
Friday, June 14, 2024

Who's Counting Hostages ?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

Miss Noa  Argamani, a Chinese-born Israeli citizen, was kidnapped from the Nova festival and harrowing video footage from 7 October showed the 26-year-old being taken away on the back of a motorbike screaming, "Don't kill me!." Freed Israeli hostage Noa Argamani was held in child's bedroom in Gaza during eight (8) months in captivity.  

During its 7 October attacks in southern Israel Hamas killed about 1,200 people and took some 251 people.

Some 116 remain in the Palestinian territory, including 41 the army says are dead.

A deal agreed in November saw Hamas release 105 hostages in return for a week-long ceasefire and some 240 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.  I must add that Israel has about 9 million population, of which about 6 million are Jewish.  It was formed and planned to be a Jewish state, such as some 50 others are Muslim states.  "According to the Pew Research Center in 2010, there were 50 Muslim-majority countries. Around 62% of the world's Muslims live in the Asia-Pacific region (from Turkey to Indonesia), with over one billion adherents."

On Saturday, the Hamas-run health ministry said the death toll in Gaza is now 36,801 people.  They usually are found to lie and quote higher numbers than the truth.  Dead Palestinians make better copy to dirty Israel's reputation and get people to sympathize with the "Poor" Palestinians.  The UNDERDOG is the Palestinians,  crowds think.  

Noa and Palestinian kidnapper who might have been one of the daily workers in Noa's kibbutz.  Most all had been workers, familiar with the families and were paid by them.  To think that the Israelis had trusted them like family.  Oy very!  Yes, they were recognized by the living.  They were also those "innocent civilians who raped, plundered and kidnapped and set fires all over".  

Out of 251 kidnapped Israeli hostages, yesterday a top Hamas official, probably speaking from Qatar, said that out of the remaining  120 hostages in Gaza, had no idea how many remained alive. That shows their figures had lost 131 who were either rescued to had died or both. 

Israel believes and hopes that more than 70 of the 120 hostages are still alive.  The Hamas official claimed that he had no idea what the correct figure was.  The last 4 rescued came from homes of Palestinians.  The home-owner Palestinians were complicit in holding hostages, hardly could be considered as innocent civilians.  They helped Hamas big-time; probably for money, too.  

Back on June 3rd in Khan Younis, JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military on Monday confirmed the deaths of four more hostages held by Hamas — including three older men seen in a Hamas video begging for their release.  The three men, Amiram Cooper, Yoram Metzger and Haim Peri, were all age 80 or older. Looking weak and wary, they appeared in a video in December released by Hamas under the title, “Don’t let us grow old here.”The fourth hostage was identified as Nadav PopplewellIsrael’s military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said the four men died together in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis when Israel was operating there. The cause of death was not immediately known.   Israel carried out a major offensive in Khan Younis, a Hamas stronghold, early this year.

Each time they rescue a hostage, it gets harder and harder to do again.  Israel lost a soldier this time who was killed.  Freed 4; but lost 1.  =  3.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How Dumb The WEST Can Be By 2024?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

      Hamas Terrorists:  The preferred heroes of so many Western Countries Today, the preferred idols against the Jews of Israel. Yikes! What are these countries using as a measuring stick?   

I am appalled at the idiocy of our Western Cultured people by this time!  Half of the USA are for Trump of the Republicans  and half are for Biden of the Democrats.  Half of Israel want Netanyahu out and half want him to stay out his term.  We're all so divided!  We're TEAM oriented; not Human Being oriented.  One is for a team, not a person.  How can people view something as okay while others  see the harm in it so vividly and make these judgement calls so often meaning life or death for others?  We've had at least the last 7,000 years hanging on the tree of life to ripen and grow.  We're not getting any smarter, except for a few of us like Einstein who were born that way.  

Homo Sapiens (humans) have been around for a long long time (between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago. The first modern humans began moving outside of Africa starting about 70,000-100,000 years ago.    What's wrong with us?  What got in the way?                                   

