
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Why Judea and Samaria Matter to Israel

Nadene Goldfoot 

How many countries in the world are there that have been broken up into such odd sections with an enemy country within a country?  That's the problem with the 2 State Solution.  The Jewish Homeland of Palestine, decided on at the end of WWI by the League of Nations and again by the UN, has been hacked away by the UN and Britain until Israel was left with only 20% of the original land and that has been divided into an Israel and a Palestine which are in odd pieces.   Palestine is made up of an enemy people, groomed for this since about 1918.  They attended the Khartoum Conference in Africa after 1967's Six Day War, coming out with determination of NO NO NO.  " No peace with Israel, 
no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel .  That's still where they are today with President Trump's team trying to settle for a 2 State Solution.  People have been trying since 1948.                                   
                                                    Area C (Hebrewשטח C‎) is Blue
                                                    East Jerusalem is Red.
Area C of the West Bank is an administrative division , set out in the Oslo II Accords. Area C constitutes about 61 percent of the West Bank territory. Jewish population in Area C is administered by Judea and Samaria Area administration, whereas Palestinian population is directly administered by Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories and indirectly by the Palestinian National Authority in Ramallah. The Palestinian Authority is responsible for medical and educational services to Palestinians in Area C, however infrastructure construction is done by Israel.  Area C, excluding East Jerusalem, is home to 385,900 Israeli Jews and approximately 300,000 Palestinians.
Israel disputes the position of the international community and the legal arguments that were used to declare the Jewish towns were illegal.Professor Kontorovich has presented the legal answer to this fact.  The international community has not been backing Israel in the UN as it is.  
Judea and Samaria are located on the West Bank of the Jordan River.  Samaria was the territory of  the ancient kingdom of Israel.   Samaria also refers to the entire northern region of the central highlands of Palestine.  Judea was the southern part of Israel which became the kingdom of Judah after King Solomon of Israel died in 920 BCE.  Samaria's capital was in Shomron (Sebastia).  Judah's capital continued to be Jerusalem. Samaria was founded c880 BCE by King Omri, king of Israel on a hill  bought from Shemer.(I Kings 16:24)  It was a city.   Jewish communities have always existed in these two places through all the centuries to this day.  "The largest and most historically important cities  to Jews are Hebron, Nablus, Jericho, and Bethlehem.

AreaSecurityCivil Admin% of WB
% of WB
Area A, 2.7%, full civil control of the Palestinian Authority, comprises Palestinian towns, and some rural areas away from Israeli settlements in the north (between JeninNablusTubas, and Tulkarm), the south (around Hebron), and one in the center south of Salfit.[58] Area B, 25.2%, adds other populated rural areas, many closer to the center of the West Bank. Area C contains all the Israeli settlements (excluding settlements in East Jerusalem), roads used to access the settlements, buffer zones (near settlements, roads, strategic areas, and Israel), and almost all of the Jordan Valley and the Judean Desert.

Areas A and B are themselves divided among 227 separate areas (199 of which are smaller than 2 square kilometers (1 sq mi)) that are separated from one another by Israeli-controlled Area C. [59] Areas A, B, and C cross the 11 governorates used as administrative divisions by the Palestinian National Authority, Israel, and the IDF and named after major cities. The mainly open areas of Area C, which contains all of the basic resources of arable and building land, water springs, quarries and sites of touristic value needed to develop a viable Palestinian state, were to be handed over to the Palestinians by 1999 under the Oslo Accords as part of a final status agreement. This agreement was never achieved. Wikipedia. 

  I would add that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and is united.  I don't believe it is up for negotiation as the legend suggests.
 The area provides Israel with more security against attack. The public calls Judea and Samaria THE WEST BANK, which Jordan called it.  The area went to Jordan in 1948 in the War of Independence, only to be returned to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War when the Arabs lost.

                                         Bethlehem is in the Judea Samaria area.           

