
Friday, October 5, 2018

The People of the Book, Teachers of the Ten Commandments, Called Aggressors?

Nadene Goldfoot                                                 
1918:  Friends making peaceful plans: Chaim Weizmann and King Feisal
Before IDF was created, Haganah in 1946 defended Jews in Palestine.
These Jews were rescued by them.  
People have been calling Israelis aggressors.  Since its birth on May 14, 1948, Israel has had to be defensive in order to exist.  it is constantly being attacked.   Israelis haven't started any war against its neighbors or the Palestinian Arabs.  Israel does not want anyone else's land.  Israel has always wanted peace.

The Palestinian Arab and her surrounding neighbors have not accepted a Jewish presence in their Muslim neighborhood.  Their goal, stated in their political groups and at the Kartoum Conference in 1967, has been to drive the Jews out and take over the land.
Israel has had to defend themselves  against some major attacks:
1. War of Independence 1947-1949 when 7 Arab armies attacked Israel. "1948-1951: Israel’s population increases from about 650,000 to slightly over 1.3 million, the result of an influx of some 684,000 immigrants. About half of the new immigrants are Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe.  Others come from long-established Jewish communities in such Arab countries as Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Morocco. Israeli authorities take over vacant Palestinian villages, urban dwellings, and farmland to house and feed the immigrants. The absorption of Palestinian land property into the Israeli economy makes it next to impossible for Israel to consider the repatriation of the Palestinians."  Arabs had left and Jews had entered.  Empty homes were used by the new immigrants.  

Kadesh Operation in Sinai War 1956
1956 Suez War British Troops were in the Suez Canal here 
2. War of 1956.    
In 1956, three of the Twentieth Century's most dominant forces came together in a short, violent clash in the Egyptian regions known as the Suez Canal and the Sinai Peninsula.                                             


3  War of 1967 (Six Day War)
.  when Israel wound up with the Gaza Strip, the vast Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan Heights in their defensive moves fighting off attackers.  They also fought against the Jordanians who were attacking and thus wound up repossessing their own ancient lands of Judea and Samaria-called THE WEST BANK by Jordan.  East Jerusalem Arabs fought against the rest of Jerusalem citizens and that also returned to Israel's holdings.  This part of Jerusalem had been occupied by the Jordanians 19 years earlier when they invaded Israel in 1948.  This was the miracle:  Judah and Samaria were our original land, which was the southern part of ancient Israel.  By being attacked by the enemy who stole it from us in battle earlier, Israel got it back again fighting in a defensive battle for her life.
General Moshe Dayan on right in 1973 born on May 20, 1915
at Degania Alef Kibbutz in Palestine

Moshe Dayan was an Israeli military leader and politician. He was the second child born on the first kibbutz, but he moved with his family in 1921, and he grew up on a moshav. Wikipedia  "Dayan's activities in the 1948 War of Independence began when he commanded the defense of Jewish settlements in the Jordan Valley. He later commanded the battalion that attacked the city of Lydda and helped halt Egyptian forces on the southern front. In August 1948, he was appointed commander on the Jerusalem front. In 1949, he participated in armistice talks with Jordanian officials at Rhodes. Dayan's military prowess allowed him to rise to the rank of chief of operations at General Headquarters in 1952, and, in 1953, he was elected Chief of Staff of the armed forces."
4. War of 1973 (Yom Kippur War) when Egypt and Jordan, the 2 closest neighbors, begrudgingly accepted Israel's presence, much to the horror of their Arab brothers, and made peace.  It has been beneficial for all 3.  To make peace with Egypt, Israel returned all the Sinai to Egypt.  Israel has always been prepared to give autonomy to Arabs living in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank).  However, it is important to Israel to keep it for security reasons.
Trump and Kushner
      The problem now is that they are being ruled by Abbas who has not made any peace agreements with Israel.  Even today, President Trump of the USA has Jerad Kushner there trying to establish a peace agreement but Abbas still abides by the Kartoum Conference Arab rules of NO No No.
A new Jewish immigrant from Africa, now immersed in
Orthodox Judaism, takes time every day to pray, wearing phylactrics, which
is the custom.  On the back of his head he wears a head covering, the kippah.
He does not have his prayer shawl while on duty, called the Tallit.
That's okay.  On his head and on his arm are the tefillin. "Four passages in the Torah call upon the Israelites to keep God’s words in mind by “bind[ing] them as a sign upon [their] hands and making them t
otafot between [their] eyes.” Tefillin, as ordained by the rabbinic leaders of classical Judaism, are intended to fulfill that commandment."
Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world.  It is different from others.  It is the only democracy in the Middle East and is of a different religion from all the others;  similar though distinctly different.  Judaism is also the oldest religion of the 3 major ones of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
4 2015: Jews in France recently murdered in a grocery store while shopping
for Shabbat (Friday evening's dinner) 
No, Israelis are not by nature aggressive people.  By nature they are creative industrious people with their ancient ancestors being very religious.  They were taught that their role in life was to be priests, set apart from others, to bring the light to the world in  the form of the Torah.  This Torah teaches people to be civilized, respectful of each other, to abhor and condemn killing of each other, to consider each other's feelings and treat each other as they would want to be treated.
They love learning and books and writings of people.  They are peace-loving, so much so that they even have special feelings for animals.  They have given land away in a trade for peace.  That should tell the world that they are not another Hitler out for others' land.  They have not had their own land for over 2,000 years.
Husseini, Palestinian Arab Grand Mufti of Jerusalem  working with Hitler against the Jews, start of WWII set the example of unreasonable and unfounded hatred for Jews.
People have been aggressors to them, slaughtering 6 million in WWII's Holocaust, the last aggression the world has viewed along with them.  Jews are among the first to speak out against other aggressive moves by countries to want to do them harm.
European Jews about to be exterminated
by a Nazi government

Iran is one who hasn't learned the lessons from having a WWII that killed millions and millions.  This threat over the Middle East today has even caused Saudi Arabia to make friends with Israel in the line of, THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND.
King Salmon of Saudi Arabia since 2015 
  My prayer is that pretending to be friends in this dire time of need for all the Middle East will become a habit and we will have peace with all the Middle Easterners.  Maybe it might even turn Abbas of the Palestinian Arabs around, and Hamas in Gaza around and stop their constant attacks.

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