I can just imagine the first people eating grapes and marveling at the new feeling they had from eating the older ones which gave them a high.  This was the start or creating wine, which is known to be Carbon dating confirming the wine was from sometime between 5400-5000 B.C.E, or about 7,400 years ago.   Although wine dating any earlier than this has yet to be found, it is thought the art of wine making started shortly after 6000 B.C.E. when humans created the first permanent settlements via the domestication of animals and plants.  Wine has been used as good and bad purposes, depending on the people.                                  

Along came Moses, a descendent of Abraham, that lived about 5,000 years ago,  who gave us steps to follow to have a good life called the 10 Commandments and only the people who benefitted from them are trying to follow them to this date. Of Course, Moses actually gave his people 613  steps called laws, and most people moaned and groaned that the first 10 was too much, and went their merry ways.

The Greeks came along with   Plato b: 428 -427 BCE), from late antiquity through the Enlightenment,  worrying about the same problem as Moses did.  He was also appalled at the idiocy of his people.  He could have taken his teachings from Jewish sources, which is what the Greeks thought, or was a disciple of Moses, and was considered a Greek philosopher.  

Aristotle's (b:  384-322 BCE) surviving writings were incredibly influential. In Arabic philosophy, he was known simply as “The First Teacher.” In the West, he was “The Philosopher”  was said to have met a Jew in Asia Minor that was profitable.  Jewish philosophers of his were Abraham Ibn Daud, Maimonides, Levi Ben Gershon, Hillel ben Samuel (Hillel ben Samuel (c. 1220 – Forlì, c. 1295) was an Italian physician, philosopher, and Talmudist. He was the grandson of the Talmudic scholar Eliezer ben Samuel of Verona.), etc. They in turn introduced the concept of science into their teachings showing NATURE as the as he essence of organic growth.  Aristotle's concept of G-d  as the pure act of self-thinking was generally adopted.  This is where he lost a lot of Jewish followers, which was followed up with the concept of KABALLAH.  By the 16th century CE, they had lost all Jewish followers which left others.  

All the Greek philosophers wanted to have students and improve their thinking abilities.  I see that today, people are not using any method at all in too many cases, like LOGIC.                                             

                        Hitler viewing his army;  like robots

The Western world has suffered from the many wars they have created in greed; the powerful needing more land to satisfy their desires.  Moses covered this long ago with:   "The tenth commandment of the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:17, covers greed, or coveting, by stating, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's".

                             Charles Manson-

Killing each other has become commonly known as murder.  In 2022, the United States reported 21,156 cases of murder or non-negligent manslaughter, which is a decrease from 2021. This number has also decreased from 1991, when there were 24,700 reported cases. However, the number of homicides in the United States has fluctuated in recent years, and tended to increase from 2003 to 2022The sixth commandment forbids direct and intentional killing as gravely sinful. The murderer and those who cooperate voluntarily in murder commit a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance.

I became a mother in 1953 which was followed up with the rise in DRUGS giving people the high they sought.  Evidently wine was passe.                                       

Ancient Egyptians had used  Lotus flowers. ( Though the plant contains a quinolizidine alkaloid, nupharin, and related chemicals, either described according to sources as poisonousintoxicating or without effects, it seems to have been consumed since antiquity. The effects of the alkaloids could be those of a psychedelic aphrodisiac, though these effects are more those encountered in Nymphaea caerulea, the blue Egyptian water lily.

Beer was invented in Egypt as well.  Indeed, the earliest information available from the Near East and the Middle East indicates that humans knew how to make bread and beer by 6000 bce. Classical Greek writers credited the Egyptians with having invented beer (an assertion with which modern Assyriologists would contend, and justly so),  Evidence for the production and use of beer in Egypt extending back to the Predynastic era (5500–3100 bce) has long been known.  That means about 7,000 years ago, beer was invented in Egypt.  Look at how Europe went for it.  They couldn't drink their own water.                                

