
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Look At Britains' Treatment of Jews Today and Yesterday

Nadene Goldfoot                                   
Now a board game of historical conflict.  

43 CE Rome invaded Brittania (Britain) and held it until 5th Century CE  Brits could have been used by the Romans to attack Jerusalem in 70 CE along with their Roman soldiers.  It was their practice.  (1,900 years later in 1940 Germany tried to invade England.)

Roman invasion of Brittania 
400 CE Anglo Saxons (Germanic people) started settling in Britain 
800 CE:  Vikings raided England, started settling there
10th Century:  Kingdom of England emerged 
The goal was to win "Palestine" (named by Romans  in 135 CE after losing a 3 year war to the Jews over Jerusalem)  from the Moslems.  Their
religious passion caused all Jews they met to be slaughtered.
Jerusalem was captured in 1099 and Jews and Karaites
were massacred.  The 3rd Crusade (1189-1192) had wide
support from England where it led to preliminary attacks by the assembled crusaders on the Jews in many places, especially in York in 1190.  
1066 CE Normans conquered England ; of William, the Conqueror
1135-1154 THE TIME OF THE ANARCHY: of House of Plantagenet, when MAGNA CARTA  was signed.  Richard I THE LIONHEART fighting in 3rd Crusade, not home tending to business, was captured, had to give honor to Pope, brother John took over om 1199.  He lost territories to Normandy.  , Magna Carta, which means 'The Great Charter', is one of the most important documents in history as it established the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial. 
1212 England but a vassal of the HOLY SEE until 14th century.  
1215 Barons rebelled against King John for high taxes, unwanted wars, disagreeing with Pope over religion; contains legal limits on king's powers; had permission from Pope to break his word taken under duress.  Prince Louis of France invaded and John was replaced in May 1216.  John opposed rebel forces, held Rochester Castle for 2 months.  

1290 Expulsion of Jews from England to last for 365 years. What happened to the Jews' rights?  

13th Century:  Britain conquered Wales 
1337-1453 HUNDRED YEARS WAR-France; War of Roses, when the House of York and House of Lancaster fought each other.  
1348  BLACK DEATH HIT ENGLAND  an epidemic of bubonic plague that spread all over Europe, arrived in England in 1348 and killed as much as a third to half the population. Military conflicts during this period were usually with domestic neighbours such as the Welsh, Irish and Scots, and included the Hundred Years' War against the French and their Scottish allies.
1485:  King Henry Tudor ended War of the Roses, established Tudor dynasty 


1509-1547: King Henry VIII  Henry disagreed with the Pope, had 8 wives, was cut off by the Pope. The newly established Church of England amounted to little more than the existing Catholic Church, but led by the king rather than the Pope. It took a number of years for the separation from Rome to be completed, and many were executed for resisting the king's religious policies. In 1538, the chief minister Thomas Cromwell pursued an extensive campaign against what was termed "idolatry" by the followers of the old religion, culminating in September with the dismantling of the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury. As a consequence, the king was excommunicated by Pope Paul III on 17 December of the same year.[ In 1540, Henry sanctioned the complete destruction of shrines to saints. In 1542, England's remaining monasteries were all dissolved, and their property transferred to the Crown. Abbots and priors lost their seats in the House of Lords; only archbishops and bishops remained. Consequently, the Lords Spiritual—as members of the clergy with seats in the House of Lords were known—were for the first time outnumbered by the Lords Temporal.
1649 Execution of King Charles during  Stuart Dynasty and English Civil War King Charles was the son of James VI of Scotland born in 1566 in Edinburgh CastleJames VI of Scotland was the son of MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS b: 1542 and her husband, the Frenchman, King Francis II.  The return of Mary, Queen of Scots, to Scotland in 1560, led to further tension between her and the Protestant Lords of the Congregation. Mary claimed to favour religious toleration on the French model, however the Protestant establishment feared a reestablishment of Catholicism, and sought with English help to neutralise or depose Mary. Mary's marriage to a leading Catholic precipitated Mary's half-brother, the Earl of Moray, to join with other Protestant Lords in open rebellion. Mary set out for Stirling on 26 August 1565 to confront them. Moray and the rebellious lords were routed and fled into exile; the decisive military action becoming known as the Chaseabout Raid. In 1567, Mary was captured by another rebellious force at the Battle of Carberry Hill and imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle, where she was forced to abdicate the Scottish throne in favour of her one-year-old son James. Mary escaped from Loch Leven the following year, and once again managed to raise a small army. After her army's defeat at the Battle of Langside on May 13, she fled to England, where she was imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth. Her son James VI was raised as a Protestant, later becoming King of England as well as Scotland.She died in 1586.  
1620 MAYFLOWER SHIP sails from Holland to America with Puritans who did not want to follow England's state religion of Episcopal Church of England. They sought freedom of religion.   
1649-1653:  Commonwealth of England established