The 1949 Israeli border had left 9 miles between the eastern border and the Mediterranean Sea, and it houses over 1/2 of Israel's population and industrial and economic infrastructure, energy and power installations.  I drive from my home to where my son lives which is about 15 miles.  Walkers can walk 9 miles in 2 hours 25 minutes. We took a bus from Safed in the Galilee to Jerusalem and had to go through Bethlehem.  It's right on the highway. Bethlehem used to be inhabited mainly by Christians.  Now most have been ousted and Muslims live here.
 Khaled Mashal is a Palestinian political leader and the leader of the Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas since the Israeli assassination of Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi in 2004. He stepped down as Hamas' politburo chief at the end of his term limit in 2017.

The Fatah-Hamas government-on and off all the time.
Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Hamas in center 
"(Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas) needs to choose between peace with Israel and an agreement with Hamas," Netanyahu said in a statement  by his media adviser. "... Whoever chooses Hamas does not  want peace."
The idea to formally annex Judea-Samaria and grant Israeli citizenship to its Arab inhabitants, who have had Jordanian citizenship, could potentially lead to an Arab majority in the Knesset in 2 decades.  Most Israeli political parties realize that eventual relinquishment of much of the area to a future Palestinian state would have been  a possibility, but Abbas has not been negotiating in good faith.  Now the probability looks hopeless for the best outcome, but Trump has just started in again with this goal in mind.  The West Bank has been in Arafat's hands, and now in Abbas's hands.  He in turn keeps negotiating with the Hamas terrorists of Gaza who rule there.  In 2006 there were a quarter of a million Jews living in Judea and Samaria excluding greater Jerusalem, constituting about 14% of Israel's total population. 

In February 2005, the Knesset approved a unilateral disengagement plan and began removing Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005.  Gaza was given up completely in the name of peace for the Arabs which was then immediately taken over by Hamas terrorists.  Israel has had no peace since then with Gazan Hamas terrorists constantly shelling Israel.
In May 2011, President Obama wanted Netanyahu to pull back to this pre-1967 Armistice line after being attacked so often and defending themselves.  Today it's a line that is indefensible. Bibi explained on TV to Obama why that was not a choice for Israel.
Israel 2018
 Palestinians claim two territories: the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The U.N. considers both regions occupied by Israel, although Palestinians do control some parts of both. Palestine is broken into Area A, which is fully governed by Palestinians; Area B, which has shared control; and Area C, which is under full Israeli control. In 2014, negotiations between Palestine and Israel failed and escalated into war between Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and Israel.
The Palestine population in Gaza and the West Bank is estimated at 5.05 million. Jerusalem is at the border touching Judea-Samaria and has been made into one city by Israel, which is its capital;  was in the past and still is today.
 1.7 million Palestinians are living in the Gaza Strip and 2.8 million in the West Bank. According to the UN, over 1.5 million Palestinian refugees live in camps in countries in the area, with about 4 million Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries but outside of refugee camps.  
There are 6 million Jews in Israel, the same number slaughtered in the Holocaust.  
Israelis were able to enter Jerusalem and go to the Western Wall after the
War of 1967, a place they had been blocked from since 1948.  Here
they are dancing the Hora in their happiness.  It was a time to celebrate.  
What people forget is that Israel inherited the West Bank after the 1967 attack from all the Arabs which was a defensive war.  It is under no obligation legally or morally to return this land because of gaining it fighting for their lives defensively.  Besides that, it was the original ancient Jewish land destined to get back into Israel's hands anyway, being earmarked as land to be part of the Jewish Homeland by the League of Nations and the UN.  It was Judea and Samaria.
When you're dealing with enemies in your back yard, you
have to insist on security zones.  Gaza's experience
has taught Israel what happens in giving up land to the wrong people. 
General Sharon was planning on giving up the West Bank to the Arabs for peace.  At that time, Israel thought it would be in their best interest to rid themselves of this OCCUPIED TERRITORY, as the world called it which it wasn't.  What changed everything?  The Arab elected Hamas, a gang of terrorists, for their government in Gaza.  Hamas's position is the destruction of Israel and they have not changed from that position since they formulated it in the Khartoum Conference held shortly after Israel was the war of 1967.  