 Native Americans had used special pipe smoking, like the peace pipe.  Europeans had developed strong spirits like, whiskey, scotch, rum, etc.  Food was never enough.  Water had even become known to be dangerous to drink.   Creator: IURII KRASILNIKOV edit: Getty Images/iStockphoto Want to know where this information comes from? Learn moreImages may be subject to copyright. Learn More below            

Now Middle Easterners have the water pipe to get high with.  

So here we are in the year 5,784 by the Jewish Calendar, and the end of days;  of the world or time is or is about to happen, depending on who you talk to.  Some Jews, Christians and Muslims believe this is so.  Others do not.  And I thought that we had at least till the year 6,000.  

The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,of%20victims%20were%20African%20American.,domestication%20of%20animals%20and%20plants.,)%2C%20with%20Strabo%20(c.

Monday, June 10, 2024

When You Vote For Terrorists to Lead You

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

                  The latest 4 hostages freed by IDF who lost the life of one of their soldiers in the act.                                                                    
                      Obama said to Egyptians:  " The Egyptian people have made it clear that there is no going back to the way things were: Egypt has changed, and its future is in the hands of the people. "Obama brought in voting for a people who never had it before in Egypt.  Hamas now had free reign in Palestine.  

When Palestinians voted in Hamas, as terrorist group as their President and leadership, they knew they were asking for trouble, and didn't care.  The reason for that was they had been brainwashed since birth to hate Jews and kill them on site.

What a civilization the Jewish people had selected to return to as commanded in the Torah by God through Moses.  However, it wasn't much worse than what they were finally leaving at the time, countries imbued with anti-Semitism as it was;  pogroms, burnings, you name it.  Strangely, the only place safer than Europe was the Middle East with Turkey as the head of the Ottoman Empire.  They erred in siding with Europe's Allies during WWI and lost their holdings, all except Turkey, that is.  Not that they or other Middle Eastern country had been perfect, but they only kept Jews as 2nd class citizens and some fared better than others.

So now, after giving the land of Gaza without any financing or voting, they've managed to use is as a shooting stand towards Israel.  That was land Israel gave to them in the name of PEACE.

There hasn't been a day without them shooting something; rockets, mortars, missiles, and lately ---drones, flying kites on fire, etc, and popping up from tunnels they have dug so as to kidnap our people, and who has raised their eyebrows in alarm or in shock?  No one but the Israelis, of course.  They celebrate with every Jewish death by passing out candy.  (Israelis remember when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and the Egyptian soldiers were swallowed up and drowned in it who were chasing them, how G-d said not to cheer as they were children of Ha Shem (G-d) as well) .  Israelis don't cheer or celebrate when hearing of these deaths of Palestinians, especially the women and children.  They most likely cry.  

Now, after Hamas has executed the most vile of all acts against a people who thought their up to date warning alarms would work, for the first time were brutally attacked with more than 200 happy  young souls murdered on site who were dancing during a music festival, the Palestinians think they are not complicit.  

"My cousins did nothing!  They are innocent!"   I heard one say, on the news.

"On 7 October 2023, the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas initiated a surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. As part of the attack, 364 civilians were killed and many more wounded by Hamas at the Supernova Sukkot Gathering, an open-air music festival during the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret near kibbutz Re'im This mass killing had the largest number of casualties out of a number of massacres targeting Israeli civilians in villages adjacent to the Gaza Strip, that occurred as part of the 7 October attack, alongside those at the moshavim of Netiv HaAsaraBe'eriKfar AzaNir Oz and Holit."

