
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Anti-Semitism Hitching Rides on Political Parties

Nadene Goldfoot                                             
You only have to look at today's up-and coming political anti-Semites to see how this ugly condition is growing in our society lately.  It wasn't around from 1988 to 2001 when the Gallup Poll found that feelings about Israel between Republicans and Democrats were about the same..  

It was the USA's WAR ON TERROR that started the hate against Jews and Israel growing after finally being buried after the Holocaust, at least somewhat.  Surprisingly, the party that most all Jews belong to, the Democrats, has dropped its sympathy card for us by at least 50% when it comes to supporting Israel against its existential foe.  See if you can even find Israel in the map above.  It's also known as the Global War on Terrorism, and is an international military campaign that was launched by the United States government after the September 11 attacks against the United States.

The land was offered to the Jews after WWI by the League of Nations, and was to be the Jewish Homeland.  Things were getting bad for Jews all over the world because they were not Christians.  Jews had been suffering from pogroms when not really were allowed citizenship in countries they lived in except in the British Isles and the USA. After 2,000 years of waiting for a return to their roots, it was the most important event to happen for them in that span of time.   

We have about 14 million Jews living in the whole world.  That's 0.02% of the world population.  6 million live in Israel and 6 million live in the USA and 2 million live in other parts of the world.  Jews make up 2% of the US population.  


After WWI from 1914-1917 and WWII from 1941-1945, and after the Korean War 1950-1953- and the Vietnam War Nov 1, 1955 – Apr 30, 1975, Americans didn't want any more wars.  None of these wars were on our soil.  Then along came Bush and the Iraq War Mar 20, 2003 – Dec 18, 2011.  The Left complained since Bush was a Republican and Israel was thought to be a partner in this American militarism since Iraq had been one of the countries constantly attacking Israel in their wars.  The USA has been big brother to Israel ever since 1948.  The truth was that Israel's leaders were unnerved by the USA decision to invade Iraq.  All the Europeans were against Bush for this.  Conspiracy theories were born and flew all around the globe pointing the finger at the Jews.  It's always our fault, no matter what happens.


Much of the country had gone "nationalistic."  They blamed Jews for sending "REAL" AMERICANS to fight others' battles.  Of all the battles Israel has fought since 1948, no American and no European ever helped.  Even the UN backed out when they were stationed there to help.  The only way anyone has ever helped Israelis has been through arms for defense, but it's been the Israelis who did the fighting.  


We had some nasty anti-Semites raising their voices much earlier in American history.  Henry Ford, yes, the man who invented Fords that we love to drive, was an anti-Semite.  His admirers pointed to the foreign JEW as the rabble-rouser, even though we had Sephardi Jews living here when New York was still called New Amsterdam.  "The International Jew is a four-volume set of antisemitic booklets or pamphlets published and distributed in the early 1920s by Henry Ford, an American industrialist and automobile manufacturer.

Invented his Jewish conspiracy in 1927
Strangely, Ford came to believe in a Jewish world conspiracy. He blamed Jewish financiers for fomenting World War I so that they could profit from supplying both sides. He suspected Jewish automobile dealers of conspiring to undermine Ford Company sales policies. Ford vented his beliefs about Jewish power public in the pages of the De
arborn Independent. For a year, the editor resisted running Ford’s anti-Jewish articles and finally resigned rather than publish them. Cameron, Ford’s personal columnist, took over the editorship and, in May 1920, published the first of a series of articles titled “The International Jew: The World’s Problem.”

In spring 1920, Ford began using his personal newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, to chronicle what he considered the "Jewish menace". For 91 issues, the weekly paper announced a variety of Jewish-evil-influenced major stories in its headlines. The most popular and aggressive stories were then chosen to be reprinted into four volumes called The International Jew. Anti-Semitism was strong in the USA then.  

Even by 1932, 18 year old Corrine Cohen in Brooklyn
 couldn't get a job with the Telephone Company 
because she was Jewish.

