
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Our Israelite Warriors-Time Repeats itself

Nadene Goldfoot                                                 
Israel Against Syria At the Border
Tank war, no longer Chariots
And yet our Jewish sons have had to turn into Israeli warriors today once again called the IDF, Israel Defense force.  They have tanks instead of chariots and Uzis instead of bows and arrows.  Even more important, the IDF is educated in morality, and fights knowing that the enemy must be treated more than fair, even though they never are, for we are the People of the Book, and know better. Israeli stands of morality are the highest of any nation's army.
Being Israel is made up of 6 million Jews, women are called into combat service as well as men. 
Back in the days when we were made up of 12 Tribes of Israel from the original 12 sons of Jacob (AKA Israel), the men were expected to be warriors in military service from the age of 20 on.  There were grounds for exemption, even then..  Moses was told by G-d to take a census of all the people and Moses and his brother, Aaron were to count them as they stood in their legions-in their families and with them was to be one man from each tribe-a leader of his father's family.  This took place in the 2nd year after their exodus from Egypt, which would have been 42 years from the start of their journey in c1230 BCE.  .

1. Reuben.....43,730.....lost   2,770 people.
2. Simeon.....22,200... .lost 37,100 people
3. Judah......76,500.................................... .gained 1,900
4. Issachar....64,300....................................  gained 9,900
5. Zebulun...60,500..................................... gained 3,100
6. Dan..........64,400....................................  gained 1,700
7. Naphtali...45,400....lost   8,000 people
8. Gad..........40,500....lost   5,150 people
9. Asher...... 53,400...................................  gained 11,900
10.Ephraim.32,500... lost....8,000 people
11. Manasseh 52,700................................. gained 20,500
12. Benjamin 45,600..................................gained 10,200
Totals         601,730 People    Lost 1,820 of the original 603,550 people.
In 1914 at the beginning of World War I, the population of the land west of the Jordan River was c 680,000 of whom 85,000 were Jews.
On May 14, 1948 there were  650,000 Jews already in the land to be ISRAEL. 

The kings retained their power of levy which means the enlistment or conscription of men for military service.  Troops were raised by levy.  
King Ahab of Israel  and wife Jezebel 

The king of Israel, Ahab (ruled from 876-853 BCe)  and Jehoshaphat (875-851 BCE) , the king of Judah, then went up to wage war at Ramoth-gilead ( "Heights of Gilead"), was a Levitical city and city of refuge east of the Jordan river).  The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "I will disguise myself when I come to the battle, but you wear your royal garments, so the king of Israel disguised himself and went out to battle.  

The king of Aram (Central Syria where Aleppo is today)  commanded his 32 chariot commanders, saying, "Do not wage war with anyone weak or strong, but only with the king of israel himself."

it happened that when the chariot commanders saw Jehoshaphat, they said, "This must be the king of Israel!" and they went towards him to fight him.  Jehoshaphat cried out.  When the chariot commanders realized that he was not the king of Israel, they turned away from him.  

A man of Aram drew his bow aimlessly, yet hit the king of Israel between the joints of his armor.  The king said to his driver, "Reverse your hand and take me out of the camp, for I am wounded."

The war intensified that day, and the king was propped up in his chariot in the presence of Aram.  He died in the evening, the blood of the wound spilling into the bosom of the chariot.  

The call went out in the camp as the sun was setting, saying, "every man back to his city and his land!" 

Ahab, King of Israel and son of Omri, was married to Jezebel, daughter of the king of Sidon, an ancient Syrian coastal city, now in Lebanon, the capital of the Phoenicians who are termed Sidonians who had introduced Baal idol worship into Israel.  Jehoshaphat, king of Judah and son of Asa, had married his son, Jehoram to Athaliah, Ahab's daughter.  This is how he had strengthened the ties between Israel and Judah after their division in 933 BCE when King Solomon had died 58 years earlier.  

Jehoshaphat had also fought with Ahab's son, Jehoram against Mesha, the king of Moab.  Mesha started off as paying tribute to the House of Omri (Israel) and then exploited Israel's weakness after the the death of Ahab.  Jehoram, now king of Israel with Jehoshaphat of Judah and the king of Edom, invaded Moab and had a successful campaign until they went too far and besieged the capital, Kir-hareseh when  

 Mesha sacrificed his oldest son.  After that, the invading armies retreated.  Mesha exploited the opportunity to regain the land he had lost and even captured the territory of Reuben and part of Gad.  He wrote about his victories on the MOABITE STONE (Mesha Stele). That's how we know about these things besides reading about them in the bible.  

Resource: Tanakh, The Stone Edition page 2035
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia


  1. I'm enjoying your article! But I'm not sure what is meant by " fair, even though they never are" early in your article!

    1. Well, in trying to find one word,....warning the Palestinians first, pin pointing the target so as not to hit women, children, innocent people, putting our own people in harm's way rather than the innocent, etc.