Oriya Brodetz jumps onto his father, Avihai Brodetz, shortly after they were reunited in Israel. Oriya, siblings Yuval and Ofri, and their mother, Hagar, had been held hostage by Hamas. (Schneider Children's Medical Center/Reuters)

It took weeks of secret work to find any hostages held by Hamas, when 4 were just found by brave Israeli IDF during daylight and rescued after 246 days of being held.  "Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv, were rescued by the Israeli military, intelligence and special forces from two separate locations in Nuseirat, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday. All four were kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7."

We are just learning what life was like for them;  unbelievable !!!  Rape, brain washing that Israel would never rescue them, treated as slaves; which could be as 3 were in one building and the 4th in another in personal apartments.  They were the lucky ones found alive among  "the Israeli government estimates that 253 hostages were taken in the cross-border Oct. 7 Hamas attack that killed 1,200 people in Israel, although numbers have shifted over the course of the war. According to the latest figures as of 6/8/24 , 75 hostages are believed to still be alive and in captivity in the Gaza Strip, but Israel has not given the full basis for its estimates."

Since the attack, 116 hostages held in Gaza have been freed is one number.  Israel's reason for fighting has been in rescuing the hostages.  This is no secret.  Hamas knows Israel will do anything to get their people back and alive.  Life is what Israelis are all about.  That's why all schools have bomb shelters; and so do all apartment houses and homes have at least a safe room which didn't turn out to be safe on October 7th, unfortunately.  Those in charge in the government have already resigned. 

Screenshot/Piers Morgan Uncensored (see picture below)

TV host Bassem Youssef (right) calls out asymmetry in media coverage during an interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored, holding a piece of paper showing the death tolls in Israel (left) and Palestine (right) over the last 15 years. 

TV hosts are moaning and groaning over the loss of life of the Palestinians, but it is their own people who are to blame.  They have been aiding and abetting the terrorists in every which way to fight and kill Jews.  This is war.  Hamas started it.  The only Hamas sympathizers  that are victims are babes in arms. Israel always tries to protect civilians, but it is hard to do when they are set up to protect the terrorists. 

On the other hand, Hamas puts their people in danger;  hiding weapons in schools, mosques, children's beds, etc, and do not mind losing lives.  Then they can put the blame on the Jews.  One can see the difference in cultures;  as different as night and day.  If ever two people should stay apart and not become neighbor states, it is the Palestinians and the Israelis.

6/11/24:  JLMinute-excellent explanation on TV of how "civilians" are complicit with Hamas;  they are Hamas.  

Sunday, June 9, 2024

When Friends inadvertently Or Knowingly Profit Financially From Your Deaths

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

Egypt is such a friend who has inadvertently and even at times with certain people, profited from the deaths of Israelis.  They had a population of 111 million people in 2022.  Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.  The 69 year old has been president of Egypt since 2014; for the past 10 years.  

Take the Rafah Crossing.  Four months ago, The Guardian Org. wrote about what it took for a Palestinian to use this crossing.  The Rafah Border Crossing is the sole crossing point between Egypt and Palestine's Gaza Strip. It is located on the Egypt–Palestine border.

On 7 September 2005, Israel withdrew from Gaza and closed the Rafah crossing. The Philadelphi Accord between Israel and Egypt, based on the principles of the 1979 peace treaty, turned over border control to Egypt, while the supply of arms to the Palestinian Authority (the PA) was subject to Israeli consent. The agreement specified that 750 Egyptian border guards would be deployed along the length of the border, and both Egypt and Israel pledged to work together to stem terrorism, arms smuggling, and other illegal cross-border activities.

Perhaps Israel has been very busy lately fighting off Hamas and now  they have allowed terrorists, arms smuggling, and  other  illegal activities to take place.  

"Palestinians desperate to flee Gaza pay thousands in bribes to ‘brokers.’Fixers with alleged links to Egyptian intelligence are making a fortune in ‘fees’ from people hoping to exit through the Rafah crossing".

