
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jon Stuart on Egyptian TV with Satirist Bassem Youssef's Show

Nadene Goldfoot                                                                        

John Stuart, born as Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, American Jewish political satirist, born November 28, 1962 in New York City, has been in Cairo, Egypt for the past 2 weeks.  Jon was invited onto Egypt's TV show with Bassem Youssef, another satirist.  Jon  spoke some Arabic when he came out on stage like Shohran (thank you).  He seemed to be a big hit as you can check out if you go to the website listed below which includes a video of the program.

However, he said something that was taken fairly quietly on the program but wasn't evidently appreciated  by the Muslim religious censors when he said that,   “As you know my people like to wander the desert, that’s what I’m doing now…it’s been two weeks, I’ve got 38 years and 50 weeks left.”  Of course, this was in reference to Moses and the Israelite slaves wandering during the Exodus for 40 years.  The Muslims were hep to why Moses had to wander for so long, being Israel is right next door to Egypt.  It was because the spies that Moses sent out were not faithful enough to the move and 2 reported back that they thought it was going to be too hard for them to accomplish.  It's considered a sin, and that's the way the Koran takes it.  They were not happy with the comment which I'm still trying to figure out how it is an affront to them.   I kid all the time using this as the reason I have no sense of direction and am always getting lost.  I thought it was genetic!  

Jon has had some experiences that he talked about.  One was of an Iranian friend in the film making-business that he contacted not knowing he was in Iran at the time of their revolution in the 90's.  

Just for this visit, Jon grew a beard and mustache.  He was led onto the stage with a black covering over his head which was whipped off to show who he was; a star-Jon Stewart!  

It was amazing to me that people in Cairo knew and laughed with Jon Stewart.  It shouldn't have surpised me since I was told that NCIS was seen in Syria.  Our culture does get around.  Satire is good.  Jon said if a government is sound, satire is not going to hurt it.  It doesn't kill anyone.  It's just words; but boy, words are as powerful as guns, Jon, sometimes even stronger.  Nice to see the the in house-audience was very receptive and that Jon has been treated royally.  

Update: 6/30/13 Resource:

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