
Friday, December 21, 2018

Part 4: Kurd's Position with Insights into Turkey and Russia's Reactions to Kurds Left in Syria

Nadene Goldfoot                                                   
Kurdistan, what the Kurds are fighting for, a veritable Garden of Eden.
Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq has a little warmer weather similar to Gresham, Oregon today, from 43 right now
at 3:30pm but has been or will be 59 F Saturday and partly cloudy.  

Kurdistan Government in blue  created again in 2017
Tan area is disputed territory-Erdogen would like to have for Turkey
The Kurds have been fighting ISIS with the USA, but now the USA is pulling out, especially after having a talk with Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogen.                         
Erdogen, Putin and relating to Trump

 Trump talked to Erdogen today and asked him if he could"clean up the remaining 10% of ISIS and their Islamic State in Syria".  Erdogen had been planning on a trip to see the Kurds, all right.  I bet he'd love to do the cleaning up.  

"Despite not having its own formalized country or state, Iraqi Kurdistan’s population of 5.2 million has opened their arms to hundreds of thousands of displaced families of different religions and ethnicities, providing housing, water and electricity services, and constructing schools, health centers, and transport offices."   
What Erdogen did was to postpone his military offensive in northern Syria on the Kurds and ISIS, though will soon follow up with it.  Erdogen had planned an invasion against the  "Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, the United States’ closest ally in the complex and devastating Syrian civil war.. Turkey is a NATO friend of the USA.  A problem is this. They were only a few days away from invading Syria as they are against the Syrian Democratic Force which are led by the Kurds.  The Turks are friend of the USA who are planning on attacking the USA's closest ally in this 4 year old war.  Turks are not friends of Kurds. 
Where it used to be
"That delighted Turkey and the primary supporters of the Syrian government — Russia and Iran — while enraging Kurds and many American officials who saw it as abandoning a vulnerable ally. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced his resignation on Thursday, making clear that he opposed the Syria withdrawal, along with other presidential actions."
1835 and Kurdish Independent Kingdom
and the autonomous principalities-cities
During Ottoman Empire Days when Turkey Ruled

Turkey benefits from leaving the Kurds to fend for themselves because they have just created Kurdistan again, this time in 2017, the land they had lost, in the northern area of Iraq.  Their ancient Kurdistan would have covered the northern areas of Iran, Iraq and Syria.  They seem to be the major player in this scenario.  It was Erdogan who wanted this to happen after Trump and Putin had remarked that there was "no military solution to Syria's long-running Civil War.  
Russia, the country that Trump wants to make "nice" with  praises Trump for this pull out.  

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has suggested Russia and the United States should pull their troops out of war-torn Syria after their leaders - Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump - said there was "no military solution" to the country's long-running conflict.
President Bashar al-Assad (left) and Vladimir Putin

Russia is also right there in Syria and has been throughout the Civil War there.  "In theory, Russia is there to fight against IS. But in practice, they also attack other anti-Assad rebels like the Kurds, who have been  backed by the West. In fact, Putin backs Syria's President Assad.  Putin needs to feather Russia's nest with goodies that Syria has to offer, like sea ports.  

In 2016, "                                        

Israeli professor says Jerusalem should endorse Kurdish aspirations in war-torn Syria, and they can help defeat Islamic State."  We know now that they have helped up to this date to obliterate 90% of the ISIS hold on the land.  We all wonder how they will do with the US leaving them now?  Israel has about 50,000 Kurdish Jews in it's 6 million Jewish population that are backing the Kurds in their need to have their own state, something they had in Biblical days and again in the 1800s.  The Kurds have turned out to be great warriors, as the USA has discovered.  

After the main Syrian Kurdish group officially declared areas under its control in northern Syria a federalized autonomous region this week, the Syrian regime and opposition, as well as Turkey, immediately rejected the declaration.
This US ship is near Ankara, Turkey, could be used to
move US soldiers from Syria
Trump is adamant about pulling out the US troops and may pull out some stationed in Afghanistan as well very soon.  This change in plans came after the
talk with Erdogen.  We need to be reminded that this was part of his proposal when he was running for office, and evidently he meant it then and means it now.  The question of whether he realized the situation this leaves the Kurds in with Turkey's army is not known.  

Turkey has been a thorn in Israel's side at least since the flotilla disagreement between the 2 countries.  Israel had the right to board their ship in search of weapons but that didn't help matters.  Israel wound up paying retribution shekels to Turkey because of it that was a humongous amount.  There are many wonderful people in Turkey.  I hope they can help to soften the attitude towards these wonderful fighters, the Kurds who have helped Turkey to be free of them as much as Syria and Israel and the rest of the Middle East.  
The fear is that when the 2,000 Americans leave, Turkey will attack the Kurds in Syria and Assad's army will join them. Putin will add his Russians into the fray.  American soldiers would have to return.    Turkey, Syria and Russia  will be attacking these Kurds. If Israel joins in, all the rest of the Muslim states surrounding them will join in the battle and a war we don't want will begin with the Palestinians getting their licks in right away.  I sure hope I'm wrong.   


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