
Monday, September 3, 2018

England's Jews Looking Towards Israel for Sanctuary

Nadene Goldfoot                                           
Protesters hold placards as they demonstrate in Parliament Square against anti-Semitism on March 26, 2018 in London.
Act of anti-Semitism have been so bad that people are taking to the streets to demonstrate.  Jews are serious about leaving.  Right now Theresa May is the Prime Minister and evidently hasn't done much to stop the anti-Semitism. She 

vows to defeat Socialism, though.  

  A mural in east London pictures Jewish bankers playing Monopoly on the backs of the poor. They had to bend over so that their backs made a table.   "So when it appeared in the Twitter feed of a British lawmaker on facebook— along with a question about why the leader of her opposition Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, once opposed its removal — Luciana Berger wanted answers."  One answer was that he defended free speech.  I want answers, too.  Luciana is probably worried because he stands a chance of becoming Prime Minister of England by December, he says.  How anti-Semitic can they get!  
England's Labor Party Leader, Jeremy Bernard Corbyn b: 1949, is causing much grief for the Jews of England, so much so that 300,000 are contemplating an exodus to move to Israel.  He's been the leader of the opposition since 2015, and was 1st elected a member of Parliament (MP) in 1983.
He's a member of a group, PALESTINE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN, and considers Israel to be practicing apartheid against the Palestinians, a very English-South African attitude coming from little knowledge learned about Israel, in my view.  This group's activities are to campaign against conflict in Gaza.  Evidently that only means that Israel shouldn't fight back against and attacks that are always from Gaza, for it's they who either have flying kites with fire attack or the usual mortars, missiles and rockets that they shoot into Israel.
Boycotting is a big problem right now.  He said in 2016 that he wasn't in favor of academic or cutural boycotting of Israel or a blanket boycotting of Israeli goods, but what he is against are what he calls "illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank," so he's all for boycotting their existence.  To him, evidently all are illegal.  .

In 2009, he invited his "friends" from Hamas and Hezbollah to an event in Parliament.  He had the audacity to call Hamas "an organization dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people."  This is  the  last thing anyone should ever see from their takeover in Gaza which they did in their first-ever election, which may not have been as democratic as Democrats everywhere would have imagined it to be.  These are the henchmen of Fatah who broke away from Abbas because they thought he wasn't tough enough.  They're the ones shooting all the rockets, mortars and missiles, flying fire-kites over the fence into Israel's forests and fields of crops.
IDF soldier finds weapons in Mosque in Gaza
 They have caused huge attacks so great that Israel was compelled to enter Gaza, only to find Hamas had stashed their guns in such places as schools, hospitals, and such among the population.  Their lives are inconsequential to them; only to put Israel in a bad light is important.  So Corbyn had invited Hamas, his friends, to the Stop the War Coalition in 2009. Corbyn also stated that the British government's labelling of Hamas as a terrorist organization was a "big, big historical mistake."

Israel's Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert,  explained:  on December 27, “For seven years now, civilians have been attacked by missiles. Life in the South has become unbearable.” He said, “It could take time, and we require a great measure of patience in order to complete the mission.” He added, “The desire for calm was met with terror. No country would reconcile itself to such reality. In recent days it turned out that Hamas was interested in a confrontation. Under such circumstances, we had no choice but to respond.”

 Interesting.   London's American Embassy was the start of a march to Trafalgar Square on April 1, 2009 that included protesters from this Stop the War Coalition, and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, The British Muslim Initiative, and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.  The following day there were people protesting outside of ExCel Center, where the G-20 Summit was being held. A lot of good that had done.  Hamas went ahead attacking Israel. Israel had to go into Gaza with the Pillar of Defense Operation that lasted for one week from November 14th to November 21, 2012.  But of course the call of blame was aimed at Israel by Corbyn.  Palestinians fire rockets at Israel and he thinks that's nothing.

Operation Cast Lead, where Israel was forced to stop this Palestinian assault, was from December 27, 2008 to January 2009.  Israel’s stated goal was to stop indiscriminate Palestinian rocket fire into Israel and weapons smuggling into the Gaza Strip.  Corbyn let it be known that he thinks there is not going to be any peace process unless there are talks involving Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas, and he thought everyone knew that.  That's why he called them his "friends."  He said he was using it in a collective way in that they were prepared to talk.  He really didn't condone their actions.   Three years after this operation, things were so bad again that Israel made ready for another entrance into Gaza.  Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaal calls truces when he needs to rearm.

Then in 2010, he was sure that Ron Prosor, their Israeli Ambassador, had written the speeches of some British members of Parliament since they were pro-Israel.  He just has to hear such words as "security," about the flotilla of Turkish ships and arms, and he complained.  They countered his accusations and he didn't want to hear it.
The man is a democratic socialist.  He advocated not to cut finances from any expenditures planned already like public services and welfare and wants to nationalize public utilities and the railways.  This is what can happen under socialism.  His military ideas are of non-interventionism and unilateral nuclear disarmament.  If he believes in non-intervention; he is going against his principals then in siding with Palestinians as blindly as he is.  He's certainly doing an intervening job of it.
Rabbi "Sacks the BBC’s Andrew Marr, said he knows of Jewish families that are already planning to leave Great Britain because of their fear that the Labour leader—should he become prime minister—would unleash a new wave of anti-Semitism."  They've had enough of that.  Corbyn has stated publicly that he probably will be Prime Minster by the end of 2018.   
Vandalized in 2016 in a Jewish Cemetery was this headstone.
Anti-Semitic acts has reached the all-time high in 2018, mostly hate incidents.  Last year they counted 1,382 incidents.  Anyone wearing a kippa or near a synagogue is a target.  
Vandalizing a Jewish cemetery is an anti-Semitic act.  British Jews are at risk.  Hundreds of hate crimes have even been committed at or near schools and colleges for the last 2 years.  They are mostly linked to race and ethnicity, meaning it's a definite attack on Jews.  Usually it's by the Muslim male youth.  The Jews of England have good reason to consider leaving.  Anti-Semitism has been going on for too long and only gets worse with the near future looking bleaker than ever.  They know the results of what has happened to Jews of Germany and in Sweden's Malmo, for sure.  They're also considering leaving.

3 million plus of the England's population are Asians, mostly Muslims and 1 million happen to live in London.  There is a problem of segregation of races in England.  They admit that migration and immigration is a problem.  Since 1948 when Israel was created, there are Muslims, especially Palestinians, who have taken on an aggressive stance towards all Jews.  Their religious leadership have called for this.  Countries have abandoned the security for Jews in their plans, for obviously, this would become a problem.

Resource: teaching followers to become purified of the filth of the Toronto, Canada

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