
Monday, February 18, 2019

4th Surprise Leading Socialitsts : Linda Sarsour

Nadene Goldfoot                                                 
Linda  Sarsour, born March 1980 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, New York City
38 years old.  She's the oldest of 7 children.  
Unlike the other 3 socialists,  she is still married to her husband, "Maher Judeh aka Maher Abo Tamer who she married at the age of seventeen. The couple  has three children, a son, Tamir;  6 years old and two daughters; Sabreen and Sajida; 14 and 12 years old respectively." According to her write-up, she stands 6'2" tall and is very wealthy.   I have found this fact of wealth mentioned in several articles but was in shaky and incorrect wording that was impossible to understand.  
Women's March led by Sarsour 
Women's March, held the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the U.S.
Linda Sarsour is a Palestinian American political activist.  She's not a leader in our government yet, but was "co-chair of the 2017 Women's March and the 2017 Day Without a Woman strike and protest, and former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. "

Linda endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for the President of the United States in 2016. She was arrested along with another activist in March 2017, when she was a co-chairman of the Day without a Woman protest. 
"In March 2017 interviewing with The Nation, she linked feminism to end Israeli occupation and settlement growth, saying, “ You can’t be feminist in U.S. and raised for the rights of the American Women and then say that you don’t want to stand up for rights of women in Palestine. It is all connected”.   Palestinian women know how to speak out for themselves.  I've heard plenty.  Linda hasn't met many in Brooklyn, evidently.  Maybe her mother is shy.                                         
She's another of the young women in power who is against Israel, and also a Muslim like two others.  "Sarsour, who is of Palestinian descent, has publicly advocated for the rights of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories and spoken in "full support" of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign. A Muslim, she has stated that she views the hijab as a symbol of empowerment and often defends sharia law.  

"In Germany, in 2014, the Interior Minister (Thomas de Maizière) told a newspaper (Bild), "Sharia law is not tolerated on German soil.  Some countries and jurisdictions have explicit bans on sharia law. In Canada, for example, sharia law has been explicitly banned in Quebec by a 2005 unanimous vote of the National Assembly, while the province of Ontario allows family law disputes to be arbitrated only under Ontario law.
 In the U.S., opponents of Sharia have sought to ban it from being considered in courts, where it has been routinely used alongside traditional Jewish and Catholic laws to decide legal, business, and family disputes subject to contracts drafted with reference to such laws, as long as they do not violate secular law or the U.S. constitution. After failing to gather support for a federal law making observing Sharia a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison, anti-Sharia activists have focused on state legislatures. By 2014, bills aimed against use of Sharia have been introduced in 34 states and passed in 11. These bills have generally referred to banning foreign or religious law in order to thwart legal challenges."

I'm getting tired of writing this, but Israel does not occupy anything in Eretz Yisrael.  Judea-Samaria is run by Abbas of the Fatah Terrorizing politics, and Israelis left Gaza for the Arabs lock, stock and barrel, even moving out their deceased that were buried there, for the sake of peace-of which Hamas terrorists became their leadership.  Palestinian Arabs voted them in.  
Farrakhan,  born Louis Eugene Walcott; May 11, 1933), formerly known as Louis X, is an American black nationalist and minister who is the leader of the religious group Nation of Islam, and is one year older than myself.  Farrakhan has been described as antisemitic by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League and others. The NOI promotes an anti-white theology, also according to the SPLC. Some of his remarks have also been considered homophobic.

er political activism has been praised by some liberals and progressives, while her stance on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict has been criticized by some conservatives and Jewish leaders and organizations. Her leadership in the 2019 Women's March was also controversial, with several chapters and its former co-founder calling for her resignation along with those of her three fellow co-chairs for their perceived refusal to clearly condemn Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.                                                                                
Tamika Danielle Mallory
b: September 1980
is an American activist who currently serves as co-president of the 2019 Women's March. She was one of the leading organizers of the 2017 Women's March, for which she and her three other co-chairs were recognized in the Time 100 that year.

Anti-Semitism appears where she is.  "In September 2018, Sarsour announced that she would lead the 2019 Women's March on Washington along with Tamika MalloryBob Bland, and Carmen Perez. In 2018 Sarsour and Mallory were the focus of a controversy over their perceived refusal to clearly condemn the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whose rhetoric has been deemed antisemitic and homophobic by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti Defamation League. There were also accusations that the organization's leadership had excluded Jewish women. In November 2018, Teresa Shook, the march's founder, called for the Women's March leadership to step down, accusing them of having "allowed anti-Semitism, anti-LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform by their refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs. "Linda was the former executive director of the organization until stepping down from the position in 2017.

Sarsour first gained attention for protesting police surveillance of American Muslims, later becoming involved in other civil rights issues such as police brutalityfeminismimmigration policy, and mass incarceration. She has also participated in Black Lives Matter demonstrations and was the lead plaintiff in a suit challenging the legality of the Trump travel ban.

When Sarsour and Atweh (a relative and head of the American Arab Ass.) were returning from the 2005 gala opening of the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, their car was struck by a tractor-trailer. Atweh died of her injuries, and two other passengers suffered from broken bones. Sarsour, who was driving, was not seriously injured She returned to work immediately, saying of Atweh, "This is where she wanted me to be". She was named to succeed Atweh as executive director of the association at age 25. Over the next several years she expanded the scope of the organization, building its budget from $50,000 to $700,000 annually.

I can find no information about her Palestinian parents or when they came to the states.  What's dangerous is a Palestinian without any knowledge about the history of either Palestine or Israel.  They do not bother to read but go by hearsay and gossip.  I'm afraid that's her experience from what she has said.  



  1. from Sara Miller of NY City, letter to:
    New York Daily News
    May 9, 2017

    Anyone who claims that she seeks to help dead Jews in vandalized cemeteries but is totally against all Israeli self-defense measures and calls Zionism “creepy” cannot be a friend to Jews. Sarsour supports Palestinian “resistance” (i.e., terrorism against Israeli civilians) and has claimed that one cannot be both a feminist and a Zionist. This is utter nonsense: It is the extremists of Hamas and all fanatic Islamists who oppress women and deny them equal rights, while Israel has gender equality unparalleled in the Middle East. Women serve in the army and at all levels of government, and they are free to dress and marry as they choose. Sarsour also praises sharia law and has made despicable comments about other women who fight radical Islamists, who are generally not known as feminists. Sarsour is a total hypocrite, not a bridge builder: No one can be a friend to Jews while denying the right of the one Jewish state to exist in peace and constantly denouncing Zionism as one of the world’s evils. If the only Jews she cares about are dead ones who cannot defend themselves and not the ones who want to survive in Israel, no Jews need any “friends” like her.

  2. Thank you Sara; I totally agree with you.