Israel is aware that this has been going on.  "Talks between Israel, Egypt and the United States aimed at reopening the Rafah Border Crossing  between Gaza and Egypt remain at an impasse over Israel’s refusal to accept any involvement from the Palestinian Authority in the management of the border terminal, according to a US and an Israeli official".

Israel, Egypt and the US held a high-level meeting on Sunday to discuss the issue, which the State Department claimed had been constructive, but the two officials speaking to The Times of Israel on Friday said Israel and Egypt remain at odds.

Why it matters:

 Reopening the crossing on the border of Egypt and Gaza, preventing Hamas from smuggling weapons into the Strip from Egypt and maintaining a tenuous peace between Israel and Egypt are top priorities for the Biden administration.  This is the major reason for Israel as well.  

They don't trust the PA, either who might smuggle weapons for Hamas.  "During a meeting of Israel's security cabinet ahead of the talks in Egypt, Netanyahu said he doesn't agree to any role for the Palestinian Authority at the Rafah crossing, according to two sources with knowledge of the meeting".

During a meeting of Israel's security cabinet ahead of the talks in Egypt, Netanyahu said he doesn't agree to any role for the Palestinian Authority at the Rafah crossing, according to two sources with knowledge of the meeting.

Rocket launchers found by the IDF on the Gaza-Egypt border, in a handout photo published May 31, 2024. (Israel Defense Forces)

The Gaza Strip has been home to smugglers from time immemorial, but Israel's 2005 unilateral disengagement and withdrawal created a new dynamic. In the aftermath of the replacement of Israeli soldiers along the Egyptian border by Palestinian Authority security forces, smuggling increased slightly. Following the collapse of the Palestinian unity government and the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, however, arms smuggling spiked dramatically -- whereas prior to Israel's disengagement approximately one ton of weapons was smuggled in each year, under Hamas's rule the figure has been closer to one hundred tons per year.,on%20the%20Egypt%E2%80%93Palestine%20border.

Qatar: Financier and Home To Terrorists And Al Jazeera

 Nadene Goldfoot                               

     Doha: West Bay on the Corniche in Doha Qatar--Doha is the capital city and main financial hub of Qatar. Located on the Persian Gulf coast in the east of the country, north of Al Wakrah and south of Al Doha.  Qatar is a negotiator for Palestinian Hamas terrorists.  

Al Jazeera comes from Qatar.  Al Jazeera English is a 24-hour English-language news channel operating under Al Jazeera Media Network, which is partially funded by the government of Qatar. In a bid to broaden its reach, Al Jazeera introduced an English-language division in 2006.

Qatar is a peninsular Arab country whose terrain comprises arid desert and a long Persian (Arab) Gulf shoreline of beaches and dunes. Also on the coast is the capital, Doha, known for its futuristic skyscrapers and other ultramodern architecture inspired by ancient Islamic design, such as the limestone Museum of Islamic Art. 

 It was also 2nd home for Qaradowi, religious hater of Israel who died    September 26, 2022 in Doha at age 96.   For years he taught Arabs to hate Jews. 

Al Jazeera is the publication from Qatar. They wrote:

"On June 8, the Israeli military slaughtered at least 274 Palestinians and wounded nearly 700 more in a raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip."  

The Arab publishers are pushing this lie;  this twisted way of thinking, into many minds of late.

One must realize that our IDF had a unit to find their people who were hostages of Hamas terrorists. held in the tunnels.  They went in to rescue them.  Terrorists shot at the unit.  IDF shot back.  The result is reported by terrorists' numbers, no doubt doubled out of realistic numbers as usual.  The unit was able to find 4 of their 120 held hostages and get them out and home again; one woman and 3 men.  

This is a sample of how truth by Al Jazeera is twisted to favor the Palestinians who started the war. Remember how the kibbutzniks were enjoying a music festival; an activity already happening in parts of Europe that that they were sold on, enjoying it on the last day of an important Jewish holiday, and how the Palestinians attacked them in the most savage and horrendous ways known to man.

I24 TV news