
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Searching For Bene Israel's Entrance Into Afghanistan's Land from Assyrians in 721 BCE: 2,740 years Ago

Nadene Goldfoot                                       
Afghanistan Shah Shujah Durrani Sadozai -Reigned in 1800
The Assyrians, led by Sennacherib,  attacked Northern Israel's 10 Tribes of Israel and took them away to far distant eastern lands of theirs in 721 BCE 2,740 years ago.   The virtual destruction of Israel left the southern kingdom, Judah, to fend for itself among warring Near Eastern kingdoms.  
 Eventually some of the 10 tribes  arrived in what is today's Afghanistan and Pakistan.  They were not heard of again after the attack. To  the two remaining tribes, Judah and some of Benjamin who were left behind,  they were lost forever, even possibly presumed dead.  Now, with modern science, we find that many are alive and known to the world as the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of India.  They have maintained their own culture, language, and have staked out their own major piece of land among these countries.  

We know the history of the southern tribes who continued to live in Judah until they, too were taken away, this time by the next group, the Babylonians, led by Nebuchadnezzer, who were the conquerors of the Assyrians who attacked Judah in 597 BCE and again in 586 BCE.  Jews were kept in Babylonia but some started to return in 538 BCE with permission from their king.  That means that at the least, they had been captives for 48 years, which is about 2 generations in length. 
Jews returning from Babylon going home to Jerusalem.

 They came back finding that Babylonians had filled in their spaces with foreigners living in their land.  That was the way of those days; people were kidnapped, taken away only to be replaced by that country's unwanted and troublesome people.  Killings happened on the battlefield, but people were like machines.  They could be forced to work and do things for you that you didn't want to do.  The kidnapped were sort of like that year's model washing machine.  They were valuable.  
Afghani nomads living today as they may have 3,000 years ago in tents. 
What would our sons of Jacob come across in the Afghanistan land?   It probably took them several years to make their way from Israel to Afghanistan.  
From Jerusalem to Kabul is 1,965 miles or 3,262.36 km.  Kabul is 2 hours 30 minutes ahead of Jerusalem in time.  If they traveled by camel almost 3,000 years ago it would have taken years to get to Kabul, I would think.  They would have traveled on the SILK ROAD, possibly trading all along the way.  

"The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization (3300-1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) extending from present-day northwest Pakistan to present-day northwest India and present-day northeast Afghanistan.  An Indus Valley site has been found on the Oxus River at Shortugai in northern Afghanistan.   Apart from Shortughai, Mundigak is another known site.   There are several other smaller IVC sites to be found in Afghanistan as well."

"The Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex became prominent in the southwest region between 2200 and 1700 BCE (approximately). The city of Balkh (Bactra) was founded about this time (c. 2000–1500 BCE). It is possible that the BMAC may have been an Indo-European culture, perhaps the Proto-Indo-Aryans. But the standard model holds the arrival of Indo-Aryans to have been in the Late Harappan which gave rise to the Vedic civilization of the Early Iron Age."

    "Assyria (/əˈsɪəriə/), also called the Assyrian Empire, was a Mesopotamian kingdom and empire of the ancient Near East and the Levant. It existed as a state from perhaps as early as the 25th century BC in the form of the Assur city-state, until its collapse between 612 BCE and 609 BCE, spanning the Early to Middle Bronze Age through to the late Iron Age."
Cyrus of Persia
" The region of nowadays Afghanistan came under Median rule for a short time." The Medes, sons of Japheth, son of Noah of the Bible, cooperated with the Babylonians in the 6th century BCE but were defeated by Cyrus of Persia.  Their country was called Media.  Japheth was promised wide territories in his father's blessing.  he was the father of 14 different people, people of the Indo-European language group, living from the Caucasus to the Aegean Sea.  

   It was Cyrus II, King of Persia who died in 529 BCE who overran the Babylonian Empire which included Eretz Yisrael (Israel).  It was he who in 538 BCE allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple.  Read in (Ezra 1:1-44; and (II Chronicles 36:22-23 about it of the Bible).  The Jewish exiles thought  that he was wonderful, a Divine agent.  

Afghanistan fell to the Achaemenid Empire after it was conquered by Darius I of Persia. This Darius reigned from 522-486 BCE and had inherited the throne of Cyrus.  At the beginning of his reign, he permitted Zerubbabel and the Jews who had returned to Jerusalem to work on the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon, creating the 2nd Temple of Solomon.  It's also thought that Cyrus could have been King Ahasueros and Darius, the son, actually a Jew.  He would have had Queen Esther as his mother.  The thought is that they were so nice and thoughtful to the Jews, that maybe they were related and were Esther's family.  Esther was well known to the Jews of the Persian Empire.  

Note that Cyrus and Darius played most important parts in the lives of Jews in Judah as well as here in Afghanistan though neither knew of the other.  

