
Friday, May 23, 2014

The 3rd Temple Plans of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem

Nadene Goldfoot                                                                  

When I met my 3rd cousin, Stanley Goldfoot, it was at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1980-81. Stanley was a well known figure, the Chief of Intelligence for the Stern Group.  His branch of the Goldfoots had gone from Lithuania to England, Ireland and South Africa and from there he made aliyah to Israel, where he died in 2006 in Jerusalem.  Ours had gone from Ireland to Idaho, USA.  Stanley was an editor and started the Times of Jerusalem.  He is well known for his "Letter to the World."   which tells of his his feelings about Jerusalem.
                                                      Solomon's Temple
He had gone from the Stern Group (don't call it a gang, he had told me) to interest in the 3rd Temple and belonged to that group then.  That's how I found him.  He was in a picture in a Jewish newspaper with others in 1980 who were members of the group, The Temple Institute. I felt like detective when I phoned him and heard his elegant English accent at the other end tell me that I was not to worry, he would know me at the hotel.  Of course he could.  We were the only chubby couple there.  Israelis are not chubby but lean.  It must have been all that shredded carrot salad they eat for breakfast along with their yogurt.

He showed me the plans for the 3rd Temple that he had rolled up in a scroll and I learned about it first hand from Stanley.  The institute works on education about the Temple from Solomon's first Temple to the times of today.  They are also into research and development and their ultimate goal is the rebuilding of the Holy Temple on mount Moriah in Jerusalem which follow our Biblical commandments.

The group has followed the directions of creating vessels according to the original directions.  Priestly garments are made to Biblical requirements for  use in the Temple.What better way to learn of our history that to see it in person!  It would be like a Disneyland of the Temple days and bring history to us.
                                          Helen and Stanley Goldfoot of Dor V'Dor, Jerusalem

This does not mean that they plan on taking down the present site of the first Temple which has a mosque built over it that Jordan has power over, but that the 3rd will be built in the general area.  Mount Moriah does have room for more than what now stands.

Everyone involved in the Temple Institute must be a kosher as the Temple they are reflecting.  Rabbi Yehuda Glick brings to mind many questions.  He is a former head of the Temple Institute. He has been arrested by the police many times now for selling some sort of contraband for the institute.  He may think he is helping out financially by selling bangled bracelets this time with the 1967 motto printed on them, "The Temple Mount is in our hands."  It's a motto said when Jerusalem was liberated in 1967.  Then Moshe Dayan let the Temple Mount be supervised by Jordan because of the mosque that has been built over the Temple.  What that motto is doing is just stirring up problems for the police to keep order. Rabbi Glick also works as a tour guide.  Too bad that there is such an age difference between him and Stanley, who was born in 1914.  Stanley would have vetoed selling bracelets with such a charged phrase on it that wouldn't reflect peace.  Remember, it wasn't King David that was allowed to build the Temple as he was a king that was a warrior, a leader in battles.  It was Solomon, who stood for peace, that was allowed to do so.  So it will be for the 3rd Temple as well, built in the name of peace.  Stanley was also a warrior, a leader of warriors who did the intelligence work, and these bracelets  just don't fit the bill.

Jerusalem is fully charged with vibes from at least 3 different religions; Jews, Christians and Muslims.  We do not need a war to start in the City of David, the City of Peace.  Our Orthodox  rabbis have already said that the Temple Mount is not a place for us to pray at anymore.  They are being wise in several ways.  The biggest problem right now is to keep Jews and Muslims separate on the Temple Mount in order to keep the peace.  The Muslims get hysterical if they see somebody swaying or their lips possibly muttering a prayer in Hebrew.  Our prayers will be gratefully accepted by G-d wherever we stand in Israel.  Say them in groups of 3 if you wish to feel they have more worth that way, or say them in a synagogue in groups of 10, but you don't have to defy the law and say them today on Mount Moriah.  Let the Temple Institute lead the way at least

While living in Israel, we were able to worship in a beautiful synagogue in Jerusalem, the Great Synagogue that even had chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.  The directions for that synagogue may not have been in the Torah, but it is indeed a beautiful place to spend a Saturday morning once in your lifetime if not more times.

"The Temple Institute interprets the opinion of the Rambam (Maimonides) as saying that Jews should attempt to build the Temple themselves, and have a mitzvah (obligation) to do so if they can. The Rambam's opinion, however, is a controversial one and has aroused substantial opposition.
The Temple Institute's view of the Rambam's opinion is not universally accepted by Maimonides scholars. According to seventeenth-century Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heller in his commentary on the tractate Yoma, the Rambam did not say that any Jew can build the future Temple, only the Messiah.  According to Maimonides, any Jew who starts rebuilding the Temple is a potential Messiah."  Well, Stanley, you were a potential Messiah.  They say in each generation there are potential Messiahs that are born.  Our Goldfoot line can trace a few of our chromosomes back to Rashi whose oral history was the connection to King David.  



