
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

TALIBAN: Who and What They Are in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Nadene Goldfoot                                         
Pashtun Warrior
The Taliban are people made up of a lot of Pashtuns of Pakistan.  Taliban are fighting against the people of Pakistan and Afghanisan, even often against their own Pashtuns.  Why do they attack their own people?

Taliban gunmen in Central Kandahar-Herat Highway,
Afghanistan in 2001
Banaras Khan/AFP/Getty Images
"The Taliban (Pashtoطالبان‎ ṭālibān "students") or Taleban, who refer to themselves as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), are a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan currently waging war (an insurgency, or jihad) within that country."  Pashtos are our newly discovered people whose ancestors were of the northern Tribes of Israel, the LOST TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL.   We are getting to know them and they us.  A group has become Israeli citizens, and others have visited.  These are not of the Taliban, so not all Pashtos belong to the Taliban reactive group of rebellion.  In fact, many Pashtos have been suffering for some time now from the Russian and American "Help" in the political scene of Afghanistan and Pakistan.  
Pashtuns who visited Jerusalem who knew their ancestors had been
from the northern part of Israel, taken by the Assyrians in 721 BCE
Some live in Israel already.  Originally, the northern part is Samaria.
Fata's Arabs live there today in Judea-Samaria.
This war is not only reacting against their country's political system which has been inept, but their religious environment as well. The Taliban wants to institute  "a strict interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law".  They held 3/4 of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 and enforced Sharia law.  

Pashtuns of eastern and southern Afghanistan were raised under traditional Islamic schools.  They took the power away from the warlords of Afghanistan.  

"The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was established in 1996 and the Afghan capital was transferred to Kandahar. It held control of most of the country until being overthrown after the American-led invasion of Afghanistan in December 2001 following the September 11 attacks."

Affects after an attack on a school in Pakistan by Taliban. 
Malala Yousafzai-She almost died after being shot.

Osama bin Laden
 Founder of the pan-Islamic militant organization al-Qaeda. He was a Saudi Arabian until 1994, a member of the wealthy bin Laden family, and an ethnic Yemeni Kindite.
He hid out in Pakistan where the Americans found and killed him.
Americans believed the Pakistani government knew he was there. 

"The Taliban have been condemned internationally for the harsh enforcement of their interpretation of Islamic Sharia law, which has resulted in the brutal treatment of many Afghans, especially women."  They have a terrible reputation having shot the Pashto girl who tried to bring education to herself and others, and of course Osama bin Laden."  
Politically, Malala's father is affiliated with the Awami National Party (ANP), a left-wing Pashtun nationalist party in Pakistan whose origins are linked with the Khudai Khidmatgar (aka Red Shirts), which was a secular Pashtun non-violent movement against the British Raj.

" Pakistan states that it dropped all support for the group after the September 11 attacks. In 2001, reportedly 2,500 Arabs under command of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden fought for the Taliban."

May2018, Pakistan worked on their Constitution.  

  • 24-27 May - The twenty-fifth amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan was approved by the Parliament of Pakistan and the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), giving way to the merger of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) into the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).  It'a a different Fatah group than in Judea-Samaria, thank goodness.  

Afghanistan and Pakistan, It's Neighbor
Can you find Israel?  It's here, the tiniest place.
In 2012, Ahmed Rashid, born in Rawalpindi, Pakistan in 1948, wrote that the war in Afghanistan would go on but Pakistan had become the most  fragile place in the world, a very unstable country and most vulnerable to terrorist violence, political change, or economic collapse.  It could have become a failed state.  They had a powerful army but a corrupt and run down but a bureaucratic  judiciary and police force.  They had no good leadership for their 185 million people. 

By 2050 it is estimated that there will be 275 million in Pakistan.  It has an agricultural economy and could barely support its population in 2012.  1/3 of the population then lacked drinking water, 77 million had unreliable food sources, and 1/2 the school-aged children didn't attend school.  Literacy rate was 52% in 1947 and only 57% in 2012.  1/2 the population don't bother looking for jobs that do not exist.  37% of the population are under age 15.  Young men face little promise and are ready for jihad.  
Pashtun Freedom Fighters-Taliban?
Since 2005  the Taliban is ready to topple the government, defeat the army and have their country become an Islamic extremist state.  Isn't that what ISIS is all about?  The Pakistani Taliban in 2012 held land of the NW with other extremist groups joining them in destabilizing major cities like Karachi and control land of the S. Punjab.   

The Afghan and Pakistani Taliban are mostly tribal PASHTUNS!  

Afghanistan in 2012 had 12 million Pashtuns.
Pakistan has 30 million.  They are the manpower fighting the Americans in Afghanistan and the army in Pakistan.  
Taliban terrorists
Some do not say they are of the 10 tribes of Jacob
Not all Pashtuns think they are from them 
Intolerance towards other religions grows.  Christians and Hindus, who had lived peacefully with the Muslim Sunnis are fleeing for their life because of atrocities against them.  Shias, Ahmaedis, Ismailis, etc are being targeted.  

What has been happening in their country?  Little revenue collection, no new industries or trading partners, no jobs, inflation, a collapsing economy meaning their money is becoming more worthless, shortages of gas, electricity and water so that what industry they have are starting to close down.  They'd have their own Arab Spring but the fear is that it would destabilize the existing regime leading to a bloody revolution led by the Taliban.  

In 2011, only 6% of Afghans had electricity.  Kabul, the largest city  had a 20-megawatt power line from Uzbekistan which gave  their 4 million people in January 2009 partial full time electricity.Obama's Richard Holbrooke had died in December 2010 had started a new program in the economy and agriculture but needed more time and better security.  President Karzai had lost the trust of the people.  
Barack Obama, president of the USA whose time was up in 2016, promised much but did little except take out Osama bin Laden.  Obama took office in 2009 and there were 32,000 USA troops in Afghanistan.  By 2014,  all 49 countries with troops in these 2 countries planned on leaving with their 150,000 US and NATO forces.   Afghanistan had been fighting since 1978.  They want a peace settlement but not for sharing power with the Taliban.  The urban elite don't want the USA to leave like the Soviets did in 1989.  

Now the problem is in stabilizing Afghanistan and Pakistan and making sure that Al-Qaeda gets no piece of the pie, and they could come into the picture again with the extremists.  

The US-NATO plan  is to make peace with the Taliban, have Afghan government running well and the Afghan army keep the security, governance and development working properly.  

2013: Residents of Pakistan's ethnic Pashtun region of North Waziristan accused government troops on Monday of killing dozens of civilians during a military operation against Taliban insurgents.
Khan was born to an upper-middle class
Pashtun family in LahorePunjab
, Pakistan.Lahore is the capital city of the Pakistani province of Punjab, and is the country’s second-most populous city after Karachi. The city is located in the north-eastern end of Pakistan's Punjab province. Lahore is one of Pakistan's wealthiest cities with an estimated GDP of $127 billion as of 2017. He's also exceedingly wealthy.  
Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi HI PP is a Pakistani politician and former cricketer who is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Pakistan since August 18, 2018. Prior to entering politics, Khan was a cricketer and philanthropist. He is also the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.   On 25 April 1996, Khan founded the political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).   Imran is also a Pashtun.

Khan's father belonged to the Niazi Pashtun tribe, who were long settled in Mianwali in northwestern Punjab. The Niazis had come to the subcontinent with invading Pashtun tribes during the fifteenth century. Imran identifies Haibat Khan Niazi as a paternal ancestor, a sixteenth century military general of Sher Shah Suri and later governor of Punjab. His paternal family hail from the Shermankhel sub-clan of the Niazis. The Niazis mainly speak Saraiki and are based in Mianwali and surrounding areas, where family and tribal networks are strong and where, according to Khan, "even third cousins know each other."

" Khan is generally described as a nationalist and a populist. Khan's proclaimed political platform and declarations include: Islamic values, to which he rededicated himself in the 1990s; liberal economics, with the promise of deregulating the economy and creating a welfare state; decreased bureaucracy and the implementation of anti-corruption laws, to create and ensure a clean government; the establishment of an independent judiciary; overhaul of the country's police system; and an anti-militant vision for a democratic Pakistan."            
Mike Pompeo in this USA Delegation in Pakistan in September 2018
That's a big order of great promises for a state that hasn't had any 
of it.  We're all hoping he can pull it all off, like he did by winning in Cricket.

Like all countries today, things are happening in Pakistan.
23 November, 2018.
USAs President Trump
with his own fencing problem
wanting Mexico to pay for the USA's
and not getting the dollars for it from his own government

 Pakistan is pushing for the completion of a fence along its disputed border with Afghanistan -- and it wants the U.S. to help pay for it. FEBRUARY 9, 2018

Pakistan is betting that a pair of nine-foot chain-link fences topped with barbed wire will stop incursions by Islamist terrorists from Afghanistan, which opposes Islamabad's plans for a barrier along the disputed frontier. FEBRUARY 2018
Pakistan and Afghanistan plan to use Google Maps to help settle a border dispute that led to deadly clashes last week, officials from both sides said Monday. 2017
At least six persons were killed and four others injured on Friday in twin roadside bomb blasts targeting the son of a peace committee chief in the restive northwest Pakistan. 2014
Resource: Book:  Pakistan On The Brink:the future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan by Ahmed Rashid, Pakistani journalist.

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