Then we had former president Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) and his book Published in 2006 :  Palestine, Peace, not Apartheid. This accused Israel of being like South Africa, an apartheid state.  It is just the opposite.  

                           John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

came out in August 2007, with their book, THE ISRAEL LOBBY. 85% of the people who read this book liked it.  It bashed Israel.  "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy is a book by John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, published in late August 2007. With their credits, it was a New York Times Best Seller." AIPAC is our only American lobby, our only checks to balance hatred for Jews for Israel,  made up of Americans who bother to follow Israel's situation and explain matters to our leaders in Washington.  One ambassador from Israel isn't enough to explain our history to those uneducated in it.  

Patrick J. Buchanan, former presidential communications assistant, dropped a line about "the Israeli Defense Ministry and its amen corner in the USA which these writers had soaked that up and used it, blaming Israel for using Jewish money to control American politicians on behalf of Israel. "Buchanan’s recent charge on the McLaughlin Group television show that “There are only two groups that are beating the drums . . . for war in the Middle East—the Israeli Defense Ministry and its amen corner in the United States.” This, said A.M. Rosenthal, should be read: “The Jews are trying to drag us into war.”

 With these 2 men, it was Israel who had caused a crisis and that the situation had no equal in American political history, they said.  They had asked why the USA gave up our own security to advance the interests of Israel.  Nobody said a word about it in print at the time.  I can't say if they were anti-Semites, but they tried to crucify Israel with this book.  Actions do speak loudly.  Buchanan is  an American paleoconservative political commentator, author, syndicated columnist, politician, and broadcaster. Buchanan was a senior advisor to U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan, and was an original host on CNN's Crossfire.  Evidently he was too much of a bigshot to buck.  

There were few challenges.  Here's a comment after reading this book: "I think it is because, by law, the Jews can print up all the money they want, and it has to be accepted as legal tender by everyone else, including the US government ( this was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 ). The Jews control the media, and they do not make as much money as they could if they ran interesting stories like "The Israel Lobby" But this does not matter, since the Jews have nearly unlimited access to credit, from the banks, which are controlled by Jews." Such a lie is a horror when one realizes that there could be many people who think as this one does.

Obama was a president against the war in Iraq. He even made a speech about it while a Senator in 2002, garnering a reputation for himself in Illinois as being wise and prophetic. He attacked 2 Jews, Richard Perle (Richard Norman Perle is an American statesman who served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs under President Ronald Reagan.) and Paul Wolfowitz (Paul Dundes Wolfowitz is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, United States Ambassador to Indonesia, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, and former dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.) who were not the " drivers of the invasion as bloodthirsty warmongers.
Noam Chomsky, Jewish self-hater, bashes Israel, loves Palestinians.
In 1996 during the Clinton administration, Perle led a study group with David Wurmser that produced a report on balancing power in the Middle East, specifically in Israel's favor. The report, "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" made clear recommendations about steering Israel away from Socialist principles, making efforts to become more self-reliant, "nurturing alternatives to Arafat's exclusive grip on Palestinian society", and working more closely with countries such as Jordan and Turkey. It also stated the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq should be a key objective for the Israeli state, advocated armed incursions into Lebanon, and suggested Arab states should be challenged as undemocratic. Moreover, Perle personally delivered the report to the incoming Likud-led government in hopes of influencing the new Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

" Finally he blamed Karl Rove (Karl Christian Rove is an American Republican political consultant and policy advisor. He was Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff during the George W. Bush administration until his resignation on August 31, 2007.)who did it, he thought, to distance the country from a rise in the poverty rate."
border Israel refuses to return to
Obama wanted him to return to this line,
and Netanyahu had to explain why not  on live TV