1655  Jews allowed back into England 

1653-1659:  Oliver Cromwell, Protectorate and military dictatorship
1660  Stuarts return to throne
1688  in the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION with  James II deposed over power and religion Married to Anne Hyde. James II was son of King Charles (Anne Hyde is on my Robinson genealogy tree on my mother's side.We're related to the Stuart Royal family through her.)  
1707  England united with Scotland :  now called GREAT BRITAIN 

1758  Great Synagogue in London and from then on, a Chief Rabbi of Britain of this Synagogue; today is Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.  Rabbi Jonathan Sacks was rabbi for a long time before him.  Ephraim Mirvis at the St John's Wood Synagogue on September 1, 2013 in London, England.


Great Britain now ruled COLONIAL EMPIRE
20TH Century:  started Decolonization.  
2018 Leaves impact on colonies now independent.  

  England's Labour party is being led by the opositional Jeremy Corbyn. 
 His party is loaded with anti-Semitism.  
Luciana Clare Goldsmith MP, known as Luciana Berger, is a British Labour Co-operative politician who has been the Member of Parliament for Liverpool Wavertree since 2010

Jewish Labour MP, Luciana Berger, has been outspoken against anti-Semitism.  At age 19 she had received hate mail calling her a "dirty Zionist pig", so has been fighting against this hatred for the past 18 years.  She's chairwoman of the Jewish Labour Movement.  Jeremy Corbyn had nothing to say about it.  Four people have been convicted of harrassing her since 2013 for being Jewish.  

Everyone has noticed that he is frequently criticizing Israel.  In past years has attended protests and conferences other campaigners who are very anti-Semitic.  Just before being elected the Labour leader, Stephen Pollard, editor, challenged him to explain himself.  He was known to be anti Semitic but had been an unknown, so nobody had connected him with this.  Pollard discovered Corbyn was connected to Deir Yassin, an anti-Israel group run by a Holocaust denier.  Corbyn defended an Anglican vicar who speaks on Jewish conspiracy theories, and describes Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists as his "friends."  A Paletinian mayor accused of making the blood libel against Jews in 2007 are "honored citizens to Corbyn.  

Corbyn has made a leftist takeover of the Labour Party and others hear of its members, officials and Corbyn having all these anti-Semitic opinions.  Because Theresa May's Conservative government is weakened by Brexit, it looks more possible that Corbyn  could become the Prime Minister and people are afraid. "In the House of Commons, Theresa May accused Corbyn of allowing antisemitism to “run rife” in the Labour party after he criticised her over the handling of the Windrush generation scandal." 

All the major Jewish groups are fighting against this.  The Chronicle, Jewish Leadership Council, Board of Deputies of British Jews who represented Jews back to the reign of King George III are involved.  On July 25 the 3 leading Jewish newspapers in Britain published a joint statement on the front pages, (not the back page), warning of this threat to Jews by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government.  Anti-Semites would then be in the government besides Corbyn. 

