win was losing 777 to death and 2,586 wounded.  That was a lot for her.  In proportion to her total population, it was like the USA losing what she did after 8 years of fighting in Vietnam.  Yet, if she hadn't won then, what would have happened to Israel and its population?  They would have all been massacred.  Israel would be no more.  Throughout it all, there were times of miracles that saved so many Israelis.  One has to believe that G-d was with them.  

Israel destroyed the armies massed along its frontiers and menaced its vital city centers.  

Unemployment seems to be a problem all the time with Middle Easterners.  Before 1948, Emir  Feisal was looking forward to his Arabs learning skills from the Jews entering the country and creating their own homeland.  

"Unemployment rates in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen (the MENA 7) have remained stubbornly high, particularly among youth (15–24 years) with an average rate of 22 percent for young males and 39 percent for young females . Some estimates show that the youth unemployment rate is as high as 40 percent in Tunisia and even higher in the inland governorates. The latest official figures put the youth unemployment rate in Iran at 25 percent while unofficial estimates suggest that the real figures are as much as double that rate. Except for Lebanon, the gender gap in unemployment is large: the female youth unemployment rate is almost three times the male youth unemployment rate in Egypt and double in Iran, Jordan and Yemen. Female youth unemployment rates in Egypt remains at 65 percent, Jordan and Yemen at 50 percent and Iran at 40 percent."
From 1967's war, the economy of their administered areas has been transformed from a condition of stagnation and unemployment as Israel had found it was in shambles to one of growing prosperity.  Israelis were on a high.  They wanted to do so much good for the people they were administering, so that they would want to be happy, satisfied with their lot in life, and peaceful 
                                                    If you eat the fruit of the labor of your hands, you will be happy and prosperous.     
Arab media praised Israel for treatment of Palestinian workers 

                                                             (Tanakh,   Psalms.  128.2) 

In September 1967, nearly 11% of the labor force in Judaea and Samaria was unemployed.  By September 1972, less than 2% of the force of 134,000 were jobless.  That's an improvement seen within 5 years with a change in administration.  At first, work was found by schemes of public undertakings;  road building and afforestation.  Later, employment in Israel of workers from the areas was permitted and labor exchanges were opened up.  

In the Gaza Strip and North Sinai, 15% of working men were jobless after the war.  By 1972, 98% of a labor force of 64,000 was employed.  Refugees were treated in the same way as local people in the matter of employment, whether for local special schemes or for work in Israel.  The latter is largely provided through 18 labor exchanges.

The number of workers employed daily in Israel rose from 4,000 at the beginning of 1969 to an estimated 55,000 in mid 1972.  Average net daily local earnings rose from IL4.00 in 1966 to IL9.25 in 1972.; daily earnings in Israel were approximately IL13.  Farm workers were 39% of the total employed,  workers in crafts and industry 13.8%, and in building and public works 14.5%
Every minute after the 67  on Israel's side was spent with the goal of having peace within secure borders.  Not the Arabs.  They went home and then straight to Africa, gathering together in Khartoum in August for a Summit Conference about what to do and how to react after losing and well planned attack to wipe out Israel and drive them all into the sea.  They came up with 4 principals.
1.  No peace with Israel.
2.  No negotiations with Israel.
3.  No recognition of Israel.
4.  Demand: Palestinians can live in their "own country" which is their "right".  
   Facts remain that this was not their "own country."  Palestinians followed the Jews into the country of Palestine in 1880 when the Russian Jews entered.  Those that had been there had been taxed out by the Ottoman Empire already and with Jews entrance, had found willing buyers for G-d forsaken neglected land laid waste into swamps, attracting mosquitoes carrying malaria, deserts and an occasional marauding Bedouin on camel who was there to raid whomever had wandered into his path.  Land owners asked for ungodly prices for this run-down land,  and the Jews paid.  This was the Jewish ancient land, and had their ancestors' stories lying underground and even above at times.  They and their ancestors had prayed 3 times a day to return and now they had.  They had reached the unbearable point in Europe of life, and needed their home that their ancestors had been burned out of.  Like the swallows of Capistrano, they found their way back!  Dare I say it--the prodigal son hath returned.  

Some Arabs were happy with their return, and the educated and cultured Emir Feisal of Arabia was one of them.  He and Chaim Weizmann worked together in Paris and elsewhere making commitments for each of themselves for the end of WWI and land being held by the allies such as Palestine.   One Arab not happy with the Jews' return was Haj Amin al-Husseini, who had become the Sherif of Jerusalem through the dealings of an English Jew on the mandate team  who rewarded him to this position already.  

Lots has happened since then.  Israel removed all their own Jews from Gaza to give to Palestinians in the name of peace, which was not the best move as it gave them a platform from which to attack with rockets, mortars and missiles.  They have been living up to the Khartoum Conference.  
Arabs refused to deal with Israelis in the administered areas, and instead had Gaza and their own government.  They voted in Hamas-the terrorists.  Their skills for the work force have turned into tunnel making for sneaky attacks into Israel and in retrieving illegal weapons to use on Israel.  
Hamas tunnel digger

Israel is such a small state and so much is expected of her.
She has high expectations for herself.  

Resource:Myths and Facts by Mitchell G. Bard, Joel Himelfarb
facts about israel, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem, division of information. 
Battleground;  fact and fantasy in Palestine by Samuel Katz
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

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