Alexander the Great arrived in the area of Afghanistan in 330 BCE after defeating Darius III of Persia a year earlier at the Battle of Gaugamela. The Pashtuns "  probably mixed with other peoples, including possibly the Kushans, the Hephthalites or White Huns, Arabs, Mughals, and others who passed through the area. Specifically, Pashtuns in the Kandahar region have a tradition that they are descended from the Greco-Macedonian troops of Alexander the Great, who invaded the area in 330 BCE.

Alexander's  army faced very strong resistance in the Afghan tribal areas where he is said to have commented that Afghanistan is "easy to march into, hard to march out of. Although his expedition through Afghanistan was brief, Alexander left behind a Hellenic cultural influence that lasted several centuries. Several great cities were built in the region named "Alexandria," including: Alexandria-of-the-Arians (modern-day Herat); Alexandria-on-the-Tarnak (near Kandahar); Alexandria-ad-Caucasum (near Begram, at Bordj-i-Abdullah); and finally, Alexandria-Eschate (near Kojend), in the north. After Alexander's death, his loosely connected empire was divided. Seleucus, a Macedonian officer during Alexander's campaign, declared himself ruler of his own Seleucid Empire, encompassing Persia and Afghanistan."  

   Alexander was also the king of Macedonia from 336-323 BCE.  He was also liked very much by the Jews.  He visited Jerusalem and was kind to the high priest (a Cohen) who was Jaddua, and gave privileges to the Jews of Judah and Jews outside the land as well.  This was reported by Josephus, and really not believed.  People thought he never did visit Jerusalem. Nevertheless, there were many Jews named "Alexander," both 1st and last names, so he must have carried on the tradition of being nice to Jews when their suppressor.   

The area was divided into several provinces including:   Aria (Herat); Arachosia (KandaharLashkar Gah, and Quetta); Bactriana (Balkh); Sattagydia (Ghazni); and Gandhara (KabulJalalabadPeshawar)

The Greco-Bactrian Kingdom was founded when Diodotus I, the satrap of Bactria (and probably the surrounding provinces) seceded from the Seleucid Empire around 250 BCE. Greco-Bactria continued until c. 130 BCE, when Eucratides' son, King Heliocles I, was defeated and driven out of Bactria by the Yuezhi tribes. It is thought that his dynasty continued to rule in Kabul and Alexandria of the Caucasus until 70 BCE when King Hermaeus was defeated by the Yuezhi.
One of Demetrius' successors, Menander I, brought the Indo-Greek Kingdom to its height between 165–130 BCE, expanding the kingdom in Afghanistan and Pakistan to even larger proportions than Demetrius. After Menander's death, the Indo-Greeks steadily declined and the last Indo-Greek king was defeated in c. 10 CE."
"The territory fell to the Mauryan Empire, which was led by Chandragupta Maurya. The Mauryas introduced Hinduism and Buddhism to the region, and were planning to capture more territory of Central Asia until they faced local Greco-Bactrian forces. Seleucus is said to have reached a peace treaty with Chandragupta by giving control of the territory south of the Hindu Kush to the Mauryas upon intermarriage and 500 elephants."
For a period, the land belonged to the Sassanids;   much of modern-day Afghanistan was part of the Persian Sasanian Empire, since Shapur I extended his authority eastwards into Afghanistan and the previously autonomous Kushanswere obliged to accept his suzerainty."

In 642 CE, Rashidun Arabs had conquered most of West Asia from the Sassanids and Byzantines, and from the western city of Herat they introduced the religion of Islam as they entered new cities. Afghanistan at that period had a number of different independent rulers, depending on the area. Ancestors of Abū Ḥanīfa, including his father, were from the Kabul region.
The early Arab forces did not fully explore Afghanistan due to attacks by the mountain tribes. Much of the eastern parts of the country remained independent, as part of the Hindu Shahi kingdoms of Kabul and Gandhara, which lasted that way until the forces of the Muslim Saffarid dynasty followed by the Ghaznavids conquered them

OTTOMAN EMPIRE OF TURKEY 1515-1917:  400 years to be lost by Turkey because they sided with the Axis Power-Germany-in World War I.  Their land was divided up by the Allies who won.  
Dost Mohammad Khan (Pashtoدوست محمد خان‎, December 23, 1793 – June 9, 1863) was the founder of the Barakzai dynasty and one of the prominent rulers of Afghanistan during the First Anglo-Afghan War. With the decline of the Durrani dynasty, he became Emir of Afghanistan from 1826 to 1839 and then from 1843 to 1863. An ethnic Pashtun, he was the 11th son of Sardar Payendah Khan (chief of the Barakzai tribe) who was killed in 1799 by Zaman Shah Durrani. Dost Mohammad's grandfather was Hajji Jamal Khan.
The Musahiban family started with his older brother, Sultan Muhammad Khan, nicknamed "Telai", meaning "golden", a nickname he was given because of his love of fine clothing. This brother was the ruler of Peshawar.

