
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Taliban and the USA in Afghanistan

Nadene Goldfoot                               
Taliban that seized weapons in Kandahar

To us Americans, the word Taliban is just another name of another terrorist group.  There are so many these days that we hear.  There is Hamas, PLO, Al Qaeda, Fatah, Hezbollah, PFLP, and they're all over there somewhere in the Middle East.  Taliban look like the rest of the population of Afghanistan.  No uniforms.  

We've had American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan against the Taliban.  It's time to learn something about them.  They call themselves the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan or the IEA.  These men are Sunni Islamic fundamentalists, meaning they are very religious Muslims; this is not only a religious group but a political movement that are terrorists, killing those who may also be Muslims, and are not like these fanatics.  Their concept of Islam is the Salafi concept of Jihadism spouted by Osama bin Laden, which made him such a dangerous and evil man.  

" The Taliban believes that the world is divided into infidels and believers or followers of the Islamic faith. They use this ideology and their radical religious interpretations to justify their barbaric attacks and suicide bombings. They believe that such attacks are part of their jihad, or holy war, and a fundamental component of their beliefs.                                        

The Taliban supports and implements severe Islamic punishments, including public executions of convicted adulterers and murders and amputations of those convicted of theft. Under Taliban rule, men are required to grow beards.   

Women are forced to wear burkas to refrain from showing any skin. Television, cinema and music are also banned by the Taliban."
 Many are also made up of Pashtos- Pashtuns, who we are now discovering are some of the survivors of a 721 BCE raid by the Assyrians on Israel and taking all the best of the population away and eventually into the lands that became Afghanistan and Pakistan.  Pashtos have remained as tribesmen  and their social mores are Pashtunwali.  They follow this 1st, and then Islam 2nd.  Pashtunwali has many of the concepts of Judaism as I see it in caring for the stranger, putting a stranger under their protection from others, etc.  

A movie, LONE SURIVOR,  has been made about how they protected an American soldier who would have been the enemy, being American, from the Taliban, who sought his death.  It stars  Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, and Eric Bana and is 
based on the book 'Lone Survivor' by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson.

Pashtuns follow Pashtunwali first.  "Pashtunwali (Pashtoپښتونوالی‎) or Pakhtunwali is a non-written ethical code and traditional lifestyle which the indigenous Pashtun people follow.  It is a system of law and governance that is preserved and still in use today, mostly in the rural tribal areas. Its meaning may also be interpreted as "the way of the Pashtuns" or "the code of life"."  It may be based on the Mosaic Law.  Pashtunwali is widely practiced among Pashtuns, especially among the non-urbanized Pashtuns in the countryside. In addition to being practiced by members of the Pashtun diaspora, it has been adopted by some non-Pashtun Afghans and Pakistanis that live in the Pashtun regions or close to the Pashtuns, who have gradually become Pashtunized over time. During the Pashtun-dominated Taliban regime, a combination of Pashtunwali and Sharia law was practiced throughout the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in conjunction with the Taliban's extreme interpretation of Deobandi Islam. 

It just so happens that this modern century has made it easier for sociologists to study the Pashtun, and Dr. Shalva Weil of Jerusalem has found many reasons to believe they are truly the remnants of our cousins, the 10 Lost Tribes, something that is also believed by many of the Pashtuns themselves, and that some Jews and Pashtuns are just now getting to know each other and our mutual history.  There's much confusion about it and misconceptions, so a lot of learning is now taking place despite the language barriers we're facing.  That's where English is handy.  

Jews were living in Afghanistan in the early medieval times, but after the 12th century, they were not heard from.  Jews of more recent days was made up of part of a 19th century Persian Jewish community that didn't study the Talmud.  They probably couldn't find one there.  They continued to live a medieval lifestyle and were confined to ghettos and wore black turbans.  A century ago, 40,000 Jews lived in Afghanistan.  If he's still alive, there is one man left.  They  all had to move to Israel when Israel was again a state in 1948.  It's doubtful if these cousins, the Jews and Pashtuns, ever mixed.  

In Afghanistan, they have been waging war since 1996.  Their leader since 2016 has been Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada.  It was in 1996 that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was established.  Their capital was now Kandahar.

In December 2001, an invasion led by the Americans entered Afghanistan which was right after the 9/11 attacks in September.

For 5 years from 1996 to 2001, the Taliban held 3/4 of Afghanistan with their power and made sure everyone follow the strict interpretation of Islamic law called Sharia.  It was in 2001 that New York suffered from the attack on its high rise buildings killing over 3,000 people.  That was our 9/11.  By 1994 the Taliban was in the Afghan civil War and were made up of students from the Pashtun areas of the eastern and southern parts of Afghanistan that were educated in traditional Islamic schools.  They fought during the Soviet-Afghan War.  The Taliban committed massacres on Afghan civilians.  They denied 160,000 starving civilians UN food supplies that the fighting had caused.  Their scorched earth policy was to burn huge area of fertile land.  They destroyed tens of thousands of homes.  In 2001, 2,500 Arabs under Al-Qaeda's Osama bin Laden fought with the Taliban.  
Afghan police stopping potential Taliban in 2014
They were a religious movement.  now under the leadership of Mohammed Omar that spread throughout Afghanistan.  They even took power away from the Mujahideen warlords. The Taliban government was recognized by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.  Then they regrouped as an insurgency movement and fought the Afghanistan's Karzai administration that was American-backed and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the War in Afghanistan.

In 2010, the Taliban and those helping them caused 76% of Afghan CIVILIAN casualties.  It went up to 80% in 2011 and in 2012.  So who was injured?  The civilians were, and they were at the mercy of these attackers.  They were practicing cultural genocide by destroying many monuments, including the famous 1500 year old Buddas of Barniyan.  

The USA had a change of presidents and now President Trump and the coalition have ended the power struggle that Taliban had the upper hand in 2016.  There are still US soldiers in Afghanistan as the Taliban, smaller than before, still have a hold in many places.  

"The lack of security had made it almost impossible for many U.S. and even some Afghan officials to get out to manage and inspect U.S.-funded reconstruction projects,” wrote John Sopko, the inspector general."

"The U.S. has spent more than $113 billion on Afghan reconstruction, more in constant dollars than it spend rebuilding Western Europe after World War II under the Marshall Plan. It is on track to spend billions more, but many critics view the Afghan civilian aid effort as a wasteful failure. Sopko has examined a fraction of the spending, but his audits have uncovered $17 billion in questioned costs in just three years, according to a tally by ProPublica, the investigative group."                                                      
And yet, the city of Kabul was built to hold 750,000 people.   It's high up in the mountains and is on the ancient Silk Road, a city at least 3,000 years old from the time of the  Achaemenid Empire.   Today it has over 7 million people; wall to wall people and so many can be  Taliban.                                                                         
Kabul (Persianکابل‎, translit. KābolPashtoکابل‎, translit. Kābəl) is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, located in the eastern section of the country. It is also a municipality, forming part of the greater Kabul Province. According to estimates in 2015, the population of Kabul was 4.635 million, which includes all the major ethnic groups of Afghanistan.  Rapid urbanization had made Kabul the world's 75th largest city."


Update: special treat:

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