
Monday, December 24, 2018

Part 6: Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and How he Is Antagonistic to Israel and the Kurds

Nadene Goldfoot     
Erdogan promising to host Muslim Brotherhood from Qatar,
making points with all Muslims
Quite the politician
Note his scarf.  
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to eliminate all Kurdish forces and ISIS fighters left in Syrje as he revealed that he prompted the US decision to withdraw troops after telling Donald Trump he could defeat the jihadists himself.   He neglected to tell Trump of his plan to attack the Kurds, the friends of the USA! 

In early 1980's Turkey made a huge jump in tourism as a result of which depicted herself to the whole world in a more distinct fashion and manner. That said, the present regime tends to be going backwards rather than forward, a danger which is not to be condoned in my personal opinion. The positive changes that have been made in the past many decades are likely to be lambasted in the not too distant future. That is the way many of us see things!
I see Erdogen going backwards.  
When Turkey created the Ottoman Empire in 1326, Jews were living there.  Salonica was captured in 1430 and Constantinople in 1453.  Because of their conquests, Jewish communities in the vicinity were incorporated into the Empire.  Interestingly, after 1492, which marks the Spanish Inquisition which forced all Jews in Sprain to either flee for their lives or convert to Catholicism, the Sultans of Turkey opened the gates of the Ottoman Empire generously to these refugees, and later the Jews from Portugal, too.  The Jews, mainly Sephardics due to Spain and Portugal, became favored people, seen as a valuable trading and artisan element and also as a counterpoise to the disloyal Christian minorities.  The Turks domain included Palestine which was included in 1517 as were Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, etc Turkey is the 7th largest Muslim country.  with a population in 2011 of 73,722,988 people-99% Muslims.  Their military power is 514,850 of active troops.  There is also the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with a military power of 9,000 active troops; 98% Muslims.  
The Sultans enforced the Muslim code against the Jews but not strictly.  Joseph Nasi and Solomon Ashkenazi were still very influential Jews in the state.  Nevertheless, the Empire joined Germany in WWI on the Axis side and being they lost, the Turks lost their Ottoman Empire.  37,000 Jews from Turkey emigrated to Israel after 1948.  Times pass by, and in 1990 there were 18,000 Jews living in Istanbul, 1,500 in Izmir, and smaller communities in Edirne, Brusa, and Ankara.  Life as before had not continued, though of their spiritual and cultural distinction.  Possibly they just  dissolved and became like everyone else.   Now we have Recep Erdogan, Turkey's main man, the Prime Minister, telling his country's youth all sorts of lies about Jews.  His latest is that he said that the Jews of Israel beat the Palestinian women and kids.  Netanyahu told him off, reminding us all that Erdogen is massacring Kurdish women and children.  
Today the head Sultan is their Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan b: 1954, and he's not a friend of any Jews as Turks may have been in the past.  He most likely despises us due to our returning and turning our ancient land of Israel into land to be proud of, something they did not even try during the 400 years they milked it from the few landowners who had to pay them taxes.  

"Coming from an Islamist political background and as a self-described conservative democrat, he has promoted socially conservative and liberal economic policies in his administration, becoming more conservative and more religious."  It is "abbreviated officially AK Parti in Turkish, is a social conservative political party in Turkey. Developed from the conservative tradition of Turkey's Ottoman past and its Islamic identity, the party is the largest in Turkey."

"In late 2012, his government began peace negotiations with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to end the ongoing PKK insurgency that began in 1978." Kurds are trying to get back their Kurdistan and live throughout the region; Turkey, Armenia, Iraq, Iran and Israel.  " The ceasefire broke down in 2015, leading to a renewed escalation in conflict. In 2016, a coup d'état was unsuccessfully attempted against Erdoğan and Turkish state institutions. This was followed by purges and an ongoing state of emergency."  " He no longer can be called a Democratic leader, citing the lack of free and fair elections, purges and jailing of opponents, curtailed press freedom, and Erdoğan's efforts to broadening his executive powers and minimize his executive accountability. Widespread 2013 protests broke out against the perceived authoritarianism of Erdoğan's policies; he criticized the protestors and then had them suppressed by police, which killed 22 people, injured numerous others and brought international condemnation from foreign governments and human rights organizations. " 
Turkish ship in Flotilla 2010

