
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hamas and PA's Determination to Keep Arabs Unhappy

Nadene Goldfoot                                             
Despite the danger, Israelis are one of the happiest people
on the planet.  That was found in a survey.  
1920 before losing 80% to Abdullah

Hamas Terrorists and the PA cannot abide the Palestinian Arabs to be in a state of peace  for they'll never be able to drive Israelis into the sea in such contentment.   Their goal has been to keep them angry and keep telling them a false narrative of their own history and nothing about the Jews' history who had returned to live there.  The UN has been complicit in this charade.  
Happiness for Jews was being able to come once again to the Wailing Wall, a place of prayer that they were kept from since 1948.  
 1967 was when all the surrounding Muslim countries attacked Israel and got the surprise of their life when Israel won the battle against so many with such few.  It gave Israel a surprise, too, being they thus won back the land Jordan had taken from them that was tagged to be a major part of the JEWISH HOMELAND that the League of Nations conferred upon them back in the 20s at the end of WWI.  They weren't counting on the two-facedness of England who turned around for self-benefits by giving away 80% of the land to prince Abdullah of Arabia.  He in turn is the ancestor of today's King of Jordan and the land became part of Jordan.  The East and west of the Jordan River was involved.  
Israel then held the territory that was compiled of 4 areas.  
Deir Yassin, Arab village near Jerusalem
Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.  This turned out to be
a bad scene, one of the few that happened.  

1. Judaea and Samaria-their ancient Israel that Moses had led the Israelites to as G-d willed this. 

 This territory had been until 1948, Israel's birth on May 14th, part of the British Mandate of Palestine.  Above is Samaria Gorge.  Between 1948 and 1967 it was ruled by Jordan which they annexed in 1950.  Jordan treated everything on the land that was Jewish with contempt.  For example, what happened to Jewish headstones in the cemeteries was to families, historians  and genealogists unforgivable.  Samaria is part of Northern Israel where the capital of Israel was Samaria and so the whole area came to be called Samaria.  Judaea kept Jerusalem as their capital.  
Gaza getting some payback for all the missiles they've been shooting into Israel.  
2. The Gaza Strip-had been part of the British Mandate of Palestine as well.  The only difference here was that there was a brief interruption in 1956 to 57 following the Sinai War when it was administrated by the Egyptian Military Government.  It was not annexed by Egypt.  

3. The Sinai Desert was administered by Egypt until 1967.


4. The Golan Heights-were under Syrian administration until 1967.  
President Trump of the USA just recognized the Golan to be under Israeli jurisdiction as of yesterday.  Pictured here is the winery area and growing grapes.  
Can anyone change their minds and become peaceful? 
They only know NO.  
Pending a peace settlement in which the borders between Israel and its neighbors would be decided it was that of territories occupied during a war. Israel had held off annexing any part of the areas.  East Jerusalem was reunited in June 1967 with West Jerusalem and has been once city under one mayor since then.  A peace settlement has not been forthcoming from the Palestinian Arabs.   They decided that at the Kartoum Conference in Africa with their 3 famous NOs NOs Nos.  

By July 1972, almost a million Arabs were living in the administered areas.  640,600 of them lived in Judaea and Samaria which was 5,900 sq. km or 2,270 sq mi.  

388,600 lived in the Gaza Strip which was 360 sq km or 140 sq mi.  

and North Sinai and 8,000 lived on the Golan Heights which was 1,250 sq km or 800 sq mi.  

The population  of these areas won were predominantly Muslim.  The smaller Christian communities of Greek Orthodox and Latins were mainly in Ramallah, Bethlehem and Beit Jala.  On the Golan Heights there are Druzes living in peace.  

While waiting for peace settlements to be created and signed, Israel's politics tried to achieve some peaceful objectives.  

1. Maintain condition of security for Israel and Arabs alike.
2. Enable conditions of normalcy of life without losing contact with Arabs in other countries.  
3. Make possible rapid economic development.
4. Encourage co-existence and cooperation between the Arabs of the areas and Israelis, as an example for relations to come between the 2 peoples.  
Nazerath now a Palestinian town

They were arriving at these goals.  They did experience tranquil and thriving lives for a little while.  The local affairs have been administered by their own local population.  Open bridges on the Jordan allowed movement in either direction between the areas and the Arab States.  Arabs and Israelis, who  until 1967 had lived in mutual segregation and estrangement, were enjoying the beginnings of a peaceful and fruitful co-existence.  This experience, however so short, was hoped to make a meaningful contribution towards a transformation of Arab-Israeli relations giving them a taste of what life could be like and free from conflict into cooperation.   Arab's continual attacks on Jews nullify much of the goodness accomplished.  

Resource:  facts about israel, Division of Information, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem, 1972

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