  1. Re: Goldfoot as a potential Messiah?


  2. Well, John Miller, in reply to your ROFLOL response, which means Rolling on the floor and laughing out loud, Stanley, who was born May 2, 1914, passed away on November 24, 2006. For all I know, he could have been one of the Messiah's from each generation. What is your reason for ROFLOL? No doubt Stanley was doing more for Israel than many others have been. He was the Chief of Intelligence for the Stern Group back in the days before 1948. He fought to help Israel to be created.

    1. Well Nadene, I have read the Tanakh many, many times over the past 37 years and Mr. Goldfoot--as wonderful of a man as he was, and as much good as he did, which was much more than most do or have done--still does NOT come anywhere NEAR fitting the description of the Messiah. I'm sure you've read the Tanakh--or least I would expect and hope that you would have. I challenge you (the next time you read it--which I hope you will) to read it keeping in mind, the entire time you are reading it, what the description of what the Messiah is.

    2. Furthermore Nadene, where in the Tanakh can you possibly ever come up with even the faintest speculation that there is a Messiah in every generation? I have never read anything in the Tanakh that gives me the remotest idea that there could ever be such a thing.

  3. Did you read carefully? I think not. I said that "According to Maimonides, any Jew who starts rebuilding the Temple is a potential Messiah." Well, Stanley, you were a potential Messiah. They say in each generation there are potential Messiahs that are born.". Maimonides is not found in the Tanakh. He was born in 1135 and died in 1204. He reached Eretz Yisrael in 1165 and was also known as "Rambam. He was a philosopher, halakhist and mdedical writer, one of the most famous of our rabbis. The main idea of the article was also not Stanley but the 3rd Temple of which he was involved in the plans. Notice that the Arabs were all over reacting about the temple and were stabbing everyone because of it. Read my list of references at the end of the article to find where I found information.

  4. Well Nadene, you're wrong. I did read it carefully. If I want to learn about the building of the first Temple, I learn about it in the Tanakh. If I want to learn about the building of the second Temple, I learn about it in the Tanakh. If I want to learn about the building of the third Temple, I learn about it in the Tanakh. And if I want to learn about the Messiah, I learn about Him in the Tanakh--not from a rabbi, regardless of who the rabbi is. It is a travesty that you would put the words of a rabbi--any rabbi--above words of the holy Tanakh.

  5. And you, John Miller, can understand the Torah and the other writings and their meanings better than our famous rabbis such as Rashi, the Rambam, the Vilna Gaon and such? Our history of Judaism is such that rabbis got together and discussed the meanings found in our writings. A Yeshiva does this, and students know and debate and bring out the facts that this rabbi said this about something, and what another rabbi said,etc, and they come to conclusions this way. So you're all upset because it has been said that we have had potential Messiahs (Mashiakh) born in each generation? What is your concept of the Messiah? To us, it is a human being capable of leadership; the anointed one; the ultimate deliverer, used in the Bible/Torah/Tanakh as an adjective referring to kings, etc, who have been anointed, therefore having Divine sanction and a special status, and I mentioned in the article that Stanley had the DNA showing the connection back to RASHI (very famous rabbi) who was connected to King David-a prerequisite. Also-if Stanley was to be the Moshiakh, he would have been this entity; but of course he wasn't. John, we Jews respect rabbis who are well versed and are universally well thought of among other rabbis above our own thoughts about the Torah, for they know a great deal more than we do, and if we want to be on that that level that they are, we study more with highly respected rabbis to learn what they know. Even in places like Portland, there are study groups. Remember, to us the Moshiakh is a man-not G-d, and it is a nice thought to know that when the time comes for the Moshiakh to appear, we will have a man ready for the position. We have experienced many false moshiakhs in our time already. Even Bar Kokhba was thought to be the Moshiakh at first. We've learned to not jump to conclusions, and I never said that Stanley, my 3rd cousin, was the Moshiakh, only that he could have been of his generation. Now, the most recent information I have read is that the Moshiakh will have the DNA haplogroup of J2 and that this line goes back to Zadok,a Cohen. You can read about that in my latest article, "The Many Bottlenecks Jews have had..."

  6. First of all, the Tanakh clearly says that the Messiah will be from the line of David--the tribe of Judah.

    Second, did any of these rabbis you refer to have the Spirit of the living God come upon before they uttered their great prophetic revelations, such as did Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah or Malachi? As for me and my house, we will stick with the words of those who uttered them under the unction of the Spirit of God.

    By far the best understanding about the Messiah comes from Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah or Malachi--men who spoke under the unction of the Spirit of God.

  7. So you are not aware of these famous rabbis? Just what house do you belong to? Rashi, a very famous rabbi, was a descendant of King David, by the way. Oh, I already said that.

  8. You did not answer my question Nadene.

    Did any of these famous rabbis you refer to have the Spirit of the living God come upon before they uttered their great prophetic revelations, such as did Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah or Malachi?

  9. John, I'm not a Christian. That kind of language is found in the New Testament, not in the Torah or Tanakh. You just answered my question about what house you belong to. Judaism didn't die off with Jesus. It has continued and still is most relevant. Your idea of a Messiah and ours is quite different.
