
Saturday, January 19, 2019

One Fourth (1/4) Of World Anti-Semitic -A Reason For Israel's Existence

Nadene Goldfoot                                           
Recent Event in Athens, Greece
Jews make up 0.02% of the world population.  

Anti Semitism seems to be more active than has been reported to me.  The figures show that the most anti-Semitism comes from the Middle East, of course.

The following survey was taken by ADL in 2014 with a 2015 Update in 19 countries and I've
added a few more. Over 4,161,578,905 people were surveyed.  That's 26% of the world population,
a good 5 years ago.  It's been growing since then, not receding.

1,090,000,000. = 1.09 Billion people are anti-Semitic

7.7 Billion people are in the world  

In 1939, there were 16.6 million Jews worldwide, and a majority of them – 9.5 million, or 57% – lived in Europe, according to DellaPergola’s estimates

                             Where Most Anti-Semitism Exists

The Middle East and North Africa:  74%
Eastern Europe                                  34%
Western Europe                                 24%
Sub Saharan Africa                           23%
Asia                                                   22%
North and South America                 19%
Oceania                                             14%

Can you point to Israel on this map?  It's here.
18% of people surveyed thought Israel had more than 700 million people.    


. Judea-Samaria                   93% anti-Semitic.                                                          3,284,787-2017
                                                                                                         Arabs                ( 2,345,000)
                                                                                           East Jerusalem Jews         ( 375,000 )
                                                                                                       Israelis                  ( 389,250)
    Gaza                             93%                                              All Arabs                     1,816,379-2014                                                   
1. Iraq--                           92%  -11th most people of Muslim Majority Countries-31,234,000
2. Yemen                         88%-  16th most people                                                   23,580,000
3. Algeria                        87%-    9th most people                                                   34,895,000
4. Libya                           87%-  29th most people                                                    6,173,579         
5. Tunisia                        86%    23rd most people                                                  10,383,577
6. Kuwait                        82%    36th most people                                                    3,399,637
7. Bahrain                       81%    42nd most people                                                   1,046,814
8. Jordan                         81%    30th most people                                                    5,568,565
9. Morocco                   80%    10th most people                                                  33,723,418
10. Qatar                         80%    44th most people                                                      744,029
11. United Arab Rep.     80%     31st most people                                                   5,432,746
12. Turkey                      71%      7th most people                                                 73,722,988
13. Greece                      69%                                                                                 10.89 million-2002
14. Malaysia                   61%   13th most people                                                  27,730,000
15. Iran                           60%     6th most people                                                  76,923,300
16..Armenia                   58%    declining population                                              2.986 million-2017
1.4 million Jews now live in Europe.
6 million  Jews live in Israel
About 5 million Jews live in the USA today. 

17.      Poland                  37 %           population of 37.87 million in 2017
18.      Ukraine                32%            population of 44.83 million in 2017
       Ukraine and Russia led large immigration to Israel in 2017. 

19.      Spain                    29%            population of 46.57 million in 2017
20.     Argentina               24%           population of 44.27 million in 2017

Russian immigrants attend an event marking the 25th anniversary of the major wave of aliya from the former Soviet Union to Israel, at the Jerusalem Convention Center, on December 24, 2015. (Hadas Parush/Flash90  

21.     Russia                    23%           population of 144.5 million in 2017
      Largest Jewish immigration from Russia in 2017.  

"The countries lead the list for first time in over a decade, amid financial crisis, with some starting Jewish conversion process before making aliyah."  

I immigrated from USA to Israel when many Russians immigrated in 1980. 

22.     France                    17%           population of 67.12 million in 2017
23.    Germany                 16%           population of 82.54 million in 2002

24.    United Kingdom       12%           population of 66.02 million in 2017;               21st most populated in world      More than 100 acts of anti-Semitism are reported every month in England. "Children as young as 11 have been physically attacked, while appalling graffiti has been daubed on homes and synagogues and MPs have been targeted with antisemitic abuse after speaking out on the issue." 