Obama didn't trust Sheldon Adelson. He thought Sheldon was behind every step that Netanyahu made. In 2015 Obama was even eyeing the Democrats hesitant about his Iran deal as someone being bought off by Netanayahu or Adelson. Sheldon, a year older than myself and worth $33 billion,  is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Las Vegas Sands Corporation, which owns the Marina Bay in Singapore.  He also owns the Israeli daily newspaper Israel Hayom and the American daily newspaper Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Adelson spoke for most of us Jews when he said of his own family, " says that because of his upbringing in an immigrant family in an underprivileged neighborhood of Boston, "it went without saying that we were Democrats". He attributed his family's loyalty to their belief that the Democratic Party of the 1930s and 1940s shared their commitment to charity, self-reliance, and accountability, as well as support for Jewish causes."  I'll add that it was due to Franklin Delano Roosevelt that the Jews were thankful for their lives.   He added something which I agree with in that "In a 2012 Wall Street Journal op-ed titled "I Didn't Leave the Democrats. They Left me", Adelson specifies three reasons why he switched political parties to the Republicans. Obama's presidential term started in 2009 and went on to 2016.  

In 2016, Netanyahu was confronted with the Palestinians who demanded that NO JEWS remain in their Palestinian state.  Netanyahu, who is bi-lingual, speaking English and Hebrew and probably more,  called this by its rightful name, ethnic cleansing.  Israel hasn't done this to any people living in Israel, Palestinians or otherwise.  It's something of the shades of Nazism.  We can now add another NO to their NO NO NO from the Khartoum Conference in 1967:  no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it, and NO Jews in it!  It remains to be seen if this continues  for longer than the past 70 years of fighting with the Palestinians when Israel has had the Left and now the Right in power without any success. 

So much for a background on anti-Semitic/anti-Israel attitudes.  Today's Democrats are loaded with anti-Semitic leadership.  Socialism starting with Bernie Sanders is so unlike our old Democratic Party.  He is Jewish, lived on a Kibbutz in Israel for a short while in the 60s, must have had a bad experience, and has not backed Israel. It turns out to have been a Socialist Kibbutz, in '1963 working on Kibbutz Sha’ar Ha’amakim, near Haifa in northern Israel, as a guest of the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement. Born September 8, 1941, he's younger than me, and so different.  He wants so much paid for by the government.   I lived in Tzfat, also in the north and could drive to Haifa where I lived for 10 months first.  People who had been there at the time could not remember him.  Bernie evidently lived on the kibbutz for a number of months with his first wife.  He was one of about 100 volunteers there at the time; Americans and French Jews.  They had an orchard.  Founded in 1935 by Romanian and Yugoslavian Jewish immigrants, Shaar HaAmakim was part of Hashomer Hatzair, a socialist youth movement. The kibbutz was affiliated with Mapam, a political party to the left of Labor.  So Bernie is a proponent of Socialism but not evidently for himself.  

That leads into a much younger Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and born in the Bronx who copies Hamas comments, which is really scary.  Her father, an architect, was also born in the Bronx, while her mother was born in Puerto Rico.  She accuses Israelis of being butchers and occupiers of "Palestine."  Born October 13, 1989 , what could she ever know about Israel?  I lived in Israel from 1980 to the end of 1985, before she was ever born.  She just won the primary in June 2018.  Besides not knowing a thing about Israel, she has the appetite of Bernie wanting everything to be free, but no idea of how to pay for it all, as Jake Tapper found out in his interview.  "As Jake's interview made very, very clear, Ocasio-Cortez isn't there yet. "  Even Democratic Jews should expect more than someone who believes Hamas and is against Israel.  

Look who is giving her a heads up.  "Bernie Sanders congratulated her, saying, "She took on the entire local Democratic establishment in her district and won a very strong victory. She demonstrated once again what progressive grassroots politics can do." Noam Chomsky saw her victory as "a quite spectacular and significant event." He believes her win shows a split in the Democratic Party and he thinks that "she was right in saying that the policies she's outlined should have broad appeal to a very large segment of the population.

Masters of Deception by Zander C. Fuerza -, example of anti-Semitism

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