Israel learned a hard lesson when the gave up the Gaza Strip to the Arabs in a unilateral withdrawal in 2005.  They had moved 9,000 Jews out of Gaza so that Palestinians could enter and live there.  It had been offered to the Arabs in 1947 by the UN but the Arabs had rejected the offer.  It then came under Egyptian control in 1948 and in the war of 1967, came under Israeli occupancy, along with the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.  The terrorists of Hamas had no desire for peace.  They use Gaza to fire Qassam rockets into Israel.  
Qassam rockets flying into Israel from Gaza
On May 23, 2006, Hamas rockets hit a school in Sderot, Israel, near the border of Gaza.  The classroom was empty at that moment, with the children in the room next door saying morning  prayers.  Other rockets rained down outside the town and 2 people were treated for shock.  Rocket fire became common since Israel withdrew from Gaza.  Out of 1,000 rockets fired at the Moshav in 2006, 5 hits  caused damage.  One girl who suffered a direct hit, had been killed.  Other hits damaged homes.  
              Sderot is on the border of Gaza' tip to the right of Netivot
Sderot always under attack
Israel under fire from Gaza who shot 200 rockets in a barge attack

Israel has built concrete walls to protect Moshav Natlv Haasarah from Qassam rockets.  When I lived in Safed, we were being shelled by Katusha rockets.  One fell behind an apartment building 2 weeks before I had moved to Safed.  
                                                           The arrogance of the Palestinians to place demands on Israel such as wanted the full right of return to Palestinian refugees from 1948 as well as full control of East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount belies their lack of eagerness to seek genuine peace.  Israel keeps making offers and they have continued to refuse, wanting more and more.  Israelis are aware and prepared to make painful concessions and 
always have, but the Palestinian Arab leadership has failed to be straightforward and honest with their constitutes. 

 Ehud Olmert b: September 30, 1945  is an Israeli politician and lawyer. He served as the 12th Prime Minister of Israel from 2006 to 2009 and before that as a cabinet minister from 1988 to 1992 and from 2003 to 2006. Between his first and second stints as a cabinet member, he served as mayor of Jerusalem from 1993 to 2003
Israel did not initiate these attacks.  Prime Minister Olmert had been negotiating with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.  They tried the US proposed "Road Map to Peace" which called for 2 states to live side by side.  Hamas was a terrorist entity, not a suitable partner in negotiations. 
Mahmoud Abbas, also known by the kunya Abu Mazen, is the President of the State of Palestine and Palestinian National Authority. He has been the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization since 11 November 2004, and Palestinian president since 15 January 2005.
 Abu Mazen (Abbas)  of Fatah had no control over events in the PA (Palestinian Authority) due to the fact that Hamas won the elections.  Despite this, Olmert agreed to meet with Mazen in the future.  Finally, the USA and Israel recognized that negotiations with Hamas were impossible.   President Bush of the USA suggested that unilateral moves were not the solution to the impasse.  
Hamas terrorists in fighting mode
The news today was that 3 Jews were killed in Judah;
one being a 13 year old girl who was shot.
In another attack the terrorist tied a 27 year old lady's hands and then shot her dead from point-blank range.

Yehezkel was killed earlier today, Oct. 7, 2018, in the terror attack at Barkan Industrial Park in the Samaria region of the West Bank by a Palestinian gunman.  The terrorist worked at the factory with Yehezkel and came in armed with a Carl Gustaf rifle, tied her up and then shot her.

Fatah, originally a terrorist organization run by Arafat,  had divided itself into Fatah and Hamas with Hamas being the active terrorists. Professor Kontorovich on Judea and Samaria
Resource: Obama and Netanyahu
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

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