Bārakzai (Pashtoبارکزی‎, bārakzay, plur. bārakzī) is the name of a Pashtun tribe from present-day, KandaharAfghanistan. '"Barakzai" is a common name among the Pashtuns and it means "son of Barak" in Pashto. There are seven distinct Pashtun tribes named Barakzai, with the Zirak branch of the Durrani tribe being the most important and largest tribe with over 4 million people.
1st king of Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan 1919-1929
 His brother was Inayatullah Khan who ruled for 3 days before the rebellion.
Inayatullah had taken over when Amanullah Khan abdicated.  
Afghanistan became a constitutional monarchy in 1926, and had been the Emirate of Afghanistan  It's 1st king was Amanullah Khan.  This honor came after he had been on the throne already for 7 years.  "He was the first Afghan ruler who attempted to modernize Afghanistan on Western designs. However, he did not succeed in this because of a popular uprising by Habibullah Kalakani and his followers.
King Mohammed Nadir Shah, father of
the last King of Afghanistan, Mohammed Zahir Shah.
He would be descended from Kish of the Tribe of Benjamin
from Israel's 12 Lost Tribes.
Born Mohammad Nadir Khan
April 9, 1883-November 8, 1933.  
Amanullah Khan had a Minister of War, Mohammed Nadir.  He returned from India and his British-supported armies sacked Kabul.  This forced Habibullah Kalakani, the leader of the tribal rebellion who had taken power and had reinstated the Emirate,   to ask for a truce.  

 On 14 January 1929, Amanullah abdicated and fled to neighbouring British India whilst the country went into a short civil war. From British India, he went to Europe where he died in ZürichSwitzerland, in 1960."

Mohammed Nadir executed Kalakani, reinstated the kingdom, and was proclaimed King of Afghanistan on October 1929 and went onto revert the reformist path of Amanullah Khan.

 His son succeeded him who was Mohammed Zahir Shah who ruled from 1929 to 1933.  His rule started in 1933 and lasted for 39 years.  Under him, the Afghan government sought relationships with the Soviet Union, France, United Kingdom and the United States.  On September 27, 1934, the Kingdom of Afghanistan joined THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS It was Zahir Shah who descended from Kish of the Tribe of Benjamin, one of the 12 tribes of Israel.   His reign ended in 1973.  

During World War II Afghanistan remained neutral and their diplomatic policy was of non-alignment.  
Malala is from Pakistan.  She was shot and almost died
because she was in school trying to get an education. Women
in Saudi Arabia are getting educated.  Why not
in Pakistan?   
He was overthrown by his own cousin, Mohammed Daoud Khan who established the Republican Afghan government.  Mohammed Daoud was Prime Minister at the time (1929 to 1946), worked hard to develop modern industries and education in the country.  It looks like not all were on board for girls to get an education.  They never reached that point of a higher understanding for girls.  

Afghanistan  became a Kingdom again in 1919 under Amanullah Khan I. That Kingdom  eventually came to an end in 1973 when the country became a Republic under Mohammed Daoud Khan.

Mohammed Daoud Khan or Daud Khan was the 5th Prime Minister of Afghanistan from 1953 to 1963 and later the President of Afghanistan. 
Prince Daoud was born in Kabul, the eldest son of the diplomat HRH Prince Mohammed Aziz Khan (1877–1933) (an older half-brother of King Mohammed Nadir Shah) and his wife, Khurshid Begum.
He could probably claim descent from Kish, too.   
Afghanistan had experienced several coups since 1973, when the Afghan monarchy was overthrown by Daud Khan, who was sympathetic to Soviet overtures.

There are about 50 million Pashtos in the world with about 14 million in Afghanistan. 
 The Pashtuns are the world's largest segmentary lineage ethnic group. Estimates of the number of Pashtun tribes and clans range from about 350 to over 400. There have been many notable Pashtun people throughout history: Ahmad Shah Durrani is regarded as the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan, while Bacha Khan was a Pashtun independence activist against the rule of the British Raj. Some others include Malala YousafzaiShah Rukh KhanZarine KhanImran KhanFarhad DaryaZakir HusainHamid KarzaiMullah Mohammed Omar, and Ashraf Ghani.  How many claim descent from Israel's 10 northern tribes?  
Today we have about 14,000 American soldiers in Afghanistan.  "The attacks of September 11, 2001 surprised many Americans; the decision a month later to wage a war in Afghanistan, to end the ability of the government to offer safe haven to Al Qaeda, may have seemed equally surprising. "  Al Qaeda is a terrorist group.  So is the Taliban.  

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