
Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Change of Attitude Towards Migrant Refugees; Depending on IF THEY ARE JEWISH OR NOT

Nadene Goldfoot                                           
        England: population 46 million with 300,000 Jews in 1933-1939
Jewish children from Germany 1939 arriving in London on Kindertansport

Mosaic just published an article that discussed another article about Kindertransport, the act of when 10,000 Jewish children from Germany and Austria were rescued by Great Britain on the eve of World War II.  The population of England in 1939 was 46 million.  300,000 were Jews as counted in 1933.   I had read about this great good deed several years ago in a book titled, "INTO THE ARMS OF STRANGERS, stories of the  kindertransport by Mark Jonathan Harris and Deborah Oppenheimer.  

This certainly was an iconoclastic act by Great Britain since their history with Jews has not been all that great.  For instance, England had expulsed all the Jews from England for 365 years from 1290 to 1655.  England had been very active during the Crusades and had their king in Jerusalem, slaughtering the Arabs and Jews as well since Europeans couldn't distinguish who was who.  For that matter, they had ridden through Europe slashing all the Jews they found on the way to Jerusalem, too.  It was during the 3rd Crusade from 1189 to 1192  had the wide support of England  which led to attacks by crusaders on the Jews living in England's York in 1190.  
1920 Mandated Palestine-with the lost 80%
England managed to give to Abdullah

When World War Ii's build-up started in Germany in the 30s,  London wasn't allowing any Jewish adults into their country.  At the same time, they were holding the mandate awarded them from World War I which gave them the power over Palestine.  The League of Nations had decided at the end of WWI that the Ottoman Empire was to be divvied up by the allied powers of which France, Russia and England held mandates, and that Palestine was to become the Jewish Homeland, and England was to help them do so.  "The Acre-Haifa zone was intended to be a British enclave in the North to enable access to the Mediterranean. The British later gained control of the brown zone and other territory in 1920 and ruled it as Mandatory Palestine from 1923 until 1948." They didn't help the Jews, instead going against the vote by giving 80% of the future homeland to a Saudi prince, Abdullah who needed a country to rule.  This is how Jordan was created.  England was actually assisting Arabs to enter Palestine while keeping the Jews out at a time they needed a refuge  more than ever! 
USA closed the door on the ship, the St. Louis
full of Jews seeking entry on June 6, 1939.

My uncle just made it here on the SS Washington that left Germany in May 1939.  He may have been the last Jew to get out.  "Some 900 Jews who fled Nazi Germany in 1939 on the MS St. Louis,which planned to stop in Cuba and then continue on in an attempt to gain entry into the United States, were unable to enter due to strict immigration quotas.  254 died in the Holocaust after returning to Europe"  

"The ship was going to go from Germany via Cuba to the United States thereafter. The Cuban government held their documents on the way from Germany to Cuba, which basically stranded everyone on the ship. Even though these people had applied for visas, the United States would not grant them entry. The ship afterward went from port to port in Europe letting off passengers. 

No free country was allowing Jews to enter!  No one held walk ins about it with banners, either.  No one cared except the few Jews living in the USA at the time.   Countries had a number of different reasons.  One was that Jews didn't have baptism records.  Another such as the USA had stopped large immigration of Jews from Europe already and was more worried about the job situation for USA citizens, so made it very difficult.  An incoming refugee had to have an American take all economic responsibility and be the sponsor of the person.  

Therefore, Great Britain was willing to rescue children but not their parents.    Would the 300,000 Jews living in England be able to take them all into their homes and raise them?   
Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright, born about 1937, on the cusp of  eventual death for Jews by the Nazis,  is an American politician and diplomat. She is the first female United States Secretary of State in U.S. history, having served from 1997 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. Albright emigrated to the United States in 1948 from Czechoslovakia with her family.  Her parents
had converted to Catholicism in 1941.Was it a situational decision like the Spanish Jews did during the Spanish Inquisition or was it a religious decision?    German occupation started in 1938.
 On 15 March 1939, the German Wehrmacht moved into the remainder of Czechoslovakia and, from Prague Castle, Hitler proclaimed Bohemia and Moravia the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Our former Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, was just such a Jewish child, but was able to come to this country with her parents. There are many people nowadays discovering their inheritance of Jewish genes through DNA testing.  Some genes come from the Spanish Inquisition days found in Mexicans and other Spanish held lands while others might be like Ms. Albright.  

"Mrs. Albright, who was raised as a Roman Catholic and later converted to the Episcopal Church, has said she discovered only recently that her family in Czechoslovakia was Jewish and that more than a dozen relatives, including three grandparents, were killed in the Nazi Holocaust. She was 2 when her parents escaped the Nazis.." At age 10 she was in Switzerland.  "Mrs. Albright's parents left Czechoslovakia in March 1939, 10 days after the Nazis had invaded the country, and spent the war years in Britain. The revelation of her origins has again provoked questions about the nature of the Jewish identity." 

"Albright's family emigrated from the United Kingdom on the SS America, departing Southampton on November 5, 1948, and arriving at Ellis Island in New York Harbor on November 11, 1948. The family initially settled in Great Neck on Long Island. Korbel applied for political asylum, arguing that as an opponent of Communism, he was under threat in Prague."  I wonder why he didn't want to remain in England.   

By taking on the 10,000 children, England could glorify themselves in history of their good deed of saving lives.  They could sweep their refusal of taking in adult refugees under the table.  No one brought it up.  

I shudder today seeing all the refugees fleeing horrible conditions such as in Syria seeking refuge.                                
Eastern European Jews during Holocaust
had to wear the yellow star of David for identification of being Jewish
The kiss of death.  6,000,000 perished.  

Did anyone scream about Jewish children being rescued but without their parents who everyone knew would be killed at the onset of WWII? 

One Jewish boy on the Kindertransport, Alexander Gordon,  was already living in an orphange by age 7 because his father had died and his working mother couldn't support her children. He had graduated high school  1938 and wanted to emigrate to Palestine being his older brother was already there.  "Since the British restricted immigration to Palestine, there were only a limited number of affidavits, and the Mizrachi, an Orthodox Zionist organization,  had to make a choice of whom they would send for aliyah.  He hadn't made the cut.  He managed to be accepted on Mizrachi's farm 80 miles from Berlin.  The on October 28, 1938, all the workers were lined up.  They were teens all born in Germany with Polish backgrounds.  The Gestapo was there.  They took those over 18.  Again, he didn't make the cut, but eventually wound up on the Kindertransport and to safety. 

 They sure screamed when the USA tried to follow their laws in dealing with a massive onslaught of refugees from Central America that had to be held in conditions not meant for children and had tried to do the right thing by placing these children in  better waiting conditions for a short period of time.  The idea of a short separation seemed to be the worst thing possible to happen to the opposing political party.  The government only planned for a short separation.  The Jewish parents of children on the Kindertransport had to realize there would be no hope of reconnecting with their children again.  Most adults would be 
Anti-Semitic graffiti in Seattle, Washington this week.  

Man tried to run down Jews leaving a Synagogue, got arrested this week in Los Angeles. 
New anti-Semitism showing up at Columbia's Teachers College
in New York City, New York. 

Will it ever end? 
 Has the time from 1939 to 2018  changed?  79 years have passed and anti-Semitism is become worse than it has been  once more. 

Using Israel's creation is no excuse for an anti-Semitism that has been around since the ancient Greek days and seen most visibly since New York was once called New Amsterdam.  Even Saudi Arabia today is beginning to see the profit of making friends with this new neighbor in the neighborhood who could help them all in a battle with their own enemy, Iran.  

THE SOURCE by James A. Michener

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