Of course his supporters are in denial, saying, "but he fights for human rights without malice.  Another swore he didn't have an anti-Semitic bone in his body! 
Others know that a loathing of Israel and of global capitalism morphs into Jew hatred and enters the political mainstream.  The sad thing for all is that the Labour Party was the party of Jews in Britain for the past hundred years. It's as if the American Democratic Party turned against Jews and Israel.  
Naseem Shah is a British Labour Party politician. She was elected at the 2015 general election as Member of Parliament for Bradford West, winning the seat from George Galloway of the Respect Party. Born in Bradford, England, her father left when she was six years old. At age 12, she was sent to Pakistan by her mother, Zoora Shah, to escape her mother's abusive partner, where she had an arranged marriage. When she was 20, her mother was convicted of murder, attempted murder, solicitation to murder and forgery in relation to the man who abused her, and served 7 years in prison.  
Ms. Naz Shah, a member of Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet, had posted on Facebook that Israelis should be relocated to the U.S.   She was suspended by the Party. 
"Ken Livingstone, who has resigned from the Labour Party after being suspended amid allegations of anti-Semitism, has had a long and often controversial political career."  This was London's former mayor."He was suspended from office as mayor for four weeks in 2006 for comparing a Jewish journalist to a concentration camp guard - a comment he continues to be unrepentant about, saying it was a "fuss about nothing". The suspension was overturned in court. "He has also been repeatedly criticised for his decision to welcome controversial Muslim cleric Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who condoned suicide bombings, to London in 2005. He said it was part of an effort to improve relations with the Muslim world."  Qaradawi used TV from Qatar and tells listeners to kill Jews.  He's one of the worst of instigators in my opinion.  Egypt wouldn't have him anymore.  

 Then Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London and Corbyn's ally defended her and brought up Hitler, defending him as well.  He was also just suspended for the time being.  Corbyn selected his friend, 
Sharmishta Chakrabarti, Baroness Chakrabarti, CBE PC, commonly known as Shami Chakrabarti, is a British Labour Party politician and member of the House of Lords.

  Shami Chakrabarti, civil-rights lawyer to investigate and she wrote a 41 page report saying that the party wasn't overrun by anti-Semitism but noted an occasional toxic atmosphere and recommended shallow fix-its like not to use certain words.  As a reward, Chakrabarti was given a peerage.  

"Chakrabarti was one of the panel members of the Leveson Inquiry into press standards throughout 2011 and 2012. In April 2016, she was invited by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to chair an inquiry into alleged anti-semitism in the Labour Party, and she presented its findings in June. That August, she was the only person nominated by Corbyn to receive a life peerage in the Prime Minister's Resignation Honours."  Both her Bengali parents were educated in Roman Catholic schools in Calcutta, while she herself attended a Baptist Sunday school as a child. In 2007 she broadcast a Lent talk for BBC Radio 4. She identifies as a feminist.

 London now has a Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, also of the Labour Party.  Khan is a human rights lawyer, born in London to Pakistani parents.  Being from Pakistan, I have hope that he is not showing any anti-Semitism as he's a Khan and most are Pashtuns.  Right now we are having a revival of our family as we find that Pashtuns have the history of being from the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel, taken away by Assyrians in 721 BCE. I hope Sadiq is up on his Pashtun history.  Not all Pashtuns are into this or for this as many have joined up with the Taliban.    
  • Farrakhan v Home Secretary (Human Rights Act): in 2001, Khan represented the American Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in the High Court and successfully overturned a ban on him entering the United Kingdom, first imposed in 1986. The government subsequently won on appeal.  Farrakhan was very anti-Semitic.  

"The London mayor, who said last year he was “deeply disappointed” that Livingstone had not been expelled from the party, insisted the veteran politician’s remarks linking Hitler and Zionism were “clearly antisemitic”.  Livingstone was the former mayor of London preceding Khan.    

Update: 1/3/19:;  originating in England. history of Jews in Manchester

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