
Sunday, November 11, 2018


Nadene Goldfoot                                             
Nazareth, the Arab capital of Israel
24 miles east of Haifa,
An important city for Christians where they say Jesus lived with his parents.  
1990: population of 50,600 with 7,390 Muslims and others being Christians.
2017 population was 76,551: The inhabitants are predominantly Arab citizens of Israel, of whom 69% are Muslim and 30.9% Christian.

High-tech firms are increasingly opening offices and plants in Arab towns. In Nazareth, the largest Arab city in Israel’s Northern District, more than 950 high-tech employees — up from just 30 in 2008 — work in companies such as Amdocs, Microsoft, and Broadcom. Of these employees, 25% are Arab women.

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations (UN) passed a resolution on Palestine which the Arabs refused, so attacked Jews with violence which was the start of the WAR OF INDEPENDENCE for Israel. The war lasted until the signing of the Armistice Agreements in 1949.  

    " upon the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to return to the ways of peace and play their part in the development of the State, with full and equal citizenship and due representation in its bodies and institutions."
FULL CITIZENSHIP This was something never given to Jews living in Arab lands.  They were treated as 2nd class citizens:  Dhimmis.    It was something given to Jews in the United States.  They were able to enter the state and become a citizen after studying for their citizenship-depending on the year entered.  In early years, this was not even necessary. 
There are 1.7 million Israeli-Arabs living in Israel who make up about 20% of the population.
Many are descendants of the Palestinian Arabs who chose to remain in Israel in 1948 instead of leaving as their Arab leaders told them to do.

It must be remembered that in Israel's 1st 25 years, it has never known real peace.  From its first day, it was confronted by neighboring states which refuse to accept their very existence, and have forced it to fight wars in defense.  This situation continues.  
The total population of Israel is 8,500,411 as of today.  21% are Arabs.  81% of the Arabs are Muslims.  

Jerusalem has 801,000 population, the largest city.  It is the capital of Israel, and has been since King David who ruled from 1010-970 BCE.  
The 2 official languages in Israel are Hebrew, Arabic .  Signs are also in English.

Israel works to better integrate its minorities through programs similar to affirmative action in the USA. 

Israeli-Arabs were elected to the 1st Knesset in 1949 (Israel was created again on May 14, 1948)
and Arabs have continued to play an active role in political life.  They have won as many as 12 of the 120 Knesset seats in a single election. Palestinian Arabs sat in the state's first parliamentary assembly; as of 2011, 13 of the 120 members of the Israeli Parliament are Arab citizens, most representing Arab political parties, and one of Israel's Supreme Court judges is a Palestinian Arab. As of 2015, there are 17 Arab members of the  Knesset.  Today they hold 10 seats. 

Haifa University's student body was made up of 20% of Arabs in 2010. 
Their faculty was made up of 10% Israeli-Arabs.
There are municipalities that are all populated by an Arab community.  They receive government funding for education and infrastructure just like the Jewish municipalities.  It makes no difference.

In 2010 there were 5 official Arab political parties.  Here are 3 out of many:
Ra’am, a party founded in 1996 in support of a Palestinian state whose capital is in East Jerusalem, garners significant support from the Bedouin population.
Ta’al is a party founded by Ahmad Tibi, who had been a negotiator for Yasser Arafat before deciding to run for  in 1999. It is a strong supporter of negotiations with the Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syrians, and respecting rights of Israeli Arabs.

Balad is an Arab nationalist party that believes in the two-state solution and an entirely non-sectarian Israel. It was founded in 1995 by a group of Israeli-Arab intellectuals led by Azmi Bishara. Though the Central Elections Committee regularly attempts to disqualify it for claimed connections with terrorist groups, it ran in 1999 in conjunction with Ta’al. It has since ran alone.

Many Israeli Arabs hold high-level positions:
Miss Israel-an Arab lady in March 1999
21 year old Rana Raslan of Haifa-works for law firm
Won a car, modeling contract, and a chance for
Miss World 

   Salim Jurban, selected a permanent member of Israel's Supreme Court (2004)
   Nawaf Massalha, deputy Foreign Minister, 2010
   Ali Yahya, Walid Mansour and Mohammed Masarwa, who held ambassadorships, 2010
   Major General Hussain Fares, commander of Israel's border police, 2010
   Bedouin Ismail Khaldi appointed Israeli Consul to San Francisco in 2006
  Khaled Abu Toameh – journalist
  Amira al Hayb – first female Bedouin soldier in a combat position
  Raleb Majadelethe United Nations of Arab descent and of whom current israeli PM Benjamin  Netanyahu was an observer for at the UN, one of the first creators of the Balad party of the Knesset, and one of the first creators of the Israeli scouts.
A female Christian Arab IDF soldier
Jew,  Druze,  Christian and Muslim
All are members of IDF, defenders of Israel
"The sole legal distinction between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel is that the latter are not required to serve in the Israeli army. This was to spare Arab citizens the need to take up arms against their brethren. Nevertheless, many Arabs have volunteered for military duty and the Druze and Circassian communities are subject to the draft." This is because they have asked to serve.  
Arab and Jew talking over their problems

         Druze, Circassian Forum: Israel Should Remain a Jewish State

Druze and Circassian leaders reject 'multi-cultural' constitution proposed by Israeli Arab group Adalah.

"Although Israeli Arabs have occasionally been involved in terrorist activities, they have generally behaved as loyal citizens. During Israel’s wars, none engaged in acts of sabotage or disloyalty. In some instances, Arabs volunteered to take over civilian functions for reservists."
Columnist Dr. Talal Al-Shareef, Palestinian newspaper Al-Quds (name given to Jerusalem) May 27, 1999 wrote:  "Israel has proved that for 50 years its real power is in its democracy, guarding the rights of its citizens, applying laws equally to the rich and poor, the big and small...and in participation of the nation in the  development of institutions according to ability and efficiency and not according to closeness to the ruler." 
A Muslim Israeli

Center for Palestine Research and Studies:  Since polls were first taken in 1996, Palestinians have consistently rated Israel's democracy as the one they most admire in the world.  "Every year Israel has been the top performer, at times receiving 80% approval.  The American system has been the next best (67% in 1999) followed by the French."
Gazans are not part of Israel.  They are self governing.  Israel does not occupy Gaza.  They left that land in 2007 since Hamas took it over in their 1st election insisted on by the USA.  Being they are terrorists, they have not changed.  
They work on breaking down fence amidst the fires they caused
They are a self-governing territory.  Hamas terrorists took it over in 2007
from the PA.  Israel had completely disengaged, leaving in the name of peace. 
They have only been met with rockets, missiles and mortars and now kites on fire burning everything.  

"Arab citizens back Israel, slam Hamas over Gaza border protests

Today with Gazan disturbances by causing burning kites to destroy most of Israel's forests and fields, how has this affected Israeli Arabs?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Arabic social media outlets, usually brimming with comments criticizing Israel over their treatment of Palestinians, is flooded with remarks by citizens of Arab countries exhibiting aversion of Hamas over its 'exploitation' of Gaza and its residents in Friday's border riots."
Here the fire is burning 200 acres of farmland

Resource:ISRAEL 101 produced by StandWithUs 2010-a magazine production

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