50 states make up United States of America

25.    USA                        10%--       population of 325.7 million people in                   2017.
   About 2% of population are Jews.
  24,000 people in USA are anti-Semitic.  According to the Anti-Defamation League, which fights anti-Semitism. 
In 2016, 54.4% of hate crimes committed in the United States were anti-Semitic.
Oregon is a state on the west coast with 4.143 million people.
Their largest city is Portland with 647,805 people.  The state is growing about 10,000 per year.
Portland has about 47,500 Jews.  

ADL reports that in 2016 there were 1,267 anti-Semitic incidences in the USA.
In 2017 there were 1,906 incidences.  The incidences were up by 57% by 2017.  

952 were vandalism, up 86%. 
1,015 were harassment, up 41%.
College campus doubled the 2nd year in a row.
457 incidences happened in non Jewish schools.  
Reported in 2017: "Recent anti-Semitic hate incidents across the Portland area were detailed in a Willamette Week story this week. Jewish Community Centers in Portland and across the country have experienced a significant uptick in bomb threats and other attempts at intimidation."

"People gather in Portland in August 2017 to march in solidarity with the people attacked by white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. The ADL and other groups have reported a surge in the number of incidents in which far-right extremist groups have posted racist and anti-Semitic fliers on college campuses. Mark Graves/Staff/File(Mark Graves)"  

A hate crime bill supported by Oregon Senators didn't pass. It was Frederick's bill 356. " The Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association opposed the bill partly on grounds that it is already "difficult…to discern with accuracy the intent of the actor at the time of an assault."

"The Southern Poverty Law Center, which supports this legislation, reported 701 acts of hateful intimidation and harassment in just the first week after the election. The FBI has also reported a nearly 7 percent increase in the number of hate crimes in 2015 compared to 2014. This was driven by an alarming 67 percent increase in the number of anti-Muslim crimes."
Or L'Simcha Synagogue Congregation, scene of Shooting
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Pennsylvania is a state on the east coast with a population in 2017 that was 12.81 million. 
Pittsburgh had a 2017  city limits population of 305,704;  metropolitan population of 2,353,045.  The population of Jews in Pittsburgh is 49,200, a 17% increase since 2002.  In 2015 it was listed as the 11th most livable cities in the world.   On Shabbat- October 27, 2018, Robert Bowers of Pittsburgh went into a synagogue and killed ll people and wounded 6.  Of those, 4 were police officers.  One was in critical condition.  The killer was shot but lived and booked for 29 federal crimes.  50 anti Semitic incidents had occurred in 2018 before this shooting. 

The map above shows that Pennsylvania had 36 incidences right after the election of December 19, 2016.  

***26.    Denmark                   8%                   population of    5.8 million

My neighbor is an immigrant from Denmark.  Her father had helped get Jews into Sweden from Denmark by boat. Denmark was the only European country to save almost all of its Jewish residents from the Holocaust. After being tipped off about imminent roundups by prominent Nazis, resisters evacuated the country's 7,000 Jews to Sweden by boat. A new book examines this historical anomaly.  They viewed the Jews as Danes and placed them under their protection, a story documented in "Countrymen," a new book by Danish author Bo Lidegaard. "The history of the rescue of the Danish Jews," writes Lidegaard, "is only a tiny part of the massive history of the Shoah. But it teaches us a lesson, because it is a story about the survival instinct, civil disobedience and the assistance provided by an entire people when, outraged and angry, it rebelled against the deportation of its fellow Danes."

Central Bureau of Statistics publishes statistics in honor of 2017 drawing to a close: Israel has population of 8,793,000;  27,000 have made Aliyah in 2017, mostly from Europe; population grew by 165,000, with 180,000 births and 44,000 deaths.  About 1.7 million are Arabs.  
 With the growth of anti-Semitism, Jews have a haven to take them in.  Israel.  That's what it was created for in the first place.  At the beginning of the Holocaust, they were kept out by the British who were letting Arabs into Palestine when they were to assist Jews in creating the Jewish Homeland.  

Update:2/12/19  article from France: 

Minister: Anti-Semitism in France spreading like poison

France's interior minister decries 'poison' of bigotry, notes 74% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in France in 2018 over previous year.)

ADL:  Anti Defamation League

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