Turkey and Israel butted heads during the flotilla of ships the conversed in the sea trying to run ammunition to the Gazans to fight Israel and Israel's navy boarded one of their sneaky ships.  A big bruhaha occurred and a Turk was shot and died, so Israel wound up paying retribution of a huge amount rather than arguing the case.  It was "on 31 May 2010, and Israeli forces boarded the ships from speedboats and helicopters. Following resistance on one of the boats, nine activists were killed by Israeli forces. Widespread international condemnation of and reaction to the raid followed, Israel–Turkey relations were strained, and Israel subsequently eased its blockade on the Gaza Strip."
Erdogen, shaking hands with Syria's Bashar al Assad
Born and raised in Damascus Assad "has been the President of Syria since 17 July 2000. Assad is also commander-in-chief of the Syrian Armed Forces and Regional Secretary of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party's branch in Syria. He is a son of Hafez al-Assad, who was President of Syria from 1971 to 2000.  He has used chemical warfare on his own people, too. 
Erdogan has become the new hero for the Arab and Muslim world by taking on Muslim dictatorships like Syria, defending the Palestinians against Israel as well as fighting against Israel anyway they can get away with it, usually in the UN voting, yet firmly wedded to the West and the United States through NATO and other alliances.  They are even up for membership in the 27 nation European Union.  

  In June 2011, he and his Justice and Development Party "AKP" were reelected for the 2nd time since 1st winning in 2002.  His party called for a foreign policy that wants "zero problems with the neighbors." The new Middle East Order saw Turkey as one of the most relevant players in a region in the midst of trnasformation and is right in the center of everything.  Those watching thought Turkey would be an axis of democracy.  Iran was becoming envious.  Arab leaders sought him out for advice.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sang Turkey's praises.  She said in Istanbul in July 2011, "Turkey's history serves as a reminder that democratic development also depends on responsible leadership."                                                            

President Trump of the USA just announced that he was removing our 2,000 soldiers out of Syria that have been there in the capacity as advisers to the Kurks and Syrian army, good friends of the USA, there to get rid of ISIS.  90% are dismantled and have lost their Caliphate goal, their beachhead of the Syrian land now of the northern province.  He talked to Erdogan on the phone on December 14, 2018, asking him if he could take over the role of finishing the job, and Erdogen replied that he certainly could. It was Erdogen himself who "reportedly told Trump during that phone conversation that there was no longer any need for U.S. forces to remain in that country." 

Erdogen is salivating at the idea of taking care of getting rid of the Kurds!  He hates them!  This Prime Minister has already announced to the world his intention to attack as soon as possible.  He doesn't mind taking out one of the USA's best friends who have been doing all the fighting.  Looks like he's been doing it before.  
A Kurdish captive has allegedly been executed by Islamic State (Isis) members according to the latest IS propaganda video in Kurdish language, which aims at recruiting potential jihadists in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Note ISIS
in the background with covered black faces. 

The Kurds also have a horse in this race.  They have established their own Kurdistan for the 2nd time; once in the 1800s from Bible days, and again just last year, and are trying to hold it.  What makes these Muslims different from other people is that they have taken into their lands all those people who are minorities and disliked by the surrounding neighbors.  They're kind people.  Besides that, they happen to be the closest DNA match to Jewish people who had history of living in Kurdistan long ago. 

 They've been people without a country like the Jews.  It was Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein,  who had used chemical warfare on them in 1988, trying to kill them all.  "According to experts, the chemicals dropped by the planes may have included mustard gas, the nerve agents sarin, tabun and VX and possibly cyanide." Now what will Erdogen use against them?  
Turkey's Army

"Erdogan has taken advantage of the instability in Syria to launch a series of attacks on Kurdish-held positions. In October, he promised to "descend on them [the Kurds] with more comprehensive and effective [strength]." In June, Turkey had threatened to attack the Syrian city of Manbij, where both U.S. and Kurdish forces were based. The U.S. convinced the Kurds to withdraw from Manbij, which appeased the Turkish government and prevented the attack." Kurdistan had 36.4 million in 2016, made up of the northern parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey.  Their Military power is the PKK.  

Kurdistan Workers' Party

The Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê‎) is a Kurdish far-left militant and political organization based in Turkey and Iraq.
The Kurds have just reported that ISIS has been attacking their position, so that Erdogan just announced he is going to postpone attacking the Kurds at the moment.  

Update:12/25/18:   This morning revealed that Saudi Arabia, others are stepping up to the plate to help defend the Kurds from ISIS and Turkey, I hope.  Turkey, you've just exposed yourself to be a friend of Iran.  If up to me, you'd never get into NATO.   Resource:  Pakistan on the Brink:  The Future of America--Pakistan, and Afghanistan by Ahmed Rashid
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
update: 12/28/18

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