
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Remembering Our Former President: George H.W. Bush

Parents of President George Herbert Walker Bush
Prescott Shelton Bush and Dorothy Walker Bush
Dorothy was born in 1901 and died in 1992. 
  Nadene Goldfoot                                                   
Today is a Federal Holiday, the day George Herbert Walker Bush, our 41st President is being buried. The mail is not being delivered.  Many can be watching the people showing how much they thought of this past president on their TV sets today and learn a bit about our history.   TV's NBC has been carrying the goings on all day.  It shows you never appreciate someone until they die and you learn just how outstanding they may have been.  Bush is one of those, who set the pattern of how to be an honorable president, husband and parent.

 Our country is only 242 years old.  George Washington, our 1st president didn't take office until 1789 and he served until 1797, the sum of 8 years.  George Washington was leader of our War of Independence, crossing the Delaware River, etc. and George Herbert Walker Bush was leader of Desert Storm of the Gulf War. "The Gulf War, codenamed Operation Desert Shield for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait." George faced much in his 4 years in office.  

I thought of ancient Israel as the read their eulogy about President Bush, reading words by Elijah, I believe it was,  to give aid and comfort to his own people in their time of need, and I thought that this was so nice, giving value to words of one of our major prophets, words that comfort all people. Did Episcopalians realize that this came from the Jews so long ago?  Elijah was prophet during the reign of Ahab and Ahaziah (876-853 BCE) David was our  king after King Saul.  David built Jerusalem as his capital and ruled from 1010 to 970 BCE; over 3,000 years ago.  Jerusalem is referred to as THE CITY OF DAVID.  I believe it was George Bush 43 who commented that Israel's size was so small, that it wasn't as big as his ranch in Texas.  "The U.N. passed six resolutions against Israel on Friday, November 30th,  preserving its reputation of being obsessed with attacking the Jewish State and rejecting Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem." 

Netanyahu hated George H.W. Bush’s peace plan. Now it’s his policy.  His opposition to the US-led Madrid peace process as deputy foreign minister made him persona non grata at the State Department.  So says the Times of Israel.  The fact was that despite the tense relationship with Israel that was a hallmark of Bush’s single term,  Netanyahu could praise him for things he had then opposed.

“What we envision is a process of direct negotiations proceeding along two tracks — one between Israel and the Arab states, the other between Israel and the Palestinians,” Bush said at the opening of the Madrid peace parley on Oct. 30, 1991. “This conference cannot impose a settlement on the participants or veto agreements.”


 "Bush’s secretary of state, James Baker, was so frustrated with what he perceived to be Netanyahu’s obstructionism that he banned him from the State Department."  

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent “heartfelt condolences… on my behalf and on behalf of the citizens of Israel.

“The people of Israel will always remember his commitment to the security of Israel, his important contribution to the liberation of Soviet Jewry and his efforts to promote peace in the Middle East.”

   I note that George HW Bush had been Vice President of Ronald Reagan, our 40th president through both his terms, from 1981 to 1989. Many presidents have been vice presidents first.  It was the case with Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Lindon Johnson, and Gerald Ford,  There were Vice Presidents who ran for the Presidency and lost, too.

Jeb Bush, Governor
John Ellis "Jeb" Bush, Bush 41's son,   served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007.
Not many were like George H.W. Bush who was the father of a Governor and a father of a President.
Prescott Sheldon Bush b: May 15, 1895 in Columbus, Ohio
d: Oct 8, 1972 in New York,
Republican Senator from Connecticut Nov 4, 1952-1963.

Wife was Dorothy Walker.
His parents were Samuel P. Bush and Flora Sheldon.

He was George Bush 41's father.  
He himself was the son of a Senator, so no wonder he was so fitted for the job.

 Therefore, we had a George Herbert Walker Bush                                   
 and his son, George  Walker Bush, our 43rd president.  The son had previously served as the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. They've all had lots of experience in politics.  

It's not uncommon to have had 2 different presidents out of our 45 to have the same surnames.  We've had John Adams 2, AND John Quincy Adams 5;  Andrew Johnson 17 and Lyndon Baines Johnson 36;  Theodore Roosevelt 26 and Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32;

Our 42nd, William Jefferson Clinton (Bill) was not the first Clinton in our history.  George Clinton was a vice president for Thomas Jefferson 3 and James Madison 4.  Bill had been the governor of
 Arkansas from 1979 to 1981, and again from 1983 to 1992.

Bill Clinton 42
George W. Bush 43
Donald Trump 45

An interesting fact is that Bill Clinton 42, George Walker Bush 43 and our present President, Donald John Trump 45, were all born in 1946.  Donald was born in June(6-14)a Gemini, George in July (7-6) Cancer and Bill in August(8-19) Leo.   Another surprise was that though Clinton, a Democrat,  was president from 1993 to 2001 and George Walker Bush, a Republican,  was President from 2001 to 2009, they became good friends.  George learned from his father to care for people.  Bill Clinton was the President in between both the father and the son, George HW and George W.

George W. Bush 43 has a lot to live up to following such a famous and
outstanding father as George H. W. Bush.  One of the best things seen on
TV this morning was the warm handshakes he gave to President Donald
Trump.  They got together last night also before the funeral today.  It's sad
that it takes a death to bring people a little closer and nicer to each other in
realization that we're only here on loan and someday have to be taken back, so we must not waste our time here on earth.  We know now that George H.W. Bush certainly spent his whole time in good deeds as much as he could.  He was a great example to us all.
Family Portrait on his 60th Wedding Anniversary
Resource: Tables of facts: Nu Venture Creations, USA, Fairfield, CT.
NBC facts; 